How I Leveraged Adversity To Become Successful

How I Leveraged Adversity To Become Successful

I remember back in the day, when I was living in a tiny little room with unpleasant conditions, since l couldn't afford a nice apartment at the time.

I looked around the room & I said to myself;

‘Man, I gotta do anything possible to get out of this situation'

Instead of just complaining about my situation, I decided to do something & do anything possible to change it.

Because I knew that, if I don't do it, no one is gonna do it for me!

Long story short, l turned that little tiny room into an office space – but not the typical office space that you're thinking of.

I'm talking about using a certain corner of the room as my work space – whilst l was sleeping & cooking in that same room as well.

I was a bit angry about that situation because I knew, l deserved something better.

But instead of using that anger to hit walls & argue with people, I turned that anger into something productive – which is writing articles.

And I have to admit that, I wrote plenty of articles during that period – because l was leveraging the anger that I had at the time & turn it into productive energy.

And that's the main reason why this blog is where it is now – though it isn't the ‘biggest’ blog on the internet lol.

But if it wasn't for that anger, I wouldn't have all these many articles – because I’d probably just be chilling in my comfort zone – because everything seem be ‘ok'.

So if you think that I was writing all these articles with a smile on my face, then you were wrong!

They're actually a product of excessive anger lol.

Also, when I was still in that situation, I told myself that one day, I'm going to SHINE🌟 if l continue working on my GRIND.

I wanted to prove ‘some people’ wrong – which was a wrong mind-set btw lol.

And with that motive in mind, I adopted the quote; Grind_To_Shine.

And I started using that quote as my bio & status for my social accounts.

Then one day, I accidentally heard of a business model called print on demand.

This sounded great to me since I was amazed by the idea of creating a clothing business without any inventory & all that extra staff.

But the problem was that, l didn't have any idea of what to put on my t-shirts i.e. the designs.

Then I just said to myself;

‘Why not use the Grind_To_Shine quote that I've been using on my bio & status?’

And that's what led to the birth of my clothing brand.

Initially, I just wanted to create t-shirts for myself – coz I was finding it more fun.

But I soon realised that, most people were getting interested in those tees👕 – and that's when I decided to take this sh*t more serious & hire a designer to design some merch designs for me.

(And the rest is history).

The moral of the story is that, the hardest times in life can actually be the life changing moments of your life.

Because in those situations, you're forced to take massive action so that you can escape those bad situations – though you might not understand it at the time.

And more importantly, you might be able to come-up with great ideas if you're in adversity i.e. compared to when you're in your comfort zone.

That's why l love this famous quote;

“Adversity breeds success"


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