A No Bullsh*t Guide To Making Money On The Internet!

Guide To Making Money On The Internet

Do you want to earn a full time income online?

But you don't know where to start?

If so, then this guide is for you!

In this post, l will quickly share with you a 5 step process that you can follow in order to get started with making money online.

It includes the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps.

1. Start With An End Goal In Mind

Before starting anything, it's important to start with a clear end goal in mind i.e.

Do you want to travel the world while running your businesses?

Do you want to live by the beach while working 4 hours per week?

Or maybe you just want to settle in your current area while doing your grind?

It's very important to visualise your ideal lifestyle that you wish to live in the future – so that you can choose a business model that suits that kind of lifestyle.

For example, social media marketing can be a great way to make money online – but you might have to deal with clients most often.

Thus, it might not be ideal for someone who don't want to deal with clients.

On the flip side, affiliate marketing can be ideal for someone who wants to live the true passive income lifestyle.

Because you don't have to deal with customer support, shipping, inventory, manufacturing, etc.

Instead, you just promote links & get paid in return (the product owner takes care of all that extra staff).

Thus, it's important to start with an end goal in mind – so that you can have a clear picture of what your ideal lifestyle will look like.

2. Choose A Vehicle (Business Model)

Once you have a clear end goal in mind, you should then choose a business model that suits your ideal lifestyle that you wanna live.

There are various online business models that you can tap into – but the key is to find the one which suits your needs.

The reason being that, each of them has its own demands – thus, you might need to do your own research to see if it suits your ideal lifestyle or not.

With that being said, here are some of the best online businesses that you can tap into:

This is whereby you partner with a company – then you promote its products/services as a middleman for a commission.

You don’t have to deal with shipping, inventory, customer support, product manufacturing, etc.

Instead, you just drive traffic to your links – and if someone buys through your links, you'll earn a commission.

(ii) Ecommerce

This is whereby you find some cheap products in China i.e. on platforms like AliExpress or Alibaba – then you resell those products for a profit.

This can be done in 2 main forms i.e.

a) Listing the products on established marketplaces like eBay & Amazon – thus, allowing you to get customers whilst leveraging those platforms' authority.

b) Creating your own Shopify store – then you drive traffic through both free & paid mechanisms.

There’s a lot of people out there who've made a fortune from ecommerce – thus, you might need to check it out.

You can also sell your own digital products online.

This is whereby you create an online course, eBook, checklist, recipe, guide, etc. – then you sell it online.

The beauty part about this business model is that, it's easy to scale i.e. you only create the product once – and it'll be distributed to multitudes of people without any marginal cost of replication.

Also, you can find more customers through paid ads – thus, you can earn a ton sh*t of money.

(iv) Freelancing

You can also do some freelancing online – whereby you do some tasks for clients for a payment in return.

This is a great way to monetize your skills – since you’ll be paid for doing what you already know.

And you can easily find clients through leveraging platforms like Fiverr & Upwork – thus, you wont have to stress about finding clients on your own.

This industry is also booming right now.

Companies are looking for people who can run paid ads for them – since most companies don't have the time to learn this skill.

And most of them are willing to pay good amounts for this service – thus, you can earn some good income from this grind.

And the beauty part is that, you can learn about paid ads for free i.e. through YouTube tutorials – thus, you can easily get started ASAP.

And you don't need too much capital to get started – since you'll be using the companies' money to run the ads.

(vi) YouTube

You can also start a YouTube channel i.e. if you have the personality for it.

It's a great way to earn money whilst sharing your knowledge with others – or whilst providing entertainment to others.

And the beauty part is that, YouTube opens up other opportunities (apart from ad revenue) e.g. sponsorships, affiliate marketing, merch, selling your own digital products, patreon, etc.

Thus, it's also a great option to consider i.e. if you like filming videos.

(vii) Blogging

If you're someone like me who enjoys writing, then blogging might be ideal for you.

This is whereby you create a website & you start publishing articles related to a certain niche.

And just like YouTube, you'll be paid for sharing your opinions with others – and also, blogging opens up other earning avenues like affiliate marketing, sponsorships, selling digital products, opening your own membership platform, etc.

Thus, it's also a great opportunity i.e. for people who likes writing.

This is whereby you find an established manufacturer like Printful – and you upload your designs to the mock-up templates that are provided by the manufacturer.

Once done, you'll then need to drive traffic to your designs.

And when people places an order, the P.O.D manufacturer will manufacture the actual product, package it, then ship it to the customer's location.

You'll get paid the difference between the product cost & the selling price.

(ix) Flipping Domains & Websites

You can also flip domains and websites online.

All you need to do is to look for expired domains on platforms like Just Dropped – and you buy them for cheap.

Once you have them, simply resell them on platforms like GoDaddy for a profit – thus, allowing you to make some money.

In the case of flipping websites, you can either create websites from scratch, add some content to them, then you sell them for a huge lump some.

Alternatively, you can buy existing websites, add value to them, then you sell them for a higher price.

(x) Trading Crypto

Last but not least, you can trade crypto online.

This is whereby you buy & sell crypto online – thus, allowing you to earn some profits i.e. buy low, sell high.

There’s a ton of people who're making a fortune from crypto – which proves that this industry is very lucrative.

But the key is to invest in your education – so that you can learn about this grind before you risk your hard earned money.

NB: Do some deep research so that you can see if a certain business model is ideal for you or not.

3. Find Role Models

Assuming that you've chosen a business model, you should find some role models who has managed to achieve some level of success in that field.

(NB: You can find them on YouTube)

Try to immerse yourself in their ecosystem i.e. look at how they run their businesses, subscribe to their email lists, listen to their advice – and if possible, invest in their mentorship programs.

It's key to educate yourself before venturing into any business endeavour – so that you can save yourself a ton of time needed to do trial and error.

(But don't just absorb knowledge without taking equal action)

4. Create A Plan Of Action

Once you've studied your role models, you should reverse engineer their success into a step by step plan – so that you can replicate their success as well.

For example, if you want to become a blogger, you should look for top bloggers in your industry, study their successful blogs, then reverse engineer their proven strategies.

If someone has 100 blog articles, you should try to reverse engineer that into a daily plan of action i.e. what do l need to do on a day to day basis in order to reach 100 articles over a certain period of time?

And if possible, you should create a schedule which guides you towards achieving that goal – thus, allowing you to stay on track.

And if you stick to it for long enough, you’ll also achieve that same level of success.

5. Execute

Once you have a plan of action, it's now high time to execute.

This is whereby you'll now be taking massive action – so that you can build your own business from scratch.

But let me mention this real quick;

In most cases, building an online business is very difficult esp in the initial stages i.e. you’ll be putting a lot of effort – without seeing any pleasing results.

And that's why most people give up too soon – because the returns are not significant in the short run.

But if you stick to it for long enough, you'll see the fruits of your labour come to fruition.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much your guide to making money on the internet.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.


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