How To Wake Up Early As A Work From Home Entrepreneur (5 Helpful TIPS)

Tips To Wake Up Early

Working up early is one of the most beneficial thing as a work from home entrepreneur – since it allows you to get more things done in one day.

Most humans have high energy during mornings – thus, it's important to do most of your tasks early morning whilst your body is still full of energy.

That being said, most work from home entrepreneurs struggles when it comes to waking up early – since they don't have a boss that tells them to show up at a certain time.

Thus, they tend to wake up late and start their work schedule even more later.

But what if you want to adapt your body to wake up early?

What are some of the best strategies that can be used to adjust your waking time?

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will share with you 5 best tips which l think are helpful to people who're looking to wake up earlier than their usual time.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me discuss each of these in more detail.

1. Set Your Intentions (WHY?)

Do you remember when you were a kid – and you had a journey to travel the next morning?

Your mind would automatically program you to wake up as early as possible – because you'll be so exited to go to that trip.

The same applies here.

The main reason why most work from home entrepreneurs struggles to wake up early is because they don't plan a big WHY – which will motivate them to wake up early.

For example, if you don't plan your days in advance, you might procrastinate going out of bed – because you'll be asking yourself; ‘Why should l go out of bed when l don't have any staff to do?'

But if you plan your day the night before, you'll go to bed knowing that you must wake up early the next morning – so as to complete those tasks.

Thus, you must always plan your days in advance – so that you'll have a To-Do list that will force you to wake up early i.e. even if you don't feel like.

2. Place Your Alarm Clock Few Metres From Your Bed

Another useful strategy is to place your alarm clock on the other side of your room.

Although l no longer set alarms, this strategy helped me a lot especially in the early days of my entrepreneurial journey.

The reason why this works is because, when the alarm clock rings, you're forced to go out of bed & walk some few metres in order to turn it off.

And by the time you reach the alarm clock, your body will already be awake – and it will be difficult for you to go back to sleep at this point.

But make sure that the alarm sound is loud enough so that you'll hear it when it rings.

Also, you can place a bottle of water next to the clock – so that you'll hydrate your body as soon as you wake up – thus, your body will be forced to fully wake up.

If you're someone who places your alarm clock near your bed – and you have a habit of switching it off – then go back to sleep, then this strategy might be the best for you.

3. Avoid Drinking Caffeine Late Night

If you're addicted to coffee, then this strategy is for you.

You should try by all means to avoid drinking coffee late night – since this has a huge impact on your body.

I remember back in High School where l used to drink lots of coffee – so that l can study till late hours.

If you drink coffee, you wont feel like going to sleep – but this will affect you the next morning – since you'll need to sleep for some additional few hours – in order to cover-up for the previous night.

Thus, try by all means to avoid coffee, or any caffeine rich products.

4. Try To Avoid Electric Gadgets (At Least 30mins Before Bed Time)

Most people don't know this, but the blue light from electric gadgets has a huge impact on your sleep.

It has an impact on a substance called melatonin – which determines how sleepy you feel i.e. high melatonin makes you feel very sleepy and vice versa.

If you look at your phone, the light from the bright screen will lower your melatonin levels – thus, affecting the time that you will fall asleep.

Thus, you should avoid using electric gadgets at least 30 mins before going to bed – so that your melatonin levels can boost – thus, allowing you to sleep on time.

And if you sleep on time, you'll wake up early the next day.

5. Go To Bed Earlier

I know this sounds obvious, but most entrepreneurs don't take this serious.

Due to the ‘hustle culture’, we tend to work till 1 or 2 am – especially if you're still trying to take your business off the ground.

I totally understand it – since a business requires more time and attention – especially during its infantry stage.

But when your business gets stable, it might be a good idea to adjust your schedules – so that you can sleep on time.

Instead of going to bed at 1am, you should at least sleep around 10 – so that you can be able to wake up on time the next day.

Wrapping Up

I hope that these tips will help some few people out there – since they're proven to work.

Using these tips, you can adjust your body to wake up earlier – thus, allowing you to do more tasks.

Not only that, but waking up early gives you more energy – compared to someone who wakes up at 11am – since the latter will feel tired through out the day.

You can share these tips with your friends and family on social media – so that they can also benefit from this content.


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