Tesla Referral Program A Brief Overview

Tesla Referral Program – A Brief Overview

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Brief Overview

Tesla is now one of the best companies in the world – when it comes to the automobile industry.

Founded by Elon Musk, the company has been rapidly growing over the last couple of years – since more and more people are becoming interested in owning Tesla cars.

The main reason being that, this company is promoting environmental safety – through producing electric vehicles that are emission free.

This is so important because our environment has been heavily polluted over the last decades – and fossils have been one of the major contributors.

Thus, it's important to move towards more cleaner forms of energy – so as to protect our environment from pollution.

With that being said, Tesla offers a referral program – so as to allow happy & loyal customers to promote its products to their loved ones.

This allows you to partner with this company (through a unique referral link) – and when people buys through your link, you’ll earn some rewards.

(Visit Tesla's affiliate page for commission details)

Also, the people whom you refer gets a discount i.e. for buying through a partner – thus, saving them some money.

Thus, it's a win-win-win situation to all parties involved i.e. the company gets new customers whilst leveraging the existing ones, the affiliate earns some commissions whilst recommending his/her favourite products, whilst the customer gets a discount for buying through an affiliate.

With that being said, let's quickly discuss how you can become an affiliate for this company – so that you can get started ASAP!

How To Become An Affiliate For Tesla

In order to become an affiliate, simply visit their affiliate page – and follow the instructions.

You'll be required to fill out some application forms – so as to provide your details to the company.

Try to provide as much genuine details as possible – because this company likes to work with authentic partners/affiliates.

Once done, simply submit your application & wait for their response.

Under normal circumstances, you'll get a response within few days – stating the status of your application i.e. approved or rejected.

If rejected, simply address the stated objections – and try to reapply.

If you get accepted, then congrats! It's now high time to start promoting their products.

In the next section, l will quickly summarise how you can drive traffic to your affiliate links – so that you can get a rough idea.

So stay tuned!

How To Promote Tesla Products

The best way by far is through YouTube.

Most successful affiliates in the automobile industry use video content – because it's more engaging than written content.

When it comes to written content, it's difficult to express complex concepts to the readers – because written content can be easily misinterpreted.

But when it comes to video content, it's a different story i.e. people can easily understand what you're saying i.e. just by seeing your actions on camera.

Thus, you can start a YouTube channel – then you start reviewing the various Tesla models.

However, you need to have the car(s) in order to get started with this method – because it’s difficult to review a car that you don't physically have.

For this reason, you might need to buy one to be able to review it.

If you're already a customer of Tesla, it's way more easier for you – because you can easily review the one which you recently purchased.

However, if you’re not a Tesla owner, then it might be difficult for you – unless if you find someone who owns one & you persuade him/her to use his/her car for a review.

Either way, you must have the car at hand – so as to show your audience the full specs and body parts of the car.

Apart from YouTube, you can also start a car related blog – where you write about the latest & trending cars – then you put affiliate links inside your content.

And when people buys those cars through your links, you'll earn some commissions for those sales.

But l do recommend to do both YouTube & blogging – so that you can drive traffic from both Google & YouTube.

It's also important to embed some videos in your blog content – so as to make it easier to understand for your audience.

Apart from these methods, you can also start an Instagram page related to Teslas (or cars in general) – then you start posting some car content on that page.

This enables you to attract an audience that’s interested in those cars – and some of them might buy if they're interested in your recommendations.

Wrapping Up

So that wraps up our discussion on the Tesla affiliate program.

This is a great company to promote as an affiliate – since they're releasing great products which are friendly to the environment.

Not only that, but their products are also adding value in most people's lives – since they've a great user experience.



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