Review: Is It The Best Chatbot Software?

Are you considering using Landbot as your chatbot software for your business?

But you're not so sure if Landbot is the right fit for you or not?

If so, then you definitely need to read this post.

In this article, l will reveal everything you need to know about

I will analyse all the main features, pricing, integrations, etc.

Not only that, but l will also analyse the pros and cons of this software so that you can make a more informed decision on whether to purchase this software or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about Landbot.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes.

What Is

Landbot Logo

In simple terms, is a conversational app (chatbot) that was designed to facilitate communication between businesses and customers.

There is no doubt that chatbots are slowly replacing human labour since chatbots are able to perform more tasks than humans. (efficiency)

With Landbot, you can automate the communication process with your customers through utilising the artificial intelligence that comes with this software.

Landbot can be used to provide live chat customer services through utilising some pre-recorded responses.

Alternatively, Landbot can also be used to close sales through installing this app on your website, sales page, or even messenger apps like Facebook and WhatsApp.

Thus, is kinda a big deal when it comes to online marketing since it helps to automate the whole marketing process without having to manually communicate with clients.

In the next section, lm going to give a quick explanation of how this software works as well as how you can get started with Landbot since most people are curious to know about this topic.

Stay tuned!

How To Use Landbot?

Ideally, you have to signup for the software in order to get started.

Once you're logged in, you will get access to the dashboard that comprise of all the basic functions of this software.

In order to get started, simply choose the template that you wish to use to create your own chatbot.

The beauty part about Landbot is that it comes with a ton of premade templates that are proven to convert e.g. Product launch templates, Lead generation templates, Loan application templates, etc.

Once you choose your preferred template, you can easily customise that template based on your needs.

Also, you can create your own chat flows based on what you want to communicate with your customers.

All you have to do is to create some messages that will be used to respond to customers and you can interlink these messages so as to lead your clients to where you want them to be.

For example, when you're creating a chat flow for closing a high ticket sale, all your questions should be designed in such a way that leads your visitors to actually turn into paying customers.

Or in some cases, the chat should lead your visitors into booking a call with you so that you can close on those visitors via a one on one call.

You can do a lot with this app since it is not only limited to marketing functions.

Landbot Features comes with a ton of great features that are all designed to improve the user experience.

But for the sake of this article, l have selected a few major ones that are key when using the app.

These includes:

1. Dashboard comes with a clean interface that is easy to navigate.

This is great for beginners who have less tech skills since Landbot tries by all means to remove some complex staff in their app.

Thus, you don't have to be a tech savvy in order to use this software.

You can monitor ‘everything' from the dashboard from an ‘eagle-eye' point of view since the dashboard gives you an overall outlook of all your activities.

2. Premade Templates

The main reason why l like Landbot is that it comes with a ton of great templates, that are easy to customise.

This allows you to get up running in no time since these templates are 75% done for you.

All you need to do is to make some few twerks to the templates and you'll be ready to go.

You can choose a template based on your marketing objectives e.g. Product launch, Lead generation template, Loan application template, etc since all the templates are designed to cater for different needs.

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own designs from scratch if you have some chatbot design skills.

But l always recommend beginners to play around the premade templates since this saves you time and energy that might be required in learning ‘how to create chatbots from scratch'.

3. A/B Split Testing

If you're an online marketer, then you're familiar with the concept of split testing.

Landbot allows you to split test different chatbots, to see which one yields better results for your business.

The main reason why split testing is crucial is that we tend to misjudge the things that we design ourselves.

However, our best choices may not be the best for other people whom we interact with, thus there is need to test different options to see which one is better.

This allows you to choose the ‘best’ chatbot for your business that yields better conversions hence leading to more sales.

4. Channels

Basically, this feature represents the platform that you wish to use your chatbot on e.g. Messenger, WhatsApp, Website, etc.

The main reason why Landbot included this feature is that different chatbots are designed to suit different platforms thus it is key to choose the ‘right’ chatbot for each platform.

5. Chats

Ideally, this gives you a quick overview of all the chats that are going-on on your website, landing pages or messenger.

The beauty part about Landbot is that it shows you some live chats that are currently taking place at real-time through the use of a green indication icon.

This allows you to jump into some chats and add some additional value if you feel like there's need for additional or in-depth information.

Also, you can analyse some previous chats that took place on your website so that you can study how visitors are interacting with your chatbot thereby taking corrective measures when there is need for improvements or adjustments.

6. Reports & Analytics

Statistical data is useful in every business since it helps to monitor the performance of our business efforts. give you the statistical figures based around your visitor’s engagement, response rates, etc.

Alternatively, you can choose to view this data in the form of graphs since graphs are ‘easier' to understand than numerical complex figures.

This helps to take corrective action when there is a gap in your marketing campaigns since metric data is crucial in making informed decisions.

