Commission Junction: How To Make Money With CJ Affiliate Network

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What Is Commission Junction (CJ)?

Commission Junction (CJ) is a large network where various big brands lists their affiliate programs in order to connect with bloggers, influencers, or other content creators who might be interested in promoting their products.

Instead of launching their own in-house affiliate programs, some companies find it better to use a third party (network) to launch and manage their affiliate programs rather than bearing the burden of running the affiliate program on their own.

Thus, Commission Junction acts as a middlemen that connects advertisers (big brands) to affiliates (bloