Can You Rely On Udimi Solo Ads?

Solo Ads

“Order traffic like a box of pizza and get it delivered right to your doorstep"

That's how most solo ad vendors advertise their business.

But the key question is; does solo ads really work?

Are they still profitable in this modern day age?

Can l get quality traffic from solo ads?

Waah! All these questions will be answered in this article.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about solo ads.

Topics Covered:

What Are Solo Ads?

So basically, solo ads are advertising campaigns whereby you pay some list owners to send their traffic to your offers.

We all know that getting traffic can be difficult especially if your business is still new, since most people will not be familiar with your business or website.

Thus, you might consider to pay a fee to some people with huge email lists in exchange for some clicks.

Solo ads have proven to work for some business owners, since some businesses actually thrived from utilising the power of solo ads.

However, there are some people who failed to get luck when they tried to use solo ads since the effectiveness of solo ads depends on various factors like the quality of traffic, niche, quality of your landing page, amongst others.

How They Work?

So basically, you go to sites like Udimi,where you can find a ton of vendors who are selling traffic.

You should browse through the list of vendors, to look for each vendor's stats as well as prices.

You should try to look for someone who has a conversion rate of at least 30%, and an average price of $0.50 per click.

Also try to look for someone who has a top tier list (USA, UK, Canada), since people from these nations converts better than customers from lower tier nations.

Once you find a vendor who meets your minimum standards, you must then order your traffic.

Normally, the minimum amount of clicks that you can buy is 50 clicks per day and some vendors may offer all the way up to 1000 clicks in a single day.

It is also important to note that the price per click may be lower if you order more clicks at once.

However, l always advise people to order few clicks in the beginning, to see if the traffic actually converts.

Once you start to see some positive results, you might then decide to order more traffic.

Once you decide on the amount of clicks that you wish to get, you might then need to complete the checkout process.

That’s it!


Most people makes the mistake of sending traffic straight to their offers.

That's the biggest mistake that you should avoid at all cost.

Most people usually don't buy during their first time of encountering a website or a brand.

It takes an average of seven times before someone actually makes a purchasing decision.

So if you send a new customer directly to your offers, there is slim chances of that person to buy your products.

So what's the best idea?

You should create an opt-in page for all your solo ad campaigns.

This is a simple page which allows you to collect email addresses of all the visitors that you get from the solo ad vendor.

Emails gives you a more direct line of communication with the customers even if they fail to buy during the first time.

Once you have their email address, you can start sending your offers through automated emails or broadcasts.

Some of them will eventually buy from you when you keep communicating with them over a long period.

The best way of doing this method is to insert some automated emails in an autoresponder using a software like GetResponse.

This allows you to send some automated emails to people who joins your list.

Thus, the first email might be promoting product X, and the second email might be promoting product Y, and the list goes on.

As these automated emails run in the background, you might start to get some sales and this eventually allows you to recover the money that you have spend on solo ads, or even profits in the long run.

Note that you might spend $200 on solo ad campaigns but only get $170 in return.

Its still fine because you can promote other offers to that list in the long run and eventually make a profit.

Take it as an investment since you will be building a list of customers since it is said that the money is in the list (1 email is equivalent to $1 approx)


Prices varies depending on the quality of traffic that you get.

Some vendors charges as low as $0.25 per click, whereas others charges as high as $0.90 per click.

It is important to note that cheap traffic might fail to convert well since it will be dominated by poor leads.

On the contrary, high quality traffic which converts comes at a higher price thus you must be willing to pay the price.

However, sometimes price does not determine the quality of traffic that you get.

This is so because some vendors are just some middlemen, whereby they find a customer who is willing to pay let's say $0.80 per click.

Those vendors will then look for some list owners who charges let's say $0.60 per click and they make $0.20 per click profit.

So you might need to look for someone who is not a middlemen – take your time researching about these vendors.

But if you're looking for a reliable vendor who has a better Make Money Online list, l highly recommend you check out for Maurizio Pace.

Where To Buy Solo Ads?

Udimi Solo Ads

My number recommendation for buying solo ads is Udimi.

There is no doubt that this platform is the leading marketplace for solo ad deals.

Besides, there is a lot of testimonials out there of people who witnessed a huge growth in their business when they ordered traffic from this platform.

Udimi is a great platform which allows you to choose from a wide range of vendors who specialises in different niches.

