GetResponse Review: Is It The Best Email Marketing Software?

Are you looking for the best email marketing software for your business?

And you're on the fence of choosing GetResponse?

If so, then this article is for you!

I'II breakdown everything that you need to know about GetResponse.

And after reading this post, you'll be able to clearly decide if it's the right fit for you or not i.e. based on the facts discussed in this post.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this software.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the nitty-gritty.

What Is GetResponse?

GetResponse Review

GetResponse an all in one marketing tool which is popular amongst internet marketers.

It's regarded as a feature-rich software – whilst being one of the most cost-effective options in the market.

This software has been competitive in the market over the past years – since this company tries by all means to gain more market share in the market.

But is it the best email marketing software in the industry?🤨

I don’t know!💁‍♂️

But let’s find out as the article progresses.

Who Is It For?

• Affiliate Marketers

• Product Creators

• Marketing agencies

• Drop shippers

GetResponse Review

GetResponse Features

GetResponse is regarded as one of the most feature-rich software in the industry – because this software is packed with a ton of great features.

But for the sake of this article, I'II just focus on the main ones – i.e.

1. Automations

The automated workflow feature is one of the best features that’s offered by GetResponse.

This is whereby you set some automated emails in your autoresponder – and these emails will be automatically sent to every new subscriber who joins your list.

You can also set these automated emails based on the days which you wish to send them.

For example, you can say that an email should be sent after two or three days – or maybe every Tuesday & Thursday.

This helps to increase your open rates – since most customers likes to receive few emails per week – rather than a bunch of them.

Also, the automated feature can send emails based on certain subscriber actions and behaviours.

For example, if a customer opens email #1, he/she will automatically receive the second one. If he/she doesn't open the first email, he/she will not receive future emails from you.

This helps to send emails to people who’re interested in your business – rather than bombarding random emails to people who aren't engaging with them.

2. Landing Pages

GetResponse comes with a ton of landing page templates which you can use for your business.

You can easily edit these templates using the simple drag & drop editor, which allows you to add some text and images without too much hassle.

This is ideal for beginners who aren't tech savvy – as the templates gives you a head-start to get up and running in no time.

However, if you're an advanced marketer, you can choose to build your own landing pages from scratch – since the premade templates might give you some limitations when it comes to customisations.

But either way, you have the option to choose any method that suits your needs.

3. Forms & Surveys

If you're a blogger or if you have a Facebook page that receives a ton of traffic, you might need to embed a simple signup form – so as to collect your leads' emails.

GetResponse gives you the opportunity to create awesome forms which you can use to collect emails from your customers.

You can opt to use the premade templates – which you can easily edit using the simple drag & drop editor.

Alternatively, you can build your own forms from scratch i.e. if you’re a more advanced designer with advanced skills.

This software also gives you the opportunity to create surveys – and surveys helps a lot when it comes to increasing engagement & conversions.

When l was promoting a certain weight lose product back in the day, l utilised the power of surveys before sending my leads to the affiliate offer.

And I have to admit that they helped to boost my conversions by a significant margin.

4. Webinar Funnels

If you're looking to sell your own products through webinars, then this is a great feature for you.

By utilising webinar funnels, you can increase your conversions by a significant margin, since webinars helps to warm your leads before you try to pitch them.

This is ideal for high ticket products – since these products are difficult to sell without a proper funnel.

Thus, you can prepare a webinar that’s at least 30 minutes long – so as to entertain your leads about the product before they actually make a final purchasing decision.

With a software like GetResponse, you can get all the tools that you need to utilise the power of webinars – thereby, helping to increase your conversions.

5. Sales Funnels

Sales funnels are crucial in internet marketing, since they help to maximise your conversions (when created properly).

A sales funnel is a road map which your customers follow before reaching the final offer.

We all know that, customers buys from people whom they know, like, & trust – and it takes an average of 7 times of encountering your brand before someone trust you with his/her money.

Thus, in order to meet these needs, you’ll need to build effective sales funnels.

GetResponse allows you to build either a full sales funnel – or a quick sales funnel.

A quick sales funnel is ideal for low ticket items – since a customer doesn't have to think too much about buying those products.

However, if you're selling high ticket items, you might need to consider using a full sales funnel – since it allows you to provide more value & build stronger relationships with your customers i.e. before they make their purchasing decisions.

Thus, you can utilise the tools offered by GetResponse to build some sales funnels for your business.

