How To Get Started With Walmart Affiliate Program

Walmart Affiliate Program

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Walmart is probably one of the best retail stores around the globe due to its high standards.

For this reason, most people (especially in the US) prefers to buy from this retail outlet since it is one of the best retail outlets available.

Just like any other retail outlet, Walmart has an online presence through its website, which allows customers to order items from the comfort of their own homes hence reducing the need for commuting.

Hence, most customers now prefers to take advantage of this online platform especially during this pandemic where most people are stuck in their homes due to travel restrictions.

But the key question is;

How can affiliates take advantage of Walmart’s online presence in order to make money?

To answer this question, l have divided this post into subsections which will go into much more detail about this affiliate program.

How Does Walmart Affiliate Program Work?

Walmart is not different from other affiliate programs like Amazon, eBay, Target, etc.

Just like any other affiliate programs, Walmart allows content creators to apply for their program, so as to partner with this amazing company in order to monetize their earnings.

Once you signup, you will get some custom referral links (affiliate links) which allows you to refer various products to your audience.

Once you get your links, you can place them on your blog, YouTube channel, or any other platform that you wish.

If your referrals buys through your links, you will earn a commission as a token of appreciation for your efforts.

How To Become A Walmart Affiliate?

Becoming an affiliate for Walmart is not that hard since ‘everyone’ is free to apply for this affiliate program.

All you have to do is to visit the affiliates page and you fill out your details.

Make sure you provide genuine information about yourself so as to avoid any troubles in the future.

Once you complete the application form, you might need to wait for some few days so that the affiliate support team can process your application.

Once you get accepted, you will receive an email notification with your login details which you should use in order to access the affiliate dashboard.

Once you login, you will get access to your links and you can start driving traffic to those links.

And when someone buys through your links, you'll earn a commission.

Pro Tip

Remember l mentioned that ‘everyone’ is free to apply Walmart Affiliate Program.

However, it is important to note that only a few are accepted due to various factors.

First and foremost, Walmart might ask you about your source of traffic since they prefer affiliates with high quality traffic.

And there is no doubt that tier 1 traffic is more quality than tier 2 and 3 traffic since all nations that are ranked in tier 1 category have healthy economies, high standards of living, higher wages, etc.

For this reason, people who lives in those nations have a high spending power than those who lives in low tier nations.

Thus, you should mention that you'll send tier 1 traffic in your application in order to increase the odds of getting accepted into Walmart affiliate program.

Failure to do this might result in your application getting rejected since they don't want to waste time accepting affiliates who sends poor quality traffic that does not convert.

Another thing to note is that Walmart prefers affiliates with a valid website that looks active.

This is so because Walmart wants to guarantee that you have a platform to place your links since they don't like people who spams their links all over the internet as this tarnishes the image of their brand.

And it is believed that affiliates without websites are the ones who spams their links everywhere since they don't have a platform to promote their links.

Thus, before applying for this affiliate program, l highly recommend you to create a blog and put some content on that blog so that it looks active.

And once you apply for the affiliate program, your odds of getting accepted will be much higher since a website proves that you're a trustworthy person.

👉You can read this step by step guide in order to learn how to start your own blog in 7 mins!

Walmart Affiliate Program Commission

Things gets boring when we talk about Walmart commissions since their commission rates are not lucrative at all.

Walmart pays anywhere between 1% - 4% in commissions per every order that is completed through your referral links.

The commission rates varies from one category to the other depending on the type of products that you're promoting.

Bear in mind that some categories have a 0% commission rate since they believe that those products are an ‘easy sell’ thus they don't see any reason for paying a commission for those types of products.

Keep in mind that low commission rates are common among most retail affiliate programs since they have higher overhead costs e.g. shipping, inventory, packaging, etc since most of their products are physical.

Also, they believe that they are already popular thus they can always get customers one way or the other since they sell consumer goods.

However, this is not the case when you promote software and digital products since these have low overhead costs thus the companies can afford to pay as high as 50% or more in commissions e.g. ClickBank, JVZoo, etc

But little is better than nothing since you will at least earn something from your content rather than not getting anything.

Walmart Affiliate Cookies

Again, the cookie period of most retail outlets is not pleasing since most of them have a short cookie period.

Walmart offers a 3 day cookie period meaning you only get commissions when your referrals makes a purchase within the first 3 days of clicking your link.

Anything purchased after this period will not be credited to you and that's the saddest part.

However, Walmart is ‘better' than Amazon & eBay since these platforms have a shorter cookie period (24 hours).

Wrap Up

I hope you've got some value from this post since l tried by all means to summarise everything l know about Walmart affiliate program.

Walmart affiliate program is great for content creators who wish to monetize their content through referring their audience to various products that are sold on this platform.

Its a great opportunity for bloggers who writes content related to consumer products since you can easily refer your readers to various products available on Walmart and you earn a small commission in return.

However, we should not ignore the downside of this affiliate program i.e. low commissions and short cookie period since these have a negative impact on your income.

But l always advise most bloggers to find high ticket affiliate programs since they pay higher commissions than most of these retail affiliate programs.

And that's what separates those who earns big bucks from those who earns little pennies online.

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