How To Do Proper Keyword Research On Google & YouTube! [Best HACKS]

Do you know that you can utilise search engines like Google & YouTube for keyword research?

That's right!

You can get useful data from these search engines – which you can use for content creation.

Instead of paying hundreds of dollars every month for expensive tools, you can leverage search engines to get content ideas for free – by simply using some techniques which l will share with you in this post.

What You'll Learn

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Use Google Autosuggestions

Google Autosuggestions

Do you know that you can get some content ideas by utilising Google's Autosuggestion feature?

That's true!

If you type-in a seed keyword in the search bar, Google will automatically give you some autosuggestions related to that keyword.

For example, if you type-in a keyword like ‘affiliate marketing', Google will automatically show you some autosuggestions like:

‘What Is Affiliate Marketing'

‘How Does Affiliate Marketing Work’

‘How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing’

*The list goes on......

Using these autosuggestions, you can come up with some content ideas that you can use for your blog.

And we all know that this data is reliable because it is pulled from Google’s own database.

Thus, l highly urge you to try this technique – since it can help you in generating tons of content ideas without having to pay for an expensive tool.

2. Google Related Searches

Next on our list – we have related searches.

If you search for a keyword, you will notice that Google shows you some related searches on the bottom of the results – or in some cases, at the middle of the first page.

For example, if we search for a keyword like Print On Demand, you'll notice that Google gives us data based on ‘related searches’ on the middle and bottom of the first page.

To make this clear, let me pull some screenshots so that you can understand the concept better.

Google Related Searches
Google Related Searches

You can optimise your articles by incorporating some of these keywords in your articles – since these are real life queries which people are searching for.

If you don't want to create independent articles for each keyword, you can write one article which answers all those questions – or maybe through including an FAQ section in your articles.

This technique also helps to win the featured snippets – hence getting more traffic to your site.

3. Google Trends

Another great tool that you can utilise is Google Trends.

This is probably one of the most underutilised tools – since most people don't fully understand how this tool works.

But if you know how to use this tool, you can generate a ton of content ideas for your blog.

In order to get started with Google Trends, you need to enter a primary keyword e.g. ‘digital marketing’.

When you hit the search button, the tool will automatically pull data based on the monthly searches of that particular keyword, as well as the direction of the trend i.e. rising, falling, or stagnant.

You can filter the results by time, location, etc – hence allowing you to get up to date data.

This is great for websites which specialise on rending topics e.g. News websites.

Thus, if you want to know the topics which are currently trending, you definitely need to bookmark this tool.

Another great tool for keyword research is Google Keyword Planner.

You can use this tool to find content ideas for you blog – since this tool shows you metrics related to search volumes, as well as competition levels of each keyword.

And the beauty part is that it also shows you some related searches related to that particular keyword – hence generating more content ideas for your website.

In order to get started with this tool, simply head over to and create an AdWords account.

You don't necessarily have to launch an ad campaign – but you just need to create an account in order to get access to this tool.

You can also utilise Google Search Console to get content ideas for your site.

This tool gives you data related to keywords which your site is ranking for – and you can utilise this data to improve your existing content or maybe for creating new content.

For example, if your site is ranking on page 2 for a keyword that you mentioned as a sub-heading in one of your articles, you can create an independent article that is dedicated to that specific keyword.

This will increase your chances of ranking on the top results for that particular keyword – hence generating more traffic to your site.

*Keyword Research On YouTube

6. YouTube Autosuggestion

Assuming that you're a YouTube, you can take advantage of the YouTube’s Autosuggestion feature to generate some content ideas for your channel.

All you need to do is to type-in your primary keyword, and YouTube will automatically pull some autosuggestions related to that keyword.

These autosuggestions are search phrases which people are searching for – thus, you can utilise them to create content which is specifically targeted for those people.

7. Utilise YouTube Research Tools

This generation is blessed to have some tools and softwares which helps to make our life ‘easier’.

This is also true in the world of YouTube – since there’s tools like TubeBuddy and VidIQ which were specifically designed to help creators with keyword research.

Using these tools, you can get an idea of how your target keyword will perform – depending on various metrics.

These tools provides metrics related to search volumes and competition levels – and they present the data on a score of 1 – 100.

This helps to make better decisions on whether to go after a certain keyword or not – based on the scores.

Thus, you can also utilise these tools – and they do offer some free trials by the way!

Wrapping Up

So there we go!

These are some of the best techniques that you can utilise for doing proper keyword research on Google or YouTube.

Using these techniques, you can come up with great content ideas for your blog or YouTube channel – hence reducing stress on your part.

Thus, l highly recommend you to try out these techniques if you want to take your keyword research skills to another level.


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