6. Integrations & APIs

One thing l like about GetResponse is that, it’s able to integrate with different apps and softwares (e.g. Shopify).

This allows you to automatically capture the emails of your customers as soon as they purchase a product from your store.

This also allows you to have a more direct line of communication with your customers – since emails are more effective than any other form of marketing.

Thus, you can send some emails to those customers when you have new offers, promos, discounts, etc.

You can also integrate GetResponse with ClickFunnels, which allows you to automatically store your leads' emails i.e. as soon as they perform a specific action on your landing page.

7. Reports

This is one of the most crucial features in email marketing, since you need to keep up to date with statistical📊 data about the performance of your campaigns.

GetResponse shows you statistical data like open rates, which allows you to see the percentage of people who’re actually opening your emails.

This allows you to remove some people from your list who aren't engaging with your emails.

It also gives you reports based on click rates, which shows you the amount of subscribers who’re actually clicking on your CTA links within your emails.

It also gives you data related to bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, compliant rates, amongst other valuable data – which can help you to improve your marketing campaigns.

GetResponse Review

GetResponse Pricing

GetResponse offers some of the best prices plans in the industry, as its prices are relatively cheaper i.e. compared to most providers in the industry.

GetResponse gives a 30 DAY FREE TRIAL – which gives you some time to decide if the software is the right fit for you or not.

After the trial period, you’ll be required to pay some monthly subscription fees – and these vary based on various factors like your list size, privileges/type of features that you want to explore, etc.

Its paid plans comes in four segments i.e. Basic Plan, Plus Plan, Professional Plan, and the Enterprise Plan.

These shall be further explained in great detail in the next few paragraphs.

NB: These prices are based on a list of 1 000 subscribers.

Basic Plan

The Basic Plan starts at $15/month – and it allows you to grow your list to up to 1 000 subs.

This is a great deal since other providers like ActiveCampaign & Constant Contact charges more than 20 bucks per month for a list that's less than 500 subscribers.

The Basic Plan gives you access to unlimited templates, landing pages, autoresponders, sales funnels, amongst other marketing tools.

This is great i.e. considering the amount that you pay for this plan.

However, the basic plan does not give you access to automated workflows, as well as webinar funnels – as these are reserved for higher plans.

Plus Plan

The Plus Plan starts from $49 per month – and the price increases if your list exceeds the 1 000 subscriber mark.

The Plus Plan comes with everything that’s included in the Basic Plan.

But what makes the Plus Plan more unique is that, it gives you access to additional features like automated workflows & webinar funnels.

Thus, if you're looking to use these features, then you should definitely consider this plan.

Professional Plan

As the name suggest, this is a more advanced plan for advanced marketers.

For just $99/month, you can get started with this plan i.e. if you have a list of less than 1 000 subs.

This plan is ideal for people who’re looking to sell high ticket items – since it gives you access to advanced webinar tools.

*Please note that the Plus Plan only gives you access to normal webinar funnels.

But the Pro Plan gives you access to more advanced webinar features, which helps to get more leads & sales i.e. by utilising the power of webinars.

Enterprise Plan

This is the highest plan that’s used by most big companies.

This plan gives you access to a dedicated IP address, account manager, transactional emails, email campaign consulting, deliverability consulting, amongst other advanced features.

As for the price, you have to reach out to GetResponse support team – since the price of this plan varies depending on the level of customised features that you wish to have.

But l don't recommend any beginner to choose this plan – since most of these features are for more advanced marketers.

Thus, if you're just starting out, you should consider using the other three plans – and you may upgrade with time i.e. as you start to get more leads & sales.

Other Key Considerations

Ease of Use🛃

GetResponse is one of the easiest software in the market, since its interface is easy to navigate.

Everything is nicely laid out in a more organised fashion – thus, even a complete newbie can learn about this software in less time.

Built-in Tools🛠

As I mentioned earlier, GetResponse is one of the most feature-rich softwares – since this software is heavily packed with a ton of premade templates & designs that you can use for your marketing campaigns.

This sets it apart from the competition – since most email marketing softwares only comes with a limited number of templates – which limits customer's choice.

Another important factor is that, most people in the internet marketing space aren't tech savvy – hence they hate to built landing pages, signup forms, opt-in pages, etc. from scratch – as this involves too much hassle.

However, if you use a tool like GetResponse, your job will be made ‘easier' – since you can get up and running in no time i.e. by simply editing the existing templates which comes with this software.


