ClickMagick Review: Is It The Best Link Tracking Software?

If you're not tracking your conversions, then you're leaving a lot of money on the table!

You can spend a lot of more time and money on traffic sources that aren't bringing any returns i.e. if you don't have a tracking software for your business.

That's why you need a tracking software like ClickMagick, so that you can analyse the performance of your business campaigns.

But the biggest question is;

Is ClickMagick the best tracking software for your business?

Let's find out as the article unfolds.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is ClickMagick?

Clickmagick Review

Basically, Clickmagick is a link tracking software, which allows you to gather data on where your traffic, leads & sales are coming from.

This can be in the form of geographical location🗺, whereby the software shows you where your traffic is originating from e.g. USA, Canada, UK, etc.

If you're running paid ads, you can utilise this geographical data to launch more profitable ad campaigns in the future – which specifically targets people in those particular regions.

Clickmagick is also able to track the platform in which that traffic is coming from e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Using this data, you can be able to know where to maximise your efforts.

For example, if most of your traffic is coming from YouTube, you may need to concentrate on making more YouTube content i.e. based on the products & services that you're selling – rather than concentrating on platforms which aren't bringing any traffic.

In order to explore all these features, all you have to do is to create multiple links inside your Clickmagick account & you place those links on your different promotional platforms.

For example, if you're promoting an affiliate product like iPhone 12, you can create multiple custom links using this software – and you place them on your desired promotional platforms e.g. YouTube, Instagram, Blog, etc.

This allows you to compare which platforms are bringing more traffic and conversions, since you’ll be able to see metrics related to total clicks, unique clicks, number of sales, as well as conversion rates.

Who Is It For?

In general, Clickmagick is a great tool for anyone in the online marketing space, since it's important to always track where your leads & sales are coming from.

Whether you're into affiliate marketing, drop shipping, solo ads business – or even product creation, you should always use a link tracking software – especially if your business relies on different traffic sources.

I was that type of guy who was throwing my affiliate links all over the internet e.g. on my Blog,, YouTube, Facebook ads, Solo ads, etc. – since l was looking to get more traffic from various sources.

The biggest mistake which l made was that, l was not using any kind of link tracking software, since l was just eager to get some traffic and sales.

But the main problem came when l started to generate some sales, since l didn't know where those sales were coming from.

Even though l was happy to get sales, l didn't know where to maximise my efforts on – since l didn't have enough data about where my leads were originating from.

That's what led me to using Clickmagick, so as to monitor my campaigns.

Thus, if you want to get the best out of your online business, l highly recommend you to use a link tracking software from the onset.

ClickMagick Features

Clickmagick comes with a ton of great features – but to be honest, l only use a few of them.

The reason being that, some of the features are more advanced & they aren't really useful for most marketers – esp beginners.

Some of the features are too complex, since they were designed to serve the needs of advanced marketers who’re more tech savvy.

But for someone like me who only needs simple & straight forward features, l only use the basic ones – which I'II briefly discuss in the next few sections.

(i) Campaign Tracking

When undertaking various campaigns for the same product, you need to use a tracking software which shows you which campaigns are converting better – so that you can maximise your efforts on those campaigns.

Clickmagick allows you to create different links for the same product, so that you can see which traffic campaign is converting better.

You can create different custom links for promoting the same offer & you place those links on your different promotional platforms.

Clickmagick is able to gather data related to total clicks, unique clicks, as well as sales generated through each link.

This allows you to see which traffic source(s) is worth your time and resources, and you focus your attention on that.

Another cool thing about this software is that, it allows you to know where your leads and sales are coming from i.e. in terms of geographical location.

It also shows you the quality of traffic that your links are receiving e.g. tier 1, tier 2 or tier 3 – hence, allowing you to make better decisions in the future.

You can also see whether most of your leads are using iOS, Android, or Desktop – hence, allowing you to create more targeted content that’s optimised for those various devices.

There's a lot to talk about campaign tracking, but let me move on to the next feature – which is, rotators.

(ii) Rotators

This is a great tool especially if you're in the solo ads business – or even network marketing.

This feature allows you to gather many different links and put them into one big ‘basket’.

This allows you to evenly spread the incoming traffic/clicks amongst those different links inside that huge basket.

Let me give you a practical example:

Let's say that you're a solo ad vendor and you want to provide traffic to many different clients at once;

You can choose to take maybe 10 links from your different clients & you put those links under one huge portfolio.

What happens is that, when you drive traffic to that basket, Clickmagick is able to evenly distribute that traffic to those different links inside that portfolio.

Thus, the first click/visitor might go to the first link in the basket, then the second click/visitor might go to the second link inside that basket, and the list goes on....

This allows you to serve as many clients as possible in the shortest period of time.

