Wix vs WordPress: Which one is better?

So there's this big debate which has been going on for quite some time now.

The Wix vs WordPress debate will always roam the internet, since these two companies are the giants of website building.

But the question is;

‘Which one is better than the other?’

This question might be difficult to answer in just a single sentence.

Besides, we need to base the comparison on tangible facts – rather than just saying X is better than Y without any supporting claims.

To make the comparison more interesting, l came up with a list of factors that shall be used to make the comparison much easier.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into each of these components.

Wix vs WordPress
Wix vs WordPress

Without further ado, let me jump straight into each of these components.

1. Ranking Factors📈

There’s no doubt that, WordPress websites ranks better on search engines, since WordPress has more authority on the internet.

That's why most businesses prefer WordPress, since it helps them to get more traffic to their sites.

WordPress sites are more SEO friendly, since this website builder is more trusted by most search engines.

Thus, in a search query, WordPress sites have higher chances of outranking other sites built using other platforms like WIX, Squarespace, Weebly, GoDaddy, etc.

On the contrary, Wix isn't that SEO friendly.

Ahrefs took a deep analysis on various websites which were receiving massive organic traffic i.e. in order to observe which web builder dominates the results.

According to the results, more than 46% of websites that were receiving massive organic traffic were made by WordPress.

This means that, other companies shared the remaining 54% i.e. in their multitudes.

Wix only had 1.4% of websites that were ranking for organic terms, which is quite a small fraction.

Squarespace was the only platform which tried to compete – with a 15%, though it wasn't even close to WordPress.

These stats📊 alone proves that, WordPress sites has more chances of ranking on google than Wix websites.

And another added advantage of WordPress is that, it comes with a plugin called Yoast – which allows you to optimise your content for rankings.

This allows WordPress users to optimise their keywords, titles, content length, amongst other variables, since Yoast is able to provide some actionable tips on how to improve each of these variables.

On the contrary, Wix has limited SEO plugins, since this company is still making some improvements to its platform.

Thus, as of now, Wix is very difficult to optimise for content rankings – since Wix only has very limited SEO optimisation tools.

Another important factor is that, Wix websites takes longer to get indexed, since Google normally prioritises WordPress sites.

This means that, if you create a piece of content on both Wix & WordPress on the same day, there's more chances that the content on the WordPress site will get indexed much quicker than the one on a Wix site.

This is another major drawback of Wix, since indexing is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to SEO.

Thus, based on this analysis, WordPress is far ahead of Wix i.e. when it comes to ranking factors.

2. Price💸

Theoretically, WordPress is free – since it's an open source platform for developers.

However, you might need to get a domain from a hosting company like GreenGeeks – so that you can have your own unique url on the web.

And this costs around $2.95/month – which is quite affordable for most people.

This is much cheaper i.e. compared to most platforms like GoDaddy, Squarespace, Weebly, etc. – since these platforms charges much higher fees.

On the contrary, Wix charges relatively higher prices than WordPress.

Their starter plan (combo) starts at $14/month, which is obviously higher – compared to WordPress.

If you get WordPress via GreenGeeks, you can use that $14 to cover for almost 4 months – which is quite a great deal.

So in terms of price, WordPress wins the race.

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3. Ease Of Use🛃

There’s no doubt that, Wix is easy to use than WordPress – especially for people who aren't tech savvy.

With Wix, you can create a website in few minutes – because you can submit some few details to Wix – and its artificial intelligent system will automatically create a website for you i.e. based on the type of information that you provided.

However, with WordPress, you must have some bit of technical know-how in order to create a fully functional website.

WordPress is a bit complicated than Wix, since it was designed for advanced developers.

But you can utilise tools like Elementor or Thrive Themes – which makes it easier for you to build a website using some simple drag and drop mechanisms.

Thus, these tools can turn your website into ‘what you see is what you get' – hence, making it easier to build a good looking website.

But overaly, Wix is very beginner friendly than WordPress – since this platform is simple and straight forward.

4. Blogging Ecosystem👨‍💻

Although Wix is easy to use, it’s not the best for blogging.

This is so because, you can't be able to customise your blog posts in a manner that you wish.

This is so because, the Wix artificial intelligent system randomly places images & videos on spots where it ‘thinks’ are the best – thus, it sometimes places images on wrong spots.

(Prone to errors & misplacement of media files).

That's why most articles which are published on Wix sites looks just kinda weird – especially on mobile devices.

However, WordPress was built as a Content Management System (CMS), which was specifically designed for bloggers.

It comes with a ton of features which were all designed to facilitate blogging.

And with the help of the Yoast plugin, WordPress blog posts can be optimised for SEO, since Yoast provides some useful tips and strategies that you can use to increase your chances of ranking.

WordPress also comes with the comments plugins, which allows your readers to submit their thoughts and opinions – and this helps a lot with engagement & feedback.

Thus, based on these facts, WordPress is ideal for blogging than Wix.