7. Landbot Academy

If you want to improve your skills regarding the use of chatbots, then this Academy is for you.

Landbot created a free course for its users so that they can learn more about how to create highly converting chatbots that helps to increase revenues for their business.

The course has some detailed video modules that are all aimed at educating online marketers who wish to increase their conversions through the use of chatbots.

Thus, you will get access to this course as soon as you signup for Landbot software.

8. Landbot Integrations

Just like any other big company, Landbot integrates with a lot of apps and softwares.

Some of them includes:

• Mailchimp

• Zapier

• Google Sheets

• Zendesk

• Sales Force

But my favourite integration combination is Slack – Landbot.

If you integrate Landbot with Slack, you will get a notification each time a visitor requests to talk to a real person rather than a chatbot.

This is so because some people feels uncomfortable when chatting with a chatbot due to certain beliefs thus they might request to communicate with a real person instead.

Thus, you will get notified by Slack if someone requests to communicate with you rather than your chatbot thus allowing you to respond to that person in real-time.

Landbot Pricing

Landbot Pricing comes with 4 plans i.e.

Sandbox – Free

Starter - €30/month

Professional - €100/month

Business – Custom Pricing

NB: You can get a 30% OFF if you buy the yearly plan

The Free Plan is great for beginners who are just looking to dip their toes in the water since it allows you to get started with the basic features of this app.

Thus, you can take advantage of this Free Plan and start exploring some of the basic functions of Landbot.

Keep in mind that the Free Plan comes with very limited features thus you might need to upgrade to paid plans if you wish to explore Landbot to its full potential.

The Starter Plan costs €30/month, and it is ideal for small businesses who have fewer chat requirements.

However, you might need to upgrade to higher plans like the Professional or Business Plan if your business continues to grow.

The reason being that lower plans comes with very limited features than higher plans hence the more the needs, the higher the price.

Also, it is important to note that these prices varies from one region to another thus you might be shocked to see a different price from the ones indicated in this article.

Another thing to note is that Landbot charges its services in Euros as opposed to most softwares which charges in USD.

Thus, you might need to consult the support team if you wish to pay in USD.

Landbot WhatsApp allows you to create messenger bots for your business WhatsApp, so as to communicate with your clients on this platform without too much hassle.

In some nations, WhatsApp is used by most people as compared to other social platforms since WhatsApp tend to be very affordable in some regions.

For this reason, most of your customers might opt to communicate with you via WhatsApp in order to inquire about business related issues.

You can utilise an app like Landbot in order to automate the whole communication process since it might be difficult to manually respond to each and every message due to capacity limitations.

Thus, you can create some simple chatbots for WhatsApp using Landbot so as to improve the level of communication with your customers on this platform.

Landbot Languages

Landbot mainly uses English language since this is the most commonly used language on an International basis.

However, other people argues that there should be more languages inside this software so as to accommodate non-English speaking nations.

I believe that more languages will be added in the future so as to cater for those type of people since Landbot tries by all means to improve their app for the best.

Landbot Customer Support

Landbot offers support via live chat, call, and email support.

If you experience any challenge, you can simply reach out to the support team at any time since the customer team is always there to assist you.

Since Landbot is a SAAS company, they try by all means to make their customers happy all the time so as to maximise the customer lifetime value.

Landbot Alternatives

• Drift Chatbot

• HubSpot Chatbot

• Intercom Chatbot

Is Landbot io Safe?

Landbot is 100% safe and it is used by some of the big companies like Uber and LG.

Landbot is a legit company that provides chatbot services to businesses in a genuine way.

As we all know, chatbots are the future of online marketing since most companies are turning their heads towards chatbots in order to automate their marketing efforts.

And is one of the few companies that is facilitating this movement through providing some tools which are all designed to help in creating chatbots.

Landbot Pros

• Beginner friendly

• Helps to automate your marketing efforts

• Cheaper than other alternatives

• Integrates with a lot of apps e.g. Mailchimp, Zapier, Slack

• Comes with a ton of premade templates

• Provides in-depth analytic data

• Allows you to split test your chatbots

Landbot Cons

• More advanced features comes at a premium

• Generally, chatbots may scare away some clients since some people do not feel comfortable when chatting with an artificial intelligence app.

Final Verdict

To sum up, l think that Landbot is a great software when it comes to chatbot apps.

The reason being that Landbot is feature-rich and cost effective in nature since the company offers a ton of valuable functions at a very low price.

If you compare Landbot to other apps like HubSpot, you will realize that Landbot is far much cheaper than its competitors yet it provides more features for its users.

Another thing to note is that Landbot is very beginner friendly in nature since the app does not require any technical skills like CSS, Java, HTML, etc.

Thus, l would highly recommend anyone looking for a chatbot app to try this software since it is a ‘big deal’.

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