10 Habits Of Most Successful People (Top 1%)

10 Habits Of Most Successful People (Top 1%)

Why do some people make more progress than others?

There are many factors that causes economic differences in people – but one of them is habits.

Habits determines what you'll accomplish as a person i.e. bad habits will lead to misery & vice versa.

And successful people in general – practice good habits on a more consistent basis – since these helps them to reach higher levels in their lives.

Some of the habits includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these.

1. They Set Clear Goals

Most successful people who l know have clear goals for their lives.

They clearly write down what they want to accomplish by a certain period – and they come up with a plan of action on how they're going to accomplish those goals.

This gives them a clear direction on where they're heading – thus, most of their actions are intentionally geared towards reaching those goals.

Also, goals keeps them motivated to get out of bed every morning – and do whatever it takes to accomplish those goals i.e. before the set deadline.

This separates them from the majority 99% of the population – who don't have any life plan & they just allow life to take them anywhere.

2. They Take Responsibility Of Their Life

Successful people also takes full responsibility and ownership of their lives.

Instead of blaming external factors like the government, the economy, their bosses, etc. – they accept that everything that’s happening in their lives is a result of the choices that they made in the past.

The truth is, you can't change all these external factors – but you can change your inner world i.e. if you're ready to take ownership of your life.

Besides, the common denominator on all these blames is YOU i.e.

‘I’m poor because of the economy'

‘I’m poor because of my job'

‘I'm poor because of my upbringing’

If you look at all these statements, the common denominator is YOU!

Thus, it's important to look at yourself – and ask yourself;

‘What can l do to improve my situation?’

3. They're Very Disciplined & Committed

Another common habit of most successful people is that, they're very disciplined and committed to their crafts.

‘Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment'.

When you start a business venture, you'll be motivated by that ‘new thing’ – thus, your will power will be at its max.

However, your will power and motivation may start to fade within few weeks i.e. if you fail to get the results that you were expecting.

It's difficult to continue working on something that isn't bringing any returns yet.

That's where discipline is needed i.e. the discipline to continue grinding – even if you're not yet getting results.

This is what separates the successful from those who quit – because the successful people are willing to show up everyday – unlike most people.

And over time, the law of averages will eventually favour them.

4. They're Long Life Learners

‘The more you learn, the more you earn' – Warren Buffet.

Most successful people are obsessed with self development – since they believe that learning allows them to improve all aspects of their lives.

They consume some great ideas from some of the greatest minds in history i.e. through reading self help books.

People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. – all spares some time for reading – so as to feed & strengthen their minds.

This allows them to make even more money – since they're able to learn new ideas which they can apply to their lives or businesses.

However, the majority of people stops learning as soon as they leave the school gates i.e. they don't make any effort to further their personal development.

And you know what?

The level of your earnings is directly proportional to your level of your self development.

If you want to earn more, you have to become more i.e. personal development.

Once you embark on your personal development journey, you'll start to see some improvements in your life.

5. They Value Their Time

Successful people values their time differently compared to the majority 99%.

They know that time is a scarce resource – thus, they try to spend it wisely i.e. on things that matters the most.

That's the main reason why they get far ahead in life – because they allocate their time to things that moves the needle the most.

We all have 24 hour in a day. But the main reason why some people makes more progress than others is how they choose to spend their time.

Most people wastes most of their time doing unproductive things e.g. social media, watching Netflix, etc. – but unfortunately, lost time can never be recovered.

Another thing is that, successful people don't trade their time for money like the majority 99%.

Instead, they develop some passive income businesses – which allows them to separate themselves from the system – thus, allowing them to focus on other more important things.

6. They're Risk Takers

‘You can't win the raffle unless you buy a ticket’

Most people are afraid of taking risks because they fear to fail or they fear to get judged by other people.

For this reason, they spend most of their lives in the ‘safe mode' i.e. living from pay check to pay check.

But you know what?

If you want to get some extra ordinary results, you should get out of your comfort zone – otherwise, you'll live an ordinary life just like ‘everyone else'.

Successful people on the other hand are risk takers i.e. they take educated risks.

In taking risks, they're able to come up with some great ideas – which will make them fortunes.

People like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc. – are all risk takers i.e. they went against the grain to try some new ideas.

Although they experienced some failures along the way, they managed to come up with some great products/services – thus, serving the society better – in exchange of monetary value.

7. They're Persistent

‘Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts’ – Winston Churchill

If there's one common trait of most successful people is persistence i.e. the courage to keep trying even after experiencing some failures.

Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before reaching his success – but when he finally found the winning formula, that success overrode all the past failures.

Successful people believes that, there's light at the end of the tunnel – thus, even if they fall 99 times, they rise 100 times.

However, the majority of ‘wannabe entrepreneurs’ are not persistent enough to go through the failures i.e. they quit after experiencing some few failures.

But the truth is, success lies on the other side of failures.

8. They're Very Resourceful

Success people are also resourceful in nature i.e. they try to come up with new ideas that improves the society – and in return, they get rewarded for that.

Most people have endless selfish desires i.e. ‘I want this’, ‘l want that’ – but they don't have anything to offer to other people.

However, successful people have a different mind-set i.e. they try to solve society's problems.

Also, most successful people tries to come up with great things using the few resources that they have.

They try to make the best use of whatever is available to them – rather than just complaining, waiting for someone to help them.

9. They're Willing To Pay The Price (Strong Work Ethic)

Most people these days posts motivational quotes about entrepreneurship – but only a few are willing to put-in the actual work required.

Business in general requires a lot of hard work and dedication – and most people aren't prepared for that.

However, successful people are aware of the amount of work involved – and they're willing to pay the price no matter what.

They're committed to show up everyday in order to grow their businesses – because they know that work ethic is key to success.

That's why they manage to reach success – because they're willing to go through the adversities involved in the journey.

10. They Believe In Themselves

Last but not least, most successful people believe in themselves.

They believe that they're capable of improving the society i.e. through their business ideas.

They believe that they’re equipped with some great ideas which the world deserves to know about.

For this reason, they take the leap of faith – and they launch their products/services to the real world.

The majority of unsuccessful people on the other hand don't believe in themselves due to some limiting beliefs like ‘I’m not good enough'.

For this reason, they don't even attempt to try their ideas – and they'll just keep those ideas to themselves.

The sad part is that, most people goes to grave with some brilliant ideas – which had the potential to change the world i.e. if they were implemented.

Thus, it's important to believe in yourself – you never know, maybe your idea might be the solution to some of the major societal problems.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 10 common habits that separates the top 1% from the majority 99%.

Once you adopt these habit – and you practice them for a prolonged period of time, you'll start to see some improvements in your life.


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