The Typical Day Of Most 9 to 5 Workers Looks Like This!

⏰5:50 Ngrrrrr Ngrrrrr (alarm clock ringing)


‘Not again!’😬

You ignore the alarm for few seconds till the sound gets annoying🤯.

You slowly reach under your pillow – and with one eye half-opened, you click the snooze button🤳 – then you go back to sleep😴.

5 minutes later, the alarm rings again – and with anger😬, you snooze it again & you go back to sleep😴.

(You repeat this process till you've snoozed the alarm for 7 times).

And you say;

‘Ok let me stop snoozing the alarm!’ (one more snooze & you're fired)

Let me close my eyes😌 for just 30 seconds – then l will finally get out of bed🛏.

Unfortunately, 30 seconds turns into 30 minutes – till you get awakened by the noise of some passing pedestrians near your crib.🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️

You open your eyes😒 & you see the room now filled with bright light from the sun🌝.

You immediately throw the blanket to the side & you grab your phone📱 to check the time.


‘It's already 6:43!’

You immediately jump🏃‍♂️ out of bed & you rush to the bathroom🛁.

You immediately hoop in the shower🚿 for few minutes i.e. washing your body – whilst brushing your teeth at the same time.😆

4 minutes 22 seconds later, you get out of the bathroom – and you rush to put some lotion on your body – whilst staring at the mirror.


‘I have soap in my hair & ears👂!’

You think of rushing back into the shower for a minute – so as to get rid of the soap. But unfortunately, time is not on your side.

So you just grab your wet towel & you try to wipe the soap till it goes away (disguise).

After battling with the soap for some time, you finally throw the towel away.

You then grab your old-looking formal attire that’s now showing its age👔 – since it has been in the washing tab for more than 1269 times!

With one eye😏 on the clock & the other on the mirror, you eventually finish buttoning-up your shirt which has some few problem buttons which are broken into half – thus, you gotta battle with them for some few seconds till you win them.🙄

You then rush to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee☕ – and just after taking three & half sips, you hear the sound of the 7am news.


‘It's already 7:00 & I’m suppose to be at the bus stop by 6:52’.

With anger on your face😖, you immediately place the cup down – leaving the coffee almost full.

You immediately grab your laptop bag🎒 & you leave the house in a hurry.🏃‍♂️

You pass through your car🚗 – but unfortunately, you can't drive it now because its engine switch & fan belt are faulty – and you gotta go for the next 6 months without driving it because, the parts alone costs $829 to replace – whilst your salary is just $341.77.🤨

Oooh! I forgot to include your $4.60 that you get for working overtime – which adds your income to $346.37.😁

So you gotta eat some plain rice🍚 & tasteless juice🥤 for the next 6 months – so that you can save up for the car repair.

But for the mean time, you’re relying on public transport – so you rush to the bus stop🛑.

You greet other 9 to 5 prisoners who're also looking for transport at the station.

Few minutes later, a private car🚘 stops by & most people rushes towards it with intense pressure.

You move 2 steps towards the car🚶‍♂️ – but then, you remember that the private car is 22 cents💱 more expensive than the bus.

So you take a step back & you patiently wait for the bus.


‘It's already 7:18’ – and you're now shaking!

You remember that, your boss shouted at you the other day for arriving at work at 7:32 – when work starts at exactly 7:30.

Then all of a sudden, you feel some bit of relief for a moment when the bus finally arrives.🚍

Unfortunately, you gotta stand in the passage because all the seats are full.

But as someone who's in a hurry, you just enter the bus because time is not on your side.

A fake smile🙂 appears on your face when you realize that, the driver is moving at 100km/hour.

However, the smile fades away when you reach a congested intersection – and traffic is moving at 5km/hour 🚦🚎🚗🚐🚕🚛

In a panic mode🤯, you quickly pull-out your phone & you call📞 one of your co-workers to ask if the boss has arrived.