5. Ecommerce Features📦

Wix comes with a built-in ecommerce engine, which comes with some pre-made templates for ecom stores.

You only need to edit the templates in order to make them more unique to your preferred store design.

With Wix, you can easily manage all your orders, stocks, & sales statistics – thus, making it easy to run your ecom business.

This ecommerce plan costs $26 per month, which isn't that bad – though you can get more bang for that same price range i.e. if you go for Shopify.

In the case of WordPress, it includes some ecommerce plugins – which allows you to install some ecom apps like WooCommerce, Cart66 and Shopify – with just some few clicks.

Thus, WordPress does not necessarily have its own ecommerce platform. Instead, it partners with some of the biggest ecommerce softwares – hence, making it easier to install these apps from your WordPress dashboard.

6. Apps & Plugins🛄

Both Wix and WordPress comes with some plugins, which allows you to add some additional features to your website.

Wix has a built-in marketplace where you can find hundreds of plugins – which are all designed to enhance the performance of your website e.g. live chat plugin, bookings plugin, events plugin, the list goes on....

As of WordPress, it’s probably well known for having thousands of plugins.

Almost every app & software can be installed as a plugin using WordPress – e.g. Shopify, WooCommerce, Drupal, Cart66 – the list is endless.

WordPress comes with both free and paid plugins – thus, you might need to check the cost of each plugin before you decide to install it.

Thus, in terms of plugins, l give credit to WordPress – since it has more plugins than Wix.

7. Data Portability🛂

Data portability is very key, since you might decide to switch from one hosting provider to another.

Wix is a bit backward when it comes to data portability.

This is so because, Wix sites can only be transferred in XML format – whereby images & videos needs to be downloaded first, then you re-upload them to the new destination.

In my opinion, this is a big hassle – especially if you want to transfer a bigger site from one hosting platform to the other, since you might need to spend some few days doing this process.

On the other side, WordPress is great when it comes to data portability.

A website can be easily transferred from one hosting to the other in just a few clicks.

This is so because, WordPress comes with some plugins which are specifically designed to facilitate the site migration process.

If you're running your WordPress website on GreenGeeks, the migration process becomes even more easier – since GreenGeeks comes with some additional features which are specifically designed to cater for site migration.

Thus, when it comes to data portability, WordPress is definitely better than Wix.

8. Customer support👤

Wix offers a 24/7 support system, which is always available to address all customer queries.

Wix also assist their customers via email, phone calls – or even online resources, which are designed to answer customer's queries.

With WordPress, it’s a different story.

WordPress doesn't have a dedicated customer support unit.

Instead, they have some community forums – where there’s a ton of other WordPress users.

Thus, all questions are answered on these community forums, since there’s some advanced developers – who has some more advanced knowledge about web building.

The community is very supportive, since they aim at assisting each other in times of need.

WordPress also has some online resources and guides which you can use to address your queries.

Thus, when it comes to personalised customer support, Wix wins the race.


This debate can go for hours (or even days) without coming to a conclusion.

It’s like the comparison between Messi & Ronaldo – since it’s difficult to come to an agreement on who's better than the other.

WordPress users obviously support their platform, since they yield the best results from this platform – same as Wix users.

But in my opinion, l think WordPress is ideal for bloggers who’re looking to rank their content on Google, since WordPress is great when it comes to ranking.

On the contrary, Wix is great for people who’re less tech savvy & are just looking for a way to build a static website – without the intention of ranking on Google.

Thus, the choice is yours to make, since everyone has his/her own opinion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Wix Cheaper Than WordPress?

There’s no doubt that, Wix is way expensive than WordPress.

Wix plans starts at $14/month for its lowest plan, which is quite expensive.

On the other hand, you can use WordPress for only $2.95/month i.e. if you host your WordPress website with GreenGeeks.

In fact, you get WordPress for free soon after you get your domain – since these two companies works hand in hand.

Thus, if you're comparing the prices of these two, then you should know that WordPress is way more cheaper than Wix.

How Is WordPress Different From Wix?

WordPress is more complex to use since it involves some technical coding – hence, it’s mainly suitable for advanced developers.

On another note, Wix is less complex in nature, since it is able to create a site for you using its artificial intelligence.

Another thing to note is that, WordPress was mainly designed as a content management software, which helps bloggers to easily store & manage their content.

On another note, Wix was mainly designed as a site builder for creating simple sites.

Why You Should Not Use Wix?

First of all, Wix is not friendly to the search engines, which is the main reason why Wix websites attracts lows rankings on Google.

According to some studies that were conducted by Ahrefs, only 1.4% of Wix sites managed to get organic traffic through SEO – whilst WordPress dominated with a whooping 54%.

Thus, if you want to create an affiliate marketing website that actually ranks, then Wix might not be a good option for you.

Also, Wix’s templates are difficult to customise – since it uses some artificial intelligent systems to create sites & pages.

Thus, you might fail to place images & text on the right position that you wish them to appear – since this site builder comes with very limited options for customisation.


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