Stats shows that GetResponse has an average deliverability rate of 82.2% – which isn't that bad.

However, other competitors like Constant Contact & ActiveCampaign has higher deliverability rates of around 89% – which is quite higher than that of GetResponse.

But GetResponse has some room for improvement if they keep working on improving their software.

Customer Support👤

GetResponse is one of the best when it comes to customer support – since this company aims at providing the best user experience to its customers.

It offers 24/7 customer support via chat💬, email📧, calls📞, as well as online resources.

Thus, if you incur any challenge with this software, you're free to reach out to the support team at any time – and your queries will be addressed by a real human.

Their customer support team tries to answer all the questions in the least possible time – so as to reduce customers' waiting times.

(Customers gets bored when their queries are not addressed in the expected times frames)

Pros Of Using GetResponse

• Feature-rich

• Comes with a ton of premade templates

• Beginner friendly

• Affordable (as compared to other alternatives like Active Campaign, Constant Contact, Aweber, etc.)

• Great automations

• Advanced reports

• Great customer support

• Has few restrictions on the type of emails that you can send

(other providers restricts the sending of emails related to weight lose, cryptocurrency, make money online, etc.)

Cons Of Using GetResponse

• lower deliverability rates i.e. compared to other competitors (82.2%)

Final Verdict

In my opinion, l think that GetResponse is a great software for internet marketers – since this software provides the best tools that you need to run your online business.

Considering its price, l think that this software gives you more value for your money – since other providers charges way more than what's being charged by this company.

GetResponse also gives you the opportunity to sale your own products i.e. by utilising sales funnels & webinar funnels – hence, saving you time & money which might be required to get these features from a third party company.

It also comes with pre-designed templates which you can edit using the drag and drop editor – and this helps to save time & energy that’s required to build these items from scratch.

Thus, if you're looking for the best email marketing software to use, l highly recommend you to check out GetResponse

*You can also see some of the best email marketing softwares here.


If you signup to GetResponse using any of my links, l will give you my custom made email swipes which l personally use for my businesses. (All niches)

I paid almost $5 200 to get those email swipes done by a professional copywriter, but I'm willing to give them to you all for FREE.

I will also give you 24/7 email marketing support for the next 90 DAYS once you sign up for GetResponse via my link. (I normally charge $897 per hour)

Connect with me on for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is GetResponse Free?

GetResponse offers a free 30 DAY FREE TRIAL to its customers – so that you can test if this software is good for you or not. (No credit card💳 required)

In this trial period, you can explore most of the features offered by this software – so that you can have a full understanding of what is has to offer i.e. before committing to its paid plans.

However, if you feel like this software is not the right fit for your business, you can cancel at any time.

But if you choose to use the software beyond the trial period, you’ll be required to pay a monthly fee – which varies from one plan to the other.

Is GetResponse Good For Ecommerce?

In my opinion, l think GetReponse is ideal for any internet marketing business out there – regardless of what business you specialise in.

If you're in the ecom space, you can integrate this software with your Shopify store, so that you can automatically collect the emails of your customers.

This gives you a more direct line of communication with your customers and you can promote other offers in the future i.e. by utilising the power of email marketing.

So the simple answer to this question is;

YES! GetResponse is also good for ecommerce.

However, others argue that Klaviyo is the best when it comes to ecommerce – since this software was specifically designed for ecom businesses.

But bear in mind that, Klaviyo is a bit expensive than GetResponse – but it might be worth the price if you want to take your ecom business to the next level.

👉You can read the full review of Klaviyo here

Is GetResponse Better Than ClickFunnels?

This question has been cranking the heads of many people on the internet for quite some time now.

But the question of ‘which one is better' really depends on the purpose that you want to use the software for – since each of them is unique in its own way.

GetResponse mainly specialises in email marketing – although they overlap to other functions like funnel building.

Thus, GetResponse is ideal for people who want to do email marketing.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels specialises in sales funnels, since this software was developed to build highly converting sales funnels.

Thus, if you’re looking to build highly converting sales funnels, then you should consider using ClickFunnels.

However, these softwares can be integrated so that they can work as complimentary tools.

For example, you can use ClickFunnels to build nicely looking landing pages which are more appealing to customers – since ClickFunnels does the job better than GetResponse.

When people submit their emails on your ClickFunnels landing page, their emails will be automatically stored inside GetResponse – which will include a series of some follow up emails – hence, getting the most out of these tools.

*No credit card required💳

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