Thankfully, the boss had an emergency to attend – so he'll arrive at the workplace at 10.

(Good for you).😁

After few minutes of battling with traffic, you finally arrive at the workplace at 7:36.

🏃‍♂️In a semi-jogging state, you enter the office in a hurry & your first sentence is;

‘Damn, the traffic authorities should do something about that intersection – how on earth should someone spend 15 minutes stuck on that junction'.

Unfortunately, no one answers you because everyone seems too busy.🙁

Out of curiosity, you check on you co-worker’s laptop & he seems to be working on his report📄.


You immediately remember that the reports are due at 10 – and you're still 4 hours away from completing yours.😬

You immediately take-out your PC💻 & you start battling with that old gadget which takes 7 minutes to turn on.

Finally, you open your Word app so that you can finish the report.


‘I forgot to save the document yesterday!’

With panic, you try to re-work on the document so that you can finish it ASAP before 10.

You concentrate on the document for few hours – till you hear a horse voice saying;

‘Morning everyone'


It's your fat boss who has just arrived.👨‍💼

You can't believe that it's already time to submit your reports & you're not anywhere close to completing yours.

‘Reports in 5 minutes’ – your boss shouts!

👥Everyone winds-up their reports & submits – whilst you're shaking at your desk trying to complete yours.

20 minutes later, your boss comes out of his office & shouts;


‘Where's your report?’

You take 5 seconds without saying a word – and in a fearful-low voice, you start giving excuses:

‘My PC corrupted yesterday & l lost all my files'

In a anger voice, your boss shouts;

‘Not again Ben!’

He then gives you a long lecture on how you're not serious about your work – and he threatens to give you a notice.

After 45 minutes of being heated🤯, your boss finally tells you to complete the project & submit it before end of day.

1:00 – At least it's now lunch time🍜 & you can refresh for a moment.

As you're about to leave your desk, you remember🤔 that you have a pending report which need to be submitted before end of day.😬

So unfortunately, no lunch for you!

You just have to rely on the three & half sips of coffee that you drank in the morning.😥

You then spend the whole day trying to complete the project – then you finally submit it towards end of day.

Feeling exhausted😓, you tell your co-workers that you’re tired & you definitely need a vacation🏖.

Unfortunately, your next vacation is still 243 days away📅 – so you just have to keep grinding for the next 8 months.😒

Finally, you leave work at 5 – then you start yet another battle – commuting problem.

After a long period of struggling with transport, you finally arrive at home in the evening⛼, throw your laptop bag on the couch🛋 – then you turn on your escape box i.e. television🖥.

You relieve some stress a little bit through watching tv shows – or at times, you can do a combination of both social media & tv.


‘I didn't eat anything the whole day’ – you tell yourself.

You open your fridge to see what's in there – only to find a bowel of some few left over food🥗.

You immediately turn on your microwave & you heat the food for few minutes before you eat it.

Whilst eating, you remember that it's Tuesday & your favourite team is playing in the UEFA champions league cup.

‘It's a tight match & I've been waiting for this game for quite some few months now'.😁

Unfortunately, you can't watch the game because it ends at 12 midnight – and you’re afraid of being late to work again the next day.

So you just tell yourself that, you'll just watch the highlights the next day – though deep down you know you want to watch the whole game.😒

After some few hours of watching tv shows & scrolling through social media, you finally go to bed🛏 – so that you can prepare yourself for the next day.

Unfortunately, you're still 31 years old – so you're going to repeat this vicious cycle♻️ for the next 34 years of your life i.e. longer than the period you've lived so far.

But since everyone around you is doing the same thing, it’s now ‘normal’ to you & you wont think about any extra staff.

But always remember this;

‘If Monday is the worst day🤯 of your life, then you're doing something wrong'.

‘If Friday is your best day🕺, then you're doing something wrong'.

‘If you wake up to an annoying alarm⏰ everyday, then you're doing something wrong'.


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