Copywriting For Beginners: How To Get Started The Right Way (Ultimate Guide)

How To Get Started Copywriting

Are you eager to get started with copywriting?

But you don't know where to start?

If so, then this post is for you.

In this article, l will grab you by the hand, and walk you from A to Z on how you can get started with copywriting.

After reading this post, you'll be in a position to go out there and make some few extra bucks with copywriting – using some of the strategies shown in this article.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about copywriting.

Steps Covered

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the nitty-gritty of this post.

1. Craft A Perfect Hook

The first step to get started with copywriting is to come up with a perfect hook for your copy.

We all know that headlines grabs the attention of the audience – thus, they impact whether someone will click or ignore your page.

For this reason, you need to come up with a perfect headline that can hook/grab your audiences’ attention.

This helps to increase your CTR by a significant margin, since more people will be curious to see what's on your page – as a result of reading your enticing headline.

Let's assume that you're selling a ‘make money online course’, a perfect hook can be something like:

‘New Video Reveals .......... How A 62 Year Old Grandma Made $23 814.68 In 19 Days – Without Lifting A Finger!’

Now, l want you to notice something about this headline:

First, take note of the figures shown in this headline i.e. raw numbers.

People likes to see such kind of crooked numbers rather than rounded figures like 10k or 1 month, etc.

Thus, you should try by all means to provide crooked figures instead of rounded/estimated figures.

Also, take note of the age of the person who was able to make that money – old lady.

When people see that an old lady was able to generate such kind of money in a short space of time, they'll be like; “l can do it too".

To make things interesting, she didn't have to lift her finger to make this kind of money (although its clickbait lol).

For all these reasons, more people will be motivated to click through your page in order to find more information about your offer.

2. Provide A Brief - Attentive Video

Now that you've managed to pull some people on your page, it is important to grab their full attention as soon as possible – otherwise they will click-off.

The best way is to include a video – just below the headline.

As we all know, videos grabs most people's attention than static images.

Thus, you should try by all means to utilise videos on your pages for maximum conversions.

Using our early example, you can create a short video detailing your offer i.e. how your offer solves their problems – as well as how other people yielded great results from your offer.

I won't go deep on how to create a ‘perfect video' as there's dozens of free tutorials on YouTube which covers this topic.

3. Hit Your Audiences’ Pain Points

The next crucial element to increase your conversions is through hitting your audiences’ pain points.

This is a powerful weapon since it pushes your readers to carefully think about their current situations affecting their daily lives.

This will push them to try your offer since they will be so eager to escape their current problems (using your offer).

Using our example, you can say something like;

‘Most people lives their whole life moving from pay check to pay check, commuting everyday to work, in high traffic conditions, etc.’

‘Most people sacrifice 5 days of their week just to get 2 days of freedom’.

‘It's hard to see people working at a company which doesn't care about their well-being, a job where they can be easily fired without any notice’.

I think you get the idea.

The key is to think from the reader's perspective i.e. thoroughly research their worries and present it in a more unique way which grabs their emotions.

4. Knock Their Limiting Beliefs

As we all know, most people have some limiting beliefs which keeps them from trying new opportunities.

That's why you see most people resisting change – since their minds are wired in a certain way.

This is also common when it comes to new offers and opportunities.

No matter how real an offer is, people will always find excuses for not taking the opportunity due to their negative limiting beliefs.

Thus, it is important to try by all means to knock-off their limiting beliefs – so that they can shift their mind-set (in a positive way)

Going back to our example, you can knock-down your customer's limiting beliefs by saying something like;

‘Most people thinks that they're not good enough to start their own business, which is a complete myth!’

‘Most people thinks that you must have a crazy business idea like starting the next Uber or Airbnb, which is a complete myth’.

‘Most people thinks they need huge capital or advanced skills in order to start a successful business, which is not always true'.

‘Most people thinks that all the rich people inherited their wealth, which is just a myth'.

I think you get the idea.

Obviously, this varies from one niche to another.

But the key is to find all the major limiting beliefs that holds most people back from taking action.

And you need to knock them off by all means in order to shift their mind-set.

5. Justify Why Your Offer Is The Best Cure For Their Problems

The next crucial component is to justify your offer i.e. why is it the best cure for your audience’s problems.

Obviously, you're not the only one selling that type of product/service since there are other people providing similar offers as well.

For this reason, you need to give valid reasons why people should choose your offer instead of other alternatives.

This is important because most people are rational i.e. they try to weigh options before pulling their credit cards.

Using our example, great justification sentences can be;

‘Instead of watching a bunch of pre-recorded videos, this course will teach you through live webinars – which are real time in nature.’

‘The course creator is committed to help his student succeed – through providing personalised assistance to each student'.

‘This course is packed with resourceful information, which other gurus charge thousands of dollars – but our course is not anywhere near a thousand bucks'.

The key is to make people believe that they are getting maximum value for their money.

Most customers likes the feeling of getting more value for less money – thus, you should try by all means to convince them that your offer is the best use of their money.