Thus, no matter which niche your business specialises in, you will always find a vendor who has a list based on your particular niche.

Besides that, Udimi tries to accommodate everyone i.e. the rich, the poor, the middleclass, since prices varies from as little as $0.25 per click to as high as $0.90 per click thus, you will definitely find a vendor who suits your budget.

However, as mentioned earlier, you get what you pay for thus you should try to pay for quality leads even though they come at a premium price.

Pro Tips For Ordering Solo Ads

1. You should ask the vendor how the list was built.

This is so because some vendors these days uses email extracting tools, whereby they scrap random email addresses from Google, Facebook, amongst other popular sites.

This is normally done by vendors who are just starting out and have less contacts on their list but they're so eager to get up and running with solo ad business.

However, this method is just trial and error since you will be collecting random emails from the internet without knowing whether the person actually buys or not.

Thus, you should find a vendor who has a genuine list that was built the right way.

2. Ask the vendor their spam rates

This is very key since your emails needs to land directly into the customers’ inboxes in order to be seen and read.

If emails lands in the spam folder, no one will actually see those emails thus leading to losses.

Thus, you should look for vendors with a low spam rate, so as to avoid wasting money on campaigns that does not get to the customer’s inbox.

3. Ask the vendor how often they send emails to their list.

Imagine if you receive five emails per day from the same person, chances are that you might end up ignoring those emails since it becomes boring to receive a bunch of emails from a single person.

However, if you only receive two emails per week, there are high chances that you will open and read those emails since you will be eager to know what's inside that email swipe.

That's the same with solo ads.

Some vendors sends a bunch of emails to their subscribers on a daily basis. This reduces open rates since most subscribers gets irritated by a bunch of emails.

On the contrary, some vendors only sends few emails per week, which makes their subscribers more eager to read those emails since most people will be curious to know what's include inside that email copy.

Thus, you should choose vendors who sends very few emails per week, so as to increase chances of good open rates.

4. Look for testimonials about the vendor

Try to look for someone with social proof since you don't want to be the first to order traffic from someone without any reviews.

Look for vendors who have proven results, since this shows that the person is capable of delivering good results for his/her clients.

However, testimonials can be doctored these days thus it might be a bit difficult to know if the testimonials are legit or not.

5. Check the vendor's opt-in rates.

This is the percentage of people who submit their email addresses on a landing page or an opt-in page.

Try to look for someone with an opt-in page of 30% or higher, since the number of people who opt-in determines the rate in which your list grows.

Advantages of Solo Ads

• fast way of getting traffic to your offers

• fast way of growing your list

• helps in increasing brand awareness for new companies

• guaranteed clicks

Disadvantages of Solo Ads

• might fail to get high quality leads

• not profitable in some niches

• you might get fake bots, rather than real humans

• some email marketing softwares might ban your account if they discover that you use solo ads to grow your list.


Solo ads might be a great method of growing your list as well as getting clicks and sales to your offers.

Many businesses have yielded positive results over the past years just by utilising this method.

However, it is important to note that solo ads are not for everyone since some people fails to get any sales from this method.

Another issue is that success is not guaranteed, since there is a lot of factors that comes into play for example, quality of traffic, quality of your landing page, niche, amongst others.

Hence the usefulness of solo ads varies from one person to another, since people yields different results from this strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Solo Ads Really Work?

This question might be difficult to answer, since different people yields different results from solo ads.

Although solo ads works for some businesses, we can not ignore the fact that there are other businesses out there who are failing to get any sales from this strategy.

I have friends who makes thousands per day just by spending some few hundreds per day on solo ads.

On the contrary, l know of people who invested thousands on solo ads but only got some few hundreds in return.

So this question is a bit tricky since nothing is guaranteed here.

There are many factors that comes into play and some of these factors are beyond our control.

Are Solo Ads Still Profitable In This Modern Day Age?

For some businesses, solo ads are still profitable these days.

However, it is important to note that solo ads are no longer as profitable as they used to be in the past years.

This is so because there is a lot of competition nowadays as most people are now ordering solo ads.

In the past, solo ads were very profitable since there was only a few people buying them.

Can l Get Quality Traffic From Solo Ads?

As l mentioned earlier, you get what you pay for.

If you want to get high quality traffic, then you must be prepared to pay a higher fee for it.

However, if you're not willing to pay good amounts, then you might end up getting low quality traffic that doesn't convert.