The Scariest & Most Traumatic Day Of My Life (So Far)💀

The Scariest & Most Traumatic Day Of My Life (So Far)💀

So it was on the 15th of April 2022 when something traumatic happened to me.

I woke up in the morning as usual, but I was feeling a bit dizzy, my heart-beat was a bit unusual, I was short of breath, my feet was tingling, and my whole body was just feeling weak.

I'd been feeling this type of way for quite some few weeks – but on this day, I've to admit that it was intense.

I had planned to renew my haircut on this day – so I just said; ‘F’ the sickness, I'm just gonna proceed with my plans anyways.

So I left the crib in order to visit the barbershop, so that I can get a quick haircut as planned.

On my way, the feeling got worse – and I had to stop during the way so as to get some quick rest.

Whilst on my way, I decided to do a quick Google search – just to get an idea of what these symptoms really mean.

I came across a lot of multiple health blogs on the search results – and it didn't take me a while to realise that these symptoms indicates a lack of vitamin B12 in the body – and it’s a common problem which affects most people, especially vegans.

The reason being that, the main source of vitamin B12 are foods like beef, chicken, liver, eggs, milk, etc. – however, vegans don't eat these foods (coz vegans don't eat animal & animal products ..... incl eggs & milk).

I immediately knew the main source of the problem – because, I was neglecting these types of foods as soon as l became a vegan.

And I wasn't eating any alternatives in order to supplement my vitamins B12 – which is also what most vegans do – thus, leading to vitamin B12 deficiency.

So I said to myself, maybe I should switch to vegetarian diet ...... coz vegetarians can eat eggs & milk – thus, they rarely suffer from this issue.

I just continued with my journey to the barbershop – telling myself that, I'II sort out the issue as soon as I get back home.

However, things got nasty when I arrived at the barbershop😬.

I remember, sitting at the couch whilst in the queue ..... I started sweating like I've never done before, my breath was now too high (lack of oxygen), and I was now getting more & more weaker.

I quickly explained to my barber man about this whole situation – and he immediately directed me to the tap – so that I can pour some running water over my head.

I also drank a ton of water which l had carried from home – so as to boost my body's liquids & gain energy.

After doing this practice, I felt better for a while – till it was now my turn to sit on the chair & get my hair-cut.

As soon as l sat on the chair & got that barbershop cloth over my body, I started having that bad feeling again – but I said to myself, I'II manage to get my haircut then deal with the problem afterwards.

(My ego got in the way).

My barber man quickly realised that something wasn't right – and he asked me;

‘Are you alright? Can you manage to sit on that chair for 15mins?’

I didn't want to admit that I wasn't feeling well – so I told him that it was a minor problem & I can manage to sit for that period of time whilst getting my haircut.

But as soon as the barber man switched on the hair clipper, my body temperature rose dramatically – and at this point, I finally admitted that I wasn't ok.

So I stood up and ran to the tap again in order to pour some running water on my head – and I also drank a lot of water as well.

I then told myself that this whole strategy of pouring water over my head is just a short term fix, but I should buy a bottle of milk ASAP – so as to boost my body's vitamins.

(Remember, I’d already made the decision to switch to vegetarian diet along the way, so I'd already made the decision to incorporate milk & eggs into my diet).

After drinking that bottle of milk, I sat down & allowed myself to rest for a lil bit.

But I told my barber man that I’II come back the next day – and he quickly understood the whole situation coz he saw that I wasn't feeling ok.

After sitting for a while, I finally made the decision to walk back home – and along the way, I was taking some quick rests here & there – coz it was very hot & sunny.

I also bought some few eggs along the way – so that I can cook them at home & boost my vitamin levels.

Once I got home, I decided to throw myself on the bed & sleep – coz I was feeling tired & I wanted to re-boost my energy.

I slept for few hours during the afternoon – and when I woke up, I was feeling much better & stronger.

And since then, I'd been eating a lot of eggs & milk – so that I wont suffer from this condition ever again – and I've made the decision to switch from vegan to vegetarian since then...


So what did I learn from this whole situation?

Here are some of the valuable lessons that I learnt from this situation:

1. Health Is More Important Than ‘Wealth'

‘Most people sacrifices their health in order to acquire wealth. Then they sacrifice that same wealth to get back their health'

Due to the nature of our societies, we tend to value materialistic things over our health.

For this reason, we tend to spend more time chasing the so called ‘success' – at the expense of our own health.

This seems great, till your health crumbles and you find yourself in the death bed whilst battling with an incurable disease.

That's when you'll realise that health is more important than wealth.

If you think that money can solve all problems, wait till you get sick & the doctor tells you that there's no amount of money that can restore back your health.

And there's a lot of millionaires out there who're battling with incurable diseases, and they're willing to surrender everything they have – just to get their health back in shape.

But fellaz, there's no amount of money that can buy life.

Now, I'm not saying that you should stop working on your dreams just because I mentioned this point – NO!

But all I'm saying is that, you should try to have some balance between your work & your health i.e. your hard work shouldn't be at the expense of your health.

2. Try Different Diets To See What Works For You

Often times, we tend to stick to certain types of foods – simply because we label ourselves vegan or vegetarians (or whichever you follow) – thus, we aren't open to trying different things.

But I'm here to tell you that, you should explore different options before going all-in on a certain type of diet.

Because you might realise that, your favourite diet might not be ideal for your body.

Like in my case, vegan diet wasn't sustainable because my body was now running short of vitamin B12.

So I decided to add back eggs & milk into my diet – and I've seen some improvements in my overall health since then.

So the bottom line is, explore different diets before committing to a particular one.

3. Don't Wait For A Problem To Become More Serious ..... Try To Deal With It As Soon As It Emerge

I guess, I'm not alone who does this ...... most people also do the same thing i.e. they wait for a problem to become big – then they try to act on it when it's too late.

I started having this strange ‘sickness' weeks prior to this day – but I wasn't taking it too serious because I was still able to do my day to day activities – coz the symptoms were still minor.

It wasn't until this day when I finally decided to act upon it – because it was now more intense.

But if I’d decided to deal with it in its early stages, it probably wouldn't have developed to that level.

So guys, if you face a challenge, try to act on it ASAP – because the cost of solving the problem might become higher in the future – compared to now.

4. We Came From Dust – And Unto Dust, We Shall Return

‘If you live each day like it's your last, one day, you'll certainly be right...’

Often times, we tend to forget that death exists – till we face some life threatening challenges.

We tend to easily get carried away by earthly activities – to the extent that we end up thinking; we're on this earth forever.

But it's important to always remember that, we have a limited time on this earth – thus, you should always ask yourself this question;

‘If today is my last day on this planet, how will I spend it & with who?

Always treat other people with kind & respect – because there's no amount of money that can buy human interactions.

Even if you have the coolest things on the planet, always remember that one day, you're gonna die & you'll leave those things on this earth.

✌Peace out....


I hope that you'll learn one or two things from this whole story.