How To Get Started With Google Search Console (Webmaster)

1. Head over to the Google Search Console's main website or search it on your browser.

Google Search Console Setup

2. Click the ‘get started' button then enter your email and password.

3. Once you sign-in, you'll be taken to a page that looks like this:

Google Search Console Setup

Simply choose the ‘url prefix' option and enter the url of your website – then click continue.

4. Once you click ‘continue', Google will start scanning for verification – and once your website is verified, you'll see something like this:

Google Search Console Setup

5. Once verified, you'll be taken straight into your dashboard – where you'll see your website stats.

Google Search Console Setup

Keep in mind that your dashboard will be blank when your website is still new.

But with time, you'll start seeing your impressions, clicks, average position, etc.

That's all about Google Search Console/Webmaster

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.
