How To Create An Amazon Affiliate Site: Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Want to start your own Amazon affiliate site?

But don't know where to start?

I got you!

In this tutorial, l will quickly walk you through the step by step process that you need to take in order to setup and run your own Amazon affiliate website.

Thus, read till the very end if you’re serious about starting your own Amazon affiliate site.

Steps Involved

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes.

1. Pick A Niche

The first step is to choose a specific niche in which your site will be centred on.

The reason why this is important is because, Amazon sells a variety of products – which falls under different niches and categories – thus, it's impossible to promote each and every niche available on this platform.

Not only that, but niching helps your site to stand above the crowd – because Google will know exactly what your site is all about – thus, it's algorithm will be able to rank your website accordingly.

Also, you’ll be able to attract a loyal audience if you're niche focused – unlike if you try to serve everyone in the industry.

Thus, it's important to choose a specific niche from the onset – so that you'll know exactly what to focus on.

Just to give you a quick tip;

You should try to pick a niche that you're knowledgeable about – so that you wont struggle when it comes to content creation.

You can also choose something that you’re passionate about – so that you wont get bored when creating content for your site.

2. Choose A Name For Your Site

Assuming that you've picked a niche, it's now high time to come up with a name for your site.

This helps to differentiate your blog from thousands of similar blogs in your niche – thus, making it easier for people to find you.

Most people over complicates this stage – but you must just try to come up with a name that's easy to remember – so that people can easily find you on Google.

Also, you should try by all means to come up with a name that's related to your niche – as it helps a lot for SEO purposes.

Keep in mind that, other names were already taken in the past by other blog owners – thus, you might need to do some research just to make sure that your target name isn't already taken i.e. through typing it on Google & see what pops up.

3. Sign Up For Web Hosting

Assuming that you now have a name for your site, it's now high time to sign up for web hosting.

This is crucial as it helps to register your blog name on the internet – so that it becomes findable on Google.

There are various web hosting companies that facilitates this process – but my favourite one is GreenGeeks.

It comes with a ton of features that are all designed to enhance the performance of your website – so that your site can function to its best potential.

And guess what?

All these features comes for a low price of $2.95 per month – which is quite less than the price of Starbucks coffee.

Thus, for such a low price, you can have your own domain name registered – thus, allowing you to have your own piece of real estate on the internet.

4. Install WordPress

Assuming that you've registered your domain name, the next step is to install WordPress.

You'll get WordPress as soon as you buy your domain – and you can easily install it via the GreenGeeks dashboard in just a few clicks.

Thus, you don't have to look for the WordPress app from elsewhere – since it comes with your GreenGeeks domain.

If you're not familiar with WordPress, it's an app that's used to create websites – and most websites on the internet were designed using this app.

Thus, it's definitely the best app when it comes to web development – since it runs almost 35% of sites on the internet.

5. Choose A Theme

Assuming that you've installed WordPress, it's now high time to choose a theme.

WordPress comes with a lot of free themes – although they also have some paid ones.

But if you're on a shoestring budget, you must stick to the free ones – since they also do a good job.

The key is to browse through the free ones just to compare how they look – and if you find the one that catches your attention, simply choose it & use it for your site.

NB: You can always change your theme in the future i.e. if you wish to do so.

6. Design Your Site

Once you've chosen a theme, it's now high time to start designing your site i.e. through customising the theme.

The beauty part is that, you don't have to worry about creating your website from scratch – since the themes are 75% done for you.

You just need to replace the text, images, colours, fonts, etc. – and your site will be good to go!

You can also install a plugin called Elementor – which is a page builder that's used for designing awesome WordPress sites.

This tool eliminates the stress of using complex HTLM or other coding staff – since this tool is a drag and drop editor that turns your site into ‘what you see is what you get'.

And the cool part is that, it has a free version – meaning, you can use this tool to design your site for 100% free.

There are also plugins like Thrive Themes – which is also an awesome page builder – although this one has a bit of a learning curve.

Once you’ve finished designing your site, you must publish it – and sign up for Google Search Console & GGoogle Analytics oogle.

7. Start Producing Content

Assuming that your site is setup, it's now high time to start producing content.

Content helps you to get traffic to your site – and in turn, turn that traffic into dollars i.e. when those people click on your affiliate links & buy staff on Amazon.

Thus, it's very important to create as much content as possible – so as to increase your earnings potential.

But you should create articles based on what people are searching for – and you can find that data through keyword research.

Try to find keywords that has a decent search volume and low competition levels – so that you can ‘easily' rank your articles & get decent amounts of traffic.

It's also important to strike a balance between informational and commercial content – so that your site wont just look like an advertising hub.

Not only that, but Google is also favouring sites that has a healthy balance between informational and commercial content – thus, you must keep that in mind.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since l tried by all means to share my best knowledge.

Using this information, you can create your own Amazon affiliate site ASAP – without any prior experience or without the need for a developer.


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