How To Change Your Netflix Region In 4 Simple Steps (Ultimate Guide)

How To Change Your Netflix Region

Are you bored of watching the same Netflix shows over and over again?

And you want to get access to some new shows that are not available in your region?

Don't worry because this article will show you some of the tricks and hacks that you can use to get unlimited access to some Netflix programs that are not available in your region.

For a long time, l was just wondering ‘what's the secret code’ to watch some new shows on Netflix because l was no longer interested of the programs that l was watching.

To make matters worse, l had friends who were overseas and they were always bragging about how interesting program A or B is since they had access to a different Netflix library than my country of origin.

As a result of frustration, l embarked on a research and l found the ‘secret method' which lm going to share with you in this article.

So read till the end if you're tired of watching the same Netflix shows over and over again.

Follows these 4 simple steps in order to change your Netflix region and you will have unlimited access to a different Netflix library that you wish to explore.

1. Choose A Reliable VPN

The first crucial step is to find a reliable VPN which helps in masking your IP address and real-time location as well.

This is so important because Netflix knows your real-time location since their system is able to detect your IP address as well as the geographical location of that IP address.

But if you use a strong VPN, Netflix will not be able to detect your location since VPNs are able to mask the location of your IP address.

With that being said, the common question which l always hear is;

Which VPN is the best for streaming Netflix shows?

After testing multiple VPNs, l discovered that NordVPN is the best when it comes to streaming Netflix shows.

Change Netflix Region With NordVPN

NordVPN is able to hide the real geographical location of your device thus allowing you to change your device's location.

This will help you to watch programs that are not available in your region since you'll be able to get unlimited access to a different content library.

Also, NordVPN allows you to watch Netflix shows without any glitches since this VPN is characterised by incredibly fast speeds, unlimited bandwidth, as well as extra security and privacy.

This will in turn help you to watch great quality videos since this VPN tries by all means to eliminate any poor video quality.

With that being said, some people always ask me if it is a great idea to use free a VPN since most people are always extra careful with their money.

The truth is that you get what you pay for!

Most free VPNs are not able to mask your geo-location and Netflix will find your real location.

Thus, you should always use a more reliable VPN like Nord, which is strong enough to mask your real-time location.

With that being said, you can get started today with NordVPN (at discounted price) if you use the link below.

2. Install NordVPN On Your Device

Once you sign up for NordVPN, the next step is to install the NordVPN app on your device i.e. whether its your phone, tablet, laptop, or even desktop device.

The beauty part about NordVPN is that it allows you to connect multiple devices at once – thus, allowing you to use this software on multiple devices.

For example, let's say that everyone in your house wishes to watch Netflix on his/her mobile device, you can simply share your login credentials with them so that they can use this VPN (using your credentials) thus allowing them to watch a different Netflix library as well.

But before installing NordVPN, you must first signup for this VPN through their main website in order to get some login credentials that you will use when you install the actual NordVPN app on your device.

Thus, you should not skip step 1 of this process since l discussed about how to get started with NordVPN and l also shared a discount link that you can use to get this VPN at a fair price.

3. Connect To A Server Located In Your Target Location

Ladies and gentlemen, the time we have been waiting for has arrived!

Once you install NordVPN on your device, you should login to the app using the credentials that you got when you first signed up.

Once logged in your account, you will get access to various features of this app.

Simply connect to the server location that you wish – in order to get access to the content library of that specific location e.g. UK, USA, Canada, etc.

Once you select your target location, you will be ready to go.

4. Head Over To Netflix & Have Fun

Once you have completed all these steps, its now high time to go to your Netflix app and start streaming your favourite shows.

You will now get access to a completely different content library of your choice since your location will now be masked by this amazing VPN.

You can get unlimited access to a huge library of Netflix shows which are not available in your region thus allowing you to enjoy extra privileges which most people in your region cannot access.

Watch Netflix Shows


You're now streaming some Netflix shows that are not available in your region.

Now are you ready to change your Netflix region?


Why It Is Necessary To Change Your Netflix Region

As we all know, Netflix offers different content libraries to people in different locations.

This is so because there are rules and regulations that govern the streaming of content on Netflix hence some content may not be available in other regions due to differences regulations.

As a result, some shows are only restricted to a few selected regions since the owners of that content may only be restricted to show their content in specific regions.

However, this has a negative impact on most viewers since some of the most interesting shows and movies may not be available in your region.

But this should not limit you from enjoying these programs since there are other ways that can be used to watch these shows from your country of origin.

Hence it is necessary to use a VPN in order to change the location of your IP address thus enabling you to access a different content library of Netflix.

Now before l wrap up, let me address some of the common questions that l always receive in my DMs.

Some of the questions are as follows:

How Can l Change My Netflix Region On My iPhone?