6. Eliminate Risks

Another crucial component in writing a killer copy is to eliminate risks in your offer.

This is so because customers likes to get a guarantee – in case, they can easily claim their money if your product fails to deliver expected results.

When you're selling sensitive products, it is key to provide a risk-free guarantee since customers are sceptical when it comes to buying sensitive products e.g. gym supplements, weight loss products, etc.

Going back to our example, a good way to eliminate risks can be;

‘We provide a generous 30 Day money back guarantee. If you feel like our offer is not the right fit for you, simply contact our support and we will immediately process your refund – without asking any questions'.

By reading a statement like this, people will have some bit of confidence in your offer – since they'll know that they can recover their money if something goes wrong.

7. Provide Social Proof

A copy without social proof won't be complete!

It is crucial to add some social proof on your page – so as to increase conversions.

This is so because people are motivated to buy a product if they see other people getting good results from that product.

Thus, it is crucial to incorporate some testimonials on your pages for maximum conversions.

You can use tools like ProofSource – which helps in creating highly converting popups for sales pages.

Now back to our example, a great way to add social proof is through showing the results of your students.

Earnings screenshots works perfectly well since they are more real.

But you can include written testimonials like:

Student A: This course completely changed my life. I was in a complete financial mess, 47k in student debt, working a job that l hated. But when l enrolled in this program, l was able to reach my financial goals and lm now working on my own terms, travelling the world, eating at luxurious places, etc. I give all thanks to this great mentor.

Student B: bla bla bla

Student C: bla bla bla

I think you get the idea! Testimonials are a powerful weapon which helps to push your leads over the fence.

Thus, you should utilise them in as much as possible.

8. Provide A Strong Call-To-Action (CTA)

Now that your customers are super exited to get started with your offer, it’s now high time to provide a strong call-to-action.

Most marketers assumes that customers will naturally take action – which is not always true.

Although this might work, most people will not take any action unless they are told to do so.

Thus, a strong call to action is necessary to push people from being leads to $$$.

Your call to action must provide scarcity and urgency – so that your customers will take action as quickly as possible.

Count-down timers works pretty well since they forces people to take action before the clock reaches 0.

It is also important to mention a limited number for your offers so as to create scarcity.

All these little things forces people to take action ASAP.

Now going back to our original example, a strong CTA can be:

‘The offer is only open to 10 serious people who're looking to get started before month end’.

‘If you don't wanna miss this opportunity, click the button below and register your spot!’

Obviously, the figures don't need to be real.

It’s just a strategy for pushing people to take action.

Full Demo

Now that we've covered all the components of a good copy, it's now high time to join the different pieces of the puzzle.

New Video Reveals .......... How A 62 Year Old Grandma Made $23 814.68 In 19 Days – Without Lifting A Finger!

Copywriting Video

Most people lives their whole life moving from pay check to pay check, commuting everyday to work in high traffic.

Most people sacrifice 5 days of their week just to get 2 days of freedom.

It's hard to see people working at a company which doesn't care about their well-being, a job where they can be easily fired without any notice.

Most people thinks that they're not good enough to start their own business, which is a complete myth!

Most people thinks that you must have a crazy business idea like starting the next Uber or Airbnb, which is a complete myth.

Most people thinks they need huge capital or advanced skills in order to start a successful business, which is not always true.

Most people thinks that all the rich people inherited their wealth, which is just a myth.

Instead of watching a bunch of pre-recorded videos, this course will teach you through live webinars – which are real time in nature.

The course creator is committed to help his student succeed through providing personalised assistance to each student.

This course is packed with resourceful information, which other gurus charge thousands of dollars – but our course is not anywhere near a thousand bucks.

We provide a generous 30 Day money back guarantee. If you feel like our offer is not the right fit for you, simply contact our support and we will immediately process your refund – without asking any questions.

Here's what other students are saying:

Student A: This course completely changed my life. I was in a complete financial mess, 47k in student debt, working a job that l hated. But when l enrolled in this program, l was able to reach my financial goals and lm now working on my own terms, travelling the world, eating at luxurious places, etc. I give all thanks to this great mentor.

Student B: bla bla bla

Student C: bla bla bla

The offer is only open to 10 serious people who're looking to get started before month end’.

‘If you don't wanna miss this opportunity, click the button below and register your spot!

Copywriting CTA

8 Important Copywriting Tips

(i) Use shorter sentences i.e. 1 sentence paragraphs works best

(ii) Slippery slide i.e. each sentence should motivate the reader to read the next one (perfect flow)

(iii) Use crooked/raw figures (for stats)

(iv) Use mini stories i.e. readers resonates and pays more attention to stories

(v) Use simple vocabulary which is easier to digest

(vi) Use urgency and scarcity in your CTA

(vii) Use testimonials (where possible) for social proof

(viii) Write the way you talk

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this article.

I tried by all means to show you a practical example on how you can get started with copywriting – so as to shed more light to you regarding this topic.

Obviously, you wont learn every component of copywriting in a 2000 word blog post.

But you can utilise some of these tips in order to get a head start with copywriting – since these tips are proven to work.

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