5 Best Website Builders For Small Businesses (2022)

Want to build your own website but you don't know which software to use?

Don’t worry because I'm going to review some of the best softwares that you can use to build your own website.

But before l proceed, l just want to admit that building a website is now easier than ever before – since most softwares are now coming with some simple drag & drop tools.

However, this wasn't common in the past – since web building was too complicated back then.

It involved a lot of coding staff like CSS, Java, HTML, etc. – which was complex for non tech people.

But this modern generation is blessed to have some less complex tools, which makes it easier to create a website at the comfort of your home – without having to hire a web developer.

But the question is;

‘Which tools and softwares can you use to build your own website ASAP?

Don't stress because I've complied a list for you.

After some few months of thorough research, l was finally able to come up with list of some of the top 5 website builders in the world🌍.

These includes:

NB: Based on your tastes and preferences, you might like number 5 more than number 1. Either way, the most important thing is to choose a software that works for you – so that you can enjoy the web building process.

Without wasting much time, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. WordPress

WordPress - Best Website Builder Software

WordPress is the most popular web builder on the internet – since most websites on the web were build using WordPress.

More than 33% of websites on the web were built using WordPress, which proves that this company has a larger market share i.e. compared to other website builders.

What makes WordPress more lucrative to most people is that it is SEO friendly – meaning, WordPress sites has higher chances of ranking on Google i.e. compared to sites created using other web builders.

If you're looking to start an affiliate website, WordPress might be the best option for you – since affiliate marketing is a competitive business – thus, you need to build a website that ranks in order to get free traffic.

WordPress also comes with a lot of themes and templates, which allows you to customise your website without too much hustle.

It also comes with a lot of plugins like Yoast, which allows you to optimise your content for ranking.

Also comes with ecommerce plugins like WooCommerce, Cart66, Shopify, etc., and these can be installed in just a few clicks.

Using apps like Elementor, you can build your WordPress website using the drag & drop method – which is super easy!😜

You can easily pick some elements like text and images, then you place them at your preferred spots of your website.

In terms of cost, WordPress is absolutely free i.e. it's an open source platform.

However, you might need to pay for a domain from a hosting company, and the #1 recommended hosting for WordPress sites is GreenGeeks.

Thus, if you’re looking to use WordPress, you simply need to get a GreenGeeks domain – which only cost $2.95 per month.

Once you get your GreenGeeks domain, WordPress will be automatically installed on your device for absolutely FREE. (1 click installation method)

Based on this price, l think that it’s now high time for people to start building their own piece of real estate online, since a website is a real business asset that can generate some income for you.

There's a lot to talk about this app, but you can find out more i.e. when you get it.

2. Wix

Wix - Best Website Builder Software

It's also a popular website builder that's used by most beginners.

Wix has been a close competitor to WordPress for quite some time now, since Wix is trying by all means to dominate the web building industry.

But the question is;

Is Wix capable of overtaking WordPress?

That's a question for another day!😜

Wix comes with some great templates, which allows you to create a good looking website in few minutes i.e. the templates are easy to edit.

Another cool thing about Wix is that, you can submit some few details like your niche, business type, location, etc., and Wix will automatically build a website for you i.e. using its artificial intelligence system.

This is ideal for people who’re not tech savvy – since you don't have to worry about CSS, Java, HTML, and other complicated coding staff.

It also comes with a booking system plugin, which allows your customers to book a visit, schedule an appointment, or even book a call.

This is ideal for businesses in more professional industry like hotels, because customers can easily make a booking before coming to the hotel – rather than randomly coming without any notice.

Also comes with a form builder, which can be embedded on the footer of your website.

This allows your web visitors to leave a comment, suggestion, or even their contact details – just in case, they might need to discuss some business issues with you.

Wix also comes with some ecommerce features, which allows you to run an ecommerce store using this platform.

However, l don't recommend anyone to run an ecom store via Wix – since there’s other great softwares like Shopify, were mainly designed for that.

Wix is also characterised by an incredible marketplace, which allows you to purchase some additional apps and plugins in order to enhance your site.

In terms of pricing, Wix’s cheapest plan costs $14 per month (combo plan), and this price includes the cost of a domain as well.

However, this monthly fee is almost quad the price of WordPress, since WordPress only costs $2.95 i.e. if you choose to get it via GreenGeeks.

Other than that, Wix is also a good option to consider when choosing a website builder.

3. Squarespace

Squarespace - Best Website Builder Software

Comes with a ton of great features.

These includes; form builders, which allows you to collect your visitor's emails when they visit your site.

Squarespace also comes in the iOS & android version apps, which makes it possible for you to install Squarespace on your mobile device and control your website from your mobile device.

It also comes with some ecommerce functions, which makes it easier for you to sell your own products via your Squarespace website – since the ecom function allows you to integrate an ‘ADD TO CART' button to your website.

Just like other web builders, Squarespace also comes with a donation feature, which allows your visitors to make donations via your website.

It also allows you to customise the checkout, select the amount that they wish to donate, etc.

Not only that, but Squarespace also allows you to create custom receipts for those people who make donations on your website – hence, the donors will feel honoured if they receive a customised receipt via their email.

It also allows you to syndicate some podcasts on your website, which is required by Spotify and Apple podcast.

Most web builders only allows you to embed your podcast audio files, but they don’t have the option to syndicate the podcasts – thus, Squarespace takes a W there.

However, the main limitation of Squarespace is its prices.

The cheapest plan starts at $12 per month, which is quite higher compared to WordPress.

But besides that, it's also a great website builder to consider.

4. GoDaddy

GoDaddy - Best Website Builder Software

GoDaddy has been around for quite some time now – and the company has managed to build some trust and authority in the industry.