The rotator feature has also been used by most DFY course creators in the affiliate marketing space – whereby the course creator takes different affiliate links of his students and he puts them inside one basket.

The idea is that, the students should leverage the efforts of their mentor in order to get clicks & sales to their affiliate offers as well.

This is also a great feature to check out for.

(iii) Funnel Tracking

If you're using some sales funnels in your business, then this feature is definitely crucial.

After creating various funnels for my business, l found out that it might be difficult to see which parts of my funnel have problems, since a complete sales funnel might consists of many different pages.

But if you use a tool like Clickmagick, you can easily identify which parts of your funnel are broken – since you can easily observe the pages where most of your leads are bouncing back.

Clickmagick gives you a tracking pixel – which you can install on the most important pages of your funnel e.g. landing page, opt-in page, bridge page, thank you page, etc.

This pixel is able to track the activity of your leads on each of these pages – hence, giving you relevant data that you can use to improve your sales funnel(s).

For example, you might notice that, most people are bouncing back on the landing page before even submitting their emails.

This gives you some signals that your landing page isn't highly converting – since most people needs a highly converting landing page in order to trust you with their credentials.

This allows you to take corrective measures so as to improve the quality of your landing page – in order to increase your conversion rates by a significant percentage.

(iv) Advanced Retargeting

There's no doubt that, one of the most effective form of advertising is through running retargeting ads.

Retargeting ads allows you to take advantage of the people who visited your site in the past, but they left without completing the purchase.

Most of these people have some interest in your products – hence, they’re already warm & they only need to be converted into paying customers.

Using a tool like Clickmagick, you can gather all the data of your site’s visitors based on their actions – and you can then run some retargeting ads to those people.

You can also install a pixel on your thank you pages – so as to collect ‘buyer driven data’.

This also allows you to run some retargeting ads to your previous customers i.e. if you’re now promoting new offers in the future.

This is also a great feature, since you’ll be running ads to proven buyers – rather than throwing random ads to cold leads.

(v) Intelligent Split Testing

Another cool thing about Clickmagick is that, it allows you to split test your pages to see which ones are converting better.

For example, you can split test 2 or 3 different landing pages for the same offer to see which one converts better.

By installing a pixel on each of these landing pages, you can gather data based on the opt-in rates, CTR, amongst other metrics – which helps in choosing the best converting landing page for your campaigns.

This is great for people in the affiliate marketing space – since it’s always advisable to use the best converting landing pages in order to maximise your returns.

ClickMagick Pricing

Clickmagick comes with a 14 day free trial, which allows you to test the software for some few days in order to decide if it's really for you or not.

If you decide to keep using the software, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version.

The paid plans starts at $27/month (Starter Plan), $67/month (Standard Plan), as well as $97/month for the Pro Plan.

The starter plan is ideal for beginners who does not receive a lot of traffic to their sites or pages – since it is limited to only 10 000 clicks per month.

But as your business grows, you might need to upgrade to higher plans i.e. once you're now receiving more than 10k clicks per month.

Another important thing to note is that, the more advanced features comes at a higher price – since the Starter Plan is mainly characterised by basic features.

ClickMagick Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, Clickmagick is probably one of the best companies in the software industry, since most companies has relatively poor support.

Unlike most companies, Clickmagick is always available to answer to their customers’ queries, since they aim at providing the best user experience to their clients.

You can reach out to their customer support via live chat, email, or even phone calls.

It also has a broad knowledge base, which allows you to access some educational resources online – for absolutely free.

This allows you to get some answers on some of your queries, since most of the queries were already addressed in the past i.e. via the knowledge base.

Besides that, the software also has some ‘tiny question mark symbols’ next to every feature.

If you don't understand how any of these features works, you can easily click on the question mark symbol next to that feature – and you'll get access to the information page on how that particular feature works.

So if you were worried about customer support, then worry not – because this company is on point.

Any Loophole Of ClickMagick?

The only limitation of this software is that, some of its features are very complicated for an average person.

This makes it difficult for non-tech savvy people to use this software – since some of these features are way beyond standard features.

But if you stick to the basic features, you can have a great user experience, since the basic features are easy to navigate.

I highly recommend that you spend some few minutes per day just playing around the different features of this software, and you’ll understand most of these features with time.

Final Verdict

In my opinion, there’s no other better tracking software than Clickmagick, since this software was perfectly designed to provide the best tracking tools for people in the online business.

I highly recommend you to use this software if you want to get the best results out of your business, since this software provides you with more valuable data – which you can use to make educated decisions for your business.

You should take this software as an investment, since you’ll get more valuable data from this software – and you can use that data to maximise your conversions.

Clickmagick Alternatives

• Improvely

• LinkTrackr

• ClickMeter


• Voluum

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