8 Digital Marketing Strategies That Actually Work!

Digital Marketing Strategies

In this post, l will quickly go through some of the best digital marketing strategies that are proven to work – so that you can get an idea of these strategies.

After reading this article, you'll be able to go out there and implement some of these strategies – since most of them are ‘simple' and straight forward.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about these strategies.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Blogging

The first digital marketing strategy on our list is blogging.

This is probably my favourite strategy – since blogging is so powerful when it comes to getting traffic to your business.

Google is probably the biggest search engine in the world – since most people likes to research about their queries on this platform.

Thus, you can take advantage of these users and provide solutions for their queries i.e. through blog posts.

In order to get started with this strategy, you must first create a blog for your business.

Once done, you’ll then need to start publishing SEO optimised articles i.e. based on what people are searching for.

And if you do this properly, you'll start to get some traffic to your business – which you can divert to your offers.

NB: Businesses that blogs more frequent receives more traffic and revenue – compared to those with static websites or landing pages.

2. Video Marketing (YouTube)

Video marketing is the future of online marketing – since it is booming right now.

Stats shows that video content tends to convert better than any other form of content – since videos are easier to digest than written content.

Thus, businesses are slowly transitioning towards video content – in order to take advantage of this riding wave.

In order to get started with video marketing, you need to create a YouTube channel– and you start uploading some videos related to your products/services.

And if you optimise your videos for YouTube SEO, you'll slowly gain some rankings – which will allow you to get more traffic, leads, and hopefully, sales.

The key is to stay consistent with your uploading schedule – since YouTube tends to favour channels that are more consistent.

And just to give you a tip, YouTube shorts are blowing up right now – thus, you can take advantage of them to reach more people.

3. Social Media Marketing

Next on our list is social media marketing.

We all know that, most people spends most of their time on social media – thus, your target customers are probably hanging there.

Thus, you must tap into various social platforms – so as to let the world know about your business.

You can use various platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, etc. i.e. based on the type of products that you're selling.

But my favourite platform right now is TikTok.

There is no doubt that this platform is blowing up right now – since more and more people are joining this platform on a daily basis.

Most people always thinks of funny dancing videos when they hear of TikTok – but lm here to tell you that you can use this platform to market your business.

You just have to know ‘who your ideal customers are’, and ‘how to target them’.

I always hear people saying staff like; ‘Email is dead, email is trash, email this & that, etc.'.

But I’m here to tell you that email marketing still exists – and it will remain a huge component of online marketing even years from now.

The main reason l like email marketing is that, an email list is something that you own and control i.e. you can communicate with your customers at any given time or anywhere – without having to worry about anything.

However, if you're relying on social media or paid ads, your account might get terminated for violating the rules – and all of a sudden, you'll be out of business.

Thus, if you're getting traffic from all these various sources, it's important to build your own list – so that you can get in touch with those clients – even in the future.

5. Podcasting

Another strategy that is taking-off right now is podcasting.

More people are becoming more interested in listening to podcast – since it helps them to consume content whilst focusing on other tasks.

Thus, you can start your own podcast – and you can start discussing topics related to your business.

The most interesting part about podcasting is that, it's less saturated than blogging – since most businesses are not yet utilising this strategy.

Thus, you might need to tap into podcasting ASAP – so that you can be one of the few experts which customers rely on.

6. Paid Advertising

Another great digital marketing strategy right now is paid advertising.

You can literally launch an Ad on Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc. – and you can start to get more traffic to your business.

The beauty part about paid ads is that, they allow you to get more traffic much quicker – as opposed to organic strategies which takes longer.

Thus, you can get traffic and sales in no time if you utilise the power of paid ads.

However, l don't recommend businesses to sorely depend on paid ads – because Ad accounts gets banned all the time – thus, you can be out of business at any time.

Instead, you should focus on organic strategies to build a strong foundation for your business – then use paid ads for scaling.

Another great digital marketing strategy is influencer marketing.

This is whereby you find some influencers with a large audience – and you pay them to advertise your products to their audience.

This method is great because you'll be tapping into someone's else audience – rather than building your own audience from scratch.

Thus, you can get traffic almost instantly – since most influencers have loyal audiences i.e. people who engage with his/her content or recommendations.

8. Forums & Online Communities

Last on our list – we have forums & online communities.

This is whereby you find ‘where' your ideal customers hangs around – and you tap into those platforms.

For example, if there's an online community related to your industry, you can join it – and you start providing value in those communities.

Try to answer people's questions – in order to show that you have some knowledge in that field.

Over time, people will start noticing you – and they'll start to develop the know, like, & trust factor.

NB: Don't just spam your links in those communities – since you might be banned from those platforms. Instead, focus on providing value to people.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 8 best digital marketing strategies that are proven to work.

Using these strategies, you can grow your business at a much faster rate – unlike if you just sit there and wait for customers to come to your business.

But obviously, you can't adopt all of these strategies at once.

Instead, you should adopt one or two at a time – so that your focus wont be diverted amongst too many strategies.


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