It's an all in one tool, which caters for email marketing, hosting – and of course, web building as well.

GoDaddy is also another web builder to consider, since they have an amazing web building platform.

Its plans starts at $10 per month, which is pretty fair, but still higher than WordPress.

It’s important to note that, the cheapest plan does not come with SEO tools – meaning, you might need to upgrade if you want to use them.

GoDaddy comes with a lot of great features – such as, the appointment feature, which allows your clients to book an appointment before coming to your company.

This is ideal for businesses like hotels, since customers might need to make a reservation without having to physically go to the hotel.

It also comes with a blogging ecosystem, which is ideal for bloggers who’re looking for a simple platform to get started.

However, GoDaddy’s blogging platform isn't the best, since there’s softwares like WordPress which does the job way better than.

In my opinion, l think that GoDaddy is suitable for someone who needs to build some simple sites with basic features.

However, if you're looking to build a more advanced site, GoDaddy might not be the best option, since its features are limited & too basic in nature.

Thus, you might need to consider WordPress if you're looking to build some more advanced websites.

5. Weebly

Weebly - Best Website Builder Software

Ideal for people who aren't tech savvy, since this software is simple to use.

Comes with an easy drag and drop editor, which allows you to build your website without too much hassle.

Weebly also has some ecom features, which allows you to build your own ecom store in just a few minutes.

It also has the ability to build a membership site, which is ideal for people who wants to host a paid membership site for their business. (member’s only type of site)

Just like any other software, Weebly also comes with a form builder feature, which allows you to build some forms which you can use to collect your visitor's contact details.

However, the main drawback of Weebly is that, if you select a theme colour for one page, the colour will automatically scatter throughout the whole site.

In some cases, you may only like to add a specific colour to a specific call-to-action button on your website.

But instead of applying that colour on that single button, it applies the colour to every button that’s on your site – which in most cases, might not be the right colour for other CTA buttons on your site.

Weebly also offers a free plan, which allows you to use the software free of charge.

However, we all know that free items aren't always the best – because you get what you pay for!🤑

Don't expect to pay nothing and get a lot of features in return.

Its paid plans starts at $6 per month, which is still ok, as it is half of what Squarespace is charging.

But it's still not the cheapest option – since there’s other alternatives like WordPress which are way more cheaper than 6 bucks.

Also note that the $6/month plan is characterised by a lot of random ads – which are automatically placed on your website by the Weebly team.

This might be distractive to your web visitors, since ads may be boring to customers at times – we all know that!

Thus, if you don't like these ads, you might have to upgrade to the $12 per month plan, which makes it even more expensive.

Final Verdict

After reading this article, I'm pretty sure that you’ve made a decision on which software to use for your next website (if not the first).

Most people are a bit confused when it comes to choosing the right website builder, because they lack some in-depth information about these various tools.

But you're lucky to come across this article, since it clearly showed you what you need to know before deciding on which software to use.

My advice is; choose a software which you really like i.e. in order to enjoy the web building process.

Besides that, you need to consider the ranking factors, since your website needs some traffic for survival.

You also need to consider the cost aspect, since these different softwares comes at different prices.

But in my opinion, l think that WordPress remains the best i.e. considering these various factors – though it has a bit of a learning curve.

👉Learn how to build a website with WordPress here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which Website Builder Is The Best For Beginners?

It's unarguably that Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly are actually great for beginners.

This is so because these softwares doesn't need any coding experience in order to build a fully functional website.

These softwares also comes with pre-made templates which you can edit and twerk, rather than building a website from scratch.

Although these softwares are beginner friendly, they come at a higher price.

Another limiting factor is that, they have lower chances of ranking than WordPress, since WordPress has some great authority on the online space.

Thus, it really depends on your objectives – since everyone has his/her own opinions.

Which Website Builder Is The Best For Blogs?

There’s no doubt that most blogs have a WordPress logo on them.


WordPress comes with a plugin called Yoast, which allows you to optimise your content for SEO.

This allows your blog posts to rank better on Google – thus, allowing you to get more traffic.

WordPress is also cost effective in nature i.e. it's technically free – though you might have to pay for a domain from a hosting company.

Which Website Builder Is The Best For Small Businesses?

This depends on the type of business that you specialise in.

If your business needs some SEO organic traffic, you might need to consider WordPress, since this software is friendly to search engines.

However, if your business only needs a one pager static website, then you might use other softwares like Weebly, since this software is great when it comes to creating simple websites.

Which Website Builder Is The Best For ecommerce?

There’s no doubt that Shopify is the leading ecom web builder, since Shopify was specifically designed for that purpose.

I highly recommend using this software for building your ecom store – rather than using other softwares like Wix, Squarespace, etc., since these weren't primarily designed for ecommerce.

👉Find Other Great Website Builders For Ecommerce Here

Can l Build A Website Without Any Technical Experience?

Yes of course!

Unlike in the past, web building has now become easier than ever before, since most softwares are now using drag & drop tools.

This was not the case in the past, since web design involved a lot of tech staff i.e. HTML, CSS, Java, etc., which were more complicated for an average person.

However, things have changed and you no longer need to stress🤯 about hiring a web designer, since you can easily look for YouTube videos nowadays and just follow the steps shown in the video.

👉Read: How To Create A Website Of My Own Without Any Coding Skills? (Full Tutorial

Which Is The Best Free Website Builder?

There’s no doubt that Google Sites is the best free website builder – which offers all the necessary tools that you need to setup and run your own free website.

Google sites is very beginner friendly, since it doesn't involve any complex coding staff.

It was designed as a drag and drop platform which is in the form of ‘what you see is what you get’ – hence, making it easy to use for most people.

👉Google Sites Tutorial

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