How To Turn Your Passion/Hobby Into A Business

How To Turn Your Passion/Hobby Into A Business

Wanna know how you can turn your passion/hobby into a business?

Lemme tell you right now!

The best way is to choose a platform to share your knowledge related to that field (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Blog, etc.)

The thing is, there's a lot of people out there who're keen to learn more about your passions/hobbies i.e. on these various platforms – thus, you just have to choose a platform which suits your personality.

For example, if you like filming videos, then YouTube might be ideal for you.

If you like sharing pictures, then Instagram might be ideal for you.

But if you're someone who likes hiding behind a keyboard and write the whole day, then blogging might be for you.

The key is to choose a platform which suits your personality, so that you wont struggle with the process of sharing your knowledge & ideas.

NB: You can also use 2 or more platforms, so as to repurpose your content & reach a broader audience.

Once you've chosen a platform, start doing some topic research based around your passion/hobby – so as to see what people are looking for i.e. based around that niche.

This allows you to create content which people are looking for – thus, allowing you to get in front of that audience.

For example, if you’re a fitness enthusiast, you should do some research about what people are searching for i.e. related to fitness.

This can be something like home workouts, building muscles, developing six packs, doing press-ups, etc.

(I think you get the idea!)

Once you've done some research, start sharing your knowledge ASAP.

Using our earlier example, this is whereby you'll be showing people how to workout at home or how to build muscles or how to do press-ups, etc. (depending on the topic)

The best way is to create a content calendar & you stick to it – so that you can consistently publish content on your platform.

And if you do this the right way, you'll gain some followers/subscribers over time.

Now, how can you monetize that audience?

There are plenty of ways which you can use to monetize your audience.

But my favourite one is affiliate marketing.

This is whereby you partner with established companies or product sellers, then you refer your audience to their various products & services i.e. through your affiliate/referral link.

And you'll get paid some commissions for sales generated through your affiliate/referral link.

Using our earlier example, you can partner with supplement companies & you advertise their supplements to your audience – since they'll be already interested in fitness products.

And you'll get paid if they buy through your links – thus, earning you some money.

You can also create some print on demand items like merchandised t-shirts, hoodies, face masks, mugs, etc. – then you advertise them to your audience.

The beauty part is that, you just have to upload your designs to an established print on demand manufacturer – and the manufacturer will handle everything from manufacturing, shipping, inventory, customer support, etc.

And you'll earn the difference between the product cost & the selling price (royalty).

You can also create & sell your own digital products e.g. online courses, pdf guides, cheat-sheets, etc.

This is whereby you package some very valuable information, then you sell it at a specific premium price.

And the information sales industry is booming right now, since most people are so eager to buy some valuable-premium information.

Consultation is also a great way to monetize your audience.

This is whereby you offer some consultation services to your audience – and you charge them a certain fee.

It's also a lucrative field to tap into, though you'll be trading your time for money.

But you can charge big bucks for your services – thus, allowing you to make significant amounts just from serving few clients.


So that's pretty much how you can turn your passion/hobby into a full time business.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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