1. Signup for NordVPN through their main website.

(Once you sign up, you will get your login credentials)

2. Download and install the NordVPN app from your App Store.

3. Login to the app using your login credentials that you got in step 1.

4. Once logged in, choose the server that you wish to access – depending on the content library that you wish to explore.

Once you pick your preferred location, you're now good to go.

5. Launch your Netflix app and enjoy watching your favourite shows.

How Can l Change My Netflix Region On Android?

1. Signup for NordVPN and get your login credentials

2. Go to Play Store and download the NordVPN mobile app.

3. Login to the app using the credentials that you got in step 1.

4. Once logged in, choose the server that you wish to unlock i.e. based on the content library that you want to unlock.

5. Once you select your preferred server location, go to Netflix and start streaming your favourite shows.

Can l Use A Free VPN To Change My Netflix Region?

Although it may sound like a great idea, the truth is that most free VPNs are not strong enough to mask your real-time location.

In order to change your Netflix region, you definitely need to find a strong VPN and most VPNs that are strong comes at a premium price.

Thus, you might need to sacrifice some money in order to get a reliable VPN that is able to mask your location.

Bear in mind that you might encounter some ‘ERROR' messages when you try to use a weaker VPN because the Netflix system is not easy to trick as most people think.

Thus, it is always a good idea to invest some money into a reliable VPN if you're serious about changing your Netflix location.

How Does Netflix Know My Location?

Netflix is able to detect your IP address and this is common amongst most websites, apps, or even softwares.

Once it detect your IP address, it can easily track your real-time location since an IP address shows signals of where your device is located.

Of course the location shown might not be 100% correct but it is able to pick a location that is close to your actual device location.

However, you can use a VPN to mask your location so that Netflix cannot detect your real location.

In this case, you can access a different content library that is not available in your region since you will now have access to a different server location.

Is Changing Netflix Country Illegal?

In my opinion, l think that this practice is illegal.

This is so because there are various rules and regulations that govern the streaming of Netflix content thus some content is not allowed to be shown in some regions due to these regulations.

However, if you use a VPN to access some content that is not available in your region, it means that you're going against these rules and regulations.

It means that you're now accessing some content libraries that are not allowed to be shown to people in your region thus its a form of breaking the rules.

Which Country Has The Best Netflix?

In my opinion, l always prefer the US Netflix since it has a huge content library than any other region.

This gives viewers a variety of shows to watch hence increasing their choice.

However, the answer to this question differs from one person to another since we all have different tastes and preferences.

My siblings prefers the Canadian Netflix because it has more movies which they like.

Thus, this question depends on the type of content that you enjoy the most.

How Can l Watch US Netflix In UK?

Its very simple.

All you have to do is to signup for NordVPN.

Once you signup, you will get some login credentials that you will use each time you use this VPN.

The next step is to download and install NordVPN app to your device and use your login credentials to log into the app.

Once you log in, select the ‘STREAM' option and pick the US server from the list of server locations on the list.

Once you choose the US server, you will be good to go.

Just launch your Netflix app and enjoy the US content library.

Is It Legal To Watch US Netflix In UK?

In my opinion, l think that its not legal to watch US Netflix whilst you're in the UK.

This is so because Netflix has some rules and regulations that govern the streaming of content in various regions.

These regulations varies from one region to another that's why Netflix shows different content libraries to people in different regions.

Thus, if you're watching US content whilst you're in UK, it means that you're breaking these rules.

However, the main reason why it seems legal is because most people are now changing their Netflix regions using VPNs.

Just because too many people are doing it, it now seems like its legal.

But the truth is, its not legal to access a content library that is not available in your region.

Will Netflix Ban Me For Using VPN?

I haven't seen anyone getting banned for using a VPN (based om people who l know).

But if Netflix finds out that you're using a VPN to access a different content library, they might block your IP address from accessing that library.

If you decide to use a VPN, you must be very careful so that you wont get caught in the cross fire.

Why Is Netflix Against VPN?

As mentioned earlier, the streaming of content on Netflix is governed by some rules and regulations.

These rules and regulations restricts other types of content from being shown in other regions since different regions have different regulations.

However, if you use a VPN, it means that you're violating these regulations since you will be accessing a content library that is not available in your region.

For this reason, Netflix tries by all means to block devices that uses VPNs since this practice goes against their terms of service.

Wrapping Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you have now learnt some actionable steps that you can take to access a different Netflix library that is not available in your regions.

I believe that you're now ready to start watching a different content library without having to travel to a completely different region.

The beauty part of this strategy is that you can access any content library from anywhere in the world.

For example, you can be in Africa whilst enjoying the US content library without having to stress about travelling to the US.

Thus, you should definitely take some time to apply the technics shown in this article if you're so eager to watch a different set of shows and movies.

Ready To Change Your Netflix Region?

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