How To Turn A Blogging Side Hustle Into A Full Time Business

Turn A Blogging Side Hustle Into A Full Time Business

Are you looking for ways to turn your simple blog into a big business?

If so, then this post is for you.

In this article, l will quickly share with you some strategies that you can use in order to turn your side hustle blog into a full time business – in a matter of few years.

So read till the end if you’re interested in this topic.

1. Setup The Blog

The first step is to setup your own blog (if you haven’t already).

This step is crucial – since most people procrastinate i.e. they give various excuses in order to postpone the launching of their blogs.

They say staff like;

‘I don't have time right now'

‘l will do it later'

‘I have a tight schedule'

And without realising it, time will fly by – and most of them will look back and regret i.e. they wish if they had done it earlier.

Yes – l understand that your excuses might be legitimate, but it's a matter of prioritisation.

The truth is, no one has time – but you make time.

We all have 24 hour in a day – but it's a matter of how you allocate your time to your various daily tasks.

Thus, if you keep the idea of starting a blog in your head – but you don't execute it, then your idea will be as good as non existent.

As long as you haven't taken any action, you’re as good as someone who haven't had about blogging at all.

Thus, it's better to plant your seed today – since it will grow slowly – and eventually replace your ‘job income' in the near future.

2. Look For Content Ideas

Assuming that you've setup your blog, it's now high time to start looking for content ideas for your blog.

The best way is to do some keyword research i.e. finding some of the most common queries which people are searching for on Google.

There are various techniques that can be used in order to find great keywords, but l wont go into depth since l have a full article centred on this topic.

But basically, you need to come-up with at least 50 topics to write about, so that you wont get stuck few weeks into your blogging journey.

Also, this saves you a lot of time when you actually start writing – because you'll just check your content calendar, then boom – you already know what you're working on – rather than trying to figure out what to write every single day.

You can also check what your competitors are blogging about i.e. what topics are working well for them – then you produce better versions of those topics.

3. Set A Writing Schedule

Assuming that you've come-up with some content ideas to write about, it's now high time to set a working schedule for your blog.

Now, l understand that most people reading this post are working full time jobs – or maybe they're full time students (l totally get it).

If you're one of them, then you must be willing to spare some time for your website (time blocking).

For example, if you work a 9 to 5 job, you can decide to work on your blog during evenings, or maybe early mornings i.e. before going to your job.

If you have some off days/weekends, then that's great – because you can utilise that time to work on your website.

I know that this sounds difficult for most people – since most people likes to hang out with friends and family during their spare time, or maybe go to parties and other related social gatherings.

But the truth is, you must sacrifice the short term pleasure for long term happiness i.e. it's a matter of working extremely hard for maybe an entire year, but reap the rewards of your labour for years to come.

Most successful bloggers that you see online started their websites when they were still working normal 9 to 5 jobs.

But they dedicated their spare time to their websites, and they were willing to go through the pain – until they reached success.

Thus, it's just a matter of dedication and commitment (work harder on your business than you do at your job!)

4. Execute

Assuming that you've now set a publishing schedule, it's now high time to execute.

That's when things gets messy for most people – because most people don't have the discipline to follow their publishing schedule – especially if there's no one that is holding them accountable.

Most people come into this blogging space with unrealistic expectations i.e. ‘l want to make $10k during my first 3 months'.

Thus, they come with high levels of motivation – since they'll be excited to work towards that goal.

But when they fail to reach their ‘unrealistic goals', they start to waver – and eventually quit i.e.:

“This whole blogging thing is not for me, let me go back & focus my attention on my ‘safe job’ – maybe l will climb the cooperate ladder one day .......”

At this stage, that's where discipline is required.

You must have the discipline to continue working on your website – even if you're not yet getting any results.

The truth is, the first year is the hardest – since your website will still be under the sandbox – thus, you wont be getting any traffic and income during this phase.

But if you come with the right mind-set – knowing exactly what it takes to reach success, then you'll definitely stand above the 99% who quit after some few months.

I know that some days might be hard i.e. coming back from your job tired as hell – then you open your website’s dashboard & start working on something that is not yet bringing any income.

It might be very demotivating at times – because you’ll be asking yourself; ‘why am l doing all this?’.

But if you overcome that adversity, you'll see reap the fruits of your labour.

When Is The Best Time To Quit Your Job & Go Full Time With Blogging?

Ok – so let's assume that your blog is now matured and it's now getting some traffic & income, ‘what's the ideal point that you can ‘fire your boss’ and go all-in?

This question really depends on what your financial goal is i.e. if you're able to consistently hit an equivalent amount of what you're currently earning at your job, then it will be high time to replace your job with your blogging career (if you wish to do so).

If you start earning an income that can cover all your bills (maybe with a little surplus), then it'll be a good decision to breakout of the 9 to 5 prison.

For example, if you earn $3000/month from your job, it'll be good to quit your job if you consistently hit that figure with your blog.

(NB: That's the average income of most workers in the US)

But just for the sake of safety, you must earn that figure at least 4 months in a role – so that you can ensure that your blog is now stable.

The reason being that, there might be a traffic spike in one month – thus, leading to more revenue for your blog.

But then, things can get back to normal the following month – thus, reducing your income back to its regular threshold.

Thus, you must ensure that your blog is now stable enough to consistently earn your target income – before quitting your job.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since l tried by all means to summarise this topic.

Keep in mind that, there's a lot of factors that are involved in this topic – but obviously, l had to keep this post within the expected length.

But if you want to learn more about this topic, check out a YouTube channel called Income School – where Jim & Ricky explains more about this topic in greater depth.


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