Social Media: The Route Cause Of Depression, Stress & Anxiety🤯

So you’re just flexing at the crib & you decide to login to Facebook/Instagram.

Then boom!💥

You're bombard💣 with a ton of notifications & stories on your feed;

‘Your friend Trish just got engaged💍’

‘Craig, your childhood friend just moved to Canada'

‘Your high school desk-mate, Billy just got hired at Google'

‘Tim, whom you used to hate at school just bought a new Mercedes'

‘Kenny, who used to be very playful at school, is now the MD at Walmart'

‘Trish, your high school crush, just went to an expensive restaurant🍝 with her bawler boyfriend’

(The list goes on & on)

But then, you look at your life & you feel backward!

Because your life doesn't seem ‘cool' compared to the ones that you're finding on social media i.e.

Maybe you're still living in your mom's basement.

Maybe you're still unemployed, 5 years after graduating.

Maybe you're not yet married, whilst all your friends are already fathers/mothers.

Maybe you're still using public transport, whilst all your friends are bawling in fancy cars.


If you're not careful, this might cause a huge toll on your mental health.

Because you might end up feeling like a ‘loser’ – because your life might not seem to be going anywhere i.e. compared to other people's progress.

And that's how most people end up getting depressed & stressed!

You see, social media is good i.e. if you use it as a tool for running your business.

But that same social media can be very toxic to you i.e. if you're just consuming other people's lives.

In this case, you'll fall in the comparison trap of comparing your life to others – which is bad for you mental health.

Because, you'll always find someone who's doing ‘better’ than you in other areas of life – and you'll feel like you're still behind.

And that might force you to make irrational decisions due to pressure of competing with others i.e. keeping up with the Joneses.

But what you must understand is that, everyone's journey is different i.e. don't try to compare someone's else Revelation to your own Genesis.

Everyone is running his/her own race – and you shouldn't stare at someone's else lane.

For this reason, you should compare You vs You i.e. compare your current position with where you were last year or few years back.

That way, you wont be stressed about how other people are living their lives.

Besides, other kids just gets everything handed to them – thus, it's easier for them to blow-up i.e. compared to someone who's building from scratch.

Also, some people have strong connections – thus, they rarely struggle when it comes to finding opportunities.

All I’m saying is, everyone's journey is different ...... you must try to stay in your own lane.

And the best way to do so is to stay away from social media as much as you can.📵

Which is what I did sometime last year (2021).

I decided to detox from most social media sites and just focus on my own thing.

Because I realised that, I was constantly depressed every time I opened those sites – coz there's always a new notification which makes you feel like you're backward or you aren't good enough.

So I said, f*ck social media ..... let me focus on my life & my purpose for a certain period of time (no disturbances).

And when that period was over, I realised that I don't need social media anyways, and I can live far much better without it.

Don't get me wrong, I might go on Facebook once in a while just to say Hi🖐 to my old friends.

But I don't go there to scroll through the platform – coz that's just toxic to my mental health i.e.,

If l see something negative, it might get to my core brain🧠 – and that might affect my productivity levels to some extent.

So I find it better to stay away from it in any way possible.


So what's the key takeaway here?

Social media is the main source of comparison & that is affecting most people's lives, as it causes unnecessary stress, anxiety and depression.

So if possible, try to detox from it for some time & just focus on your self.

It might be difficult at first i.e. when you're used to opening those social apps quite regularly – but with time, you'll get used to it.

And it also gives you more time to work on other more productive things, since you'll have more free time on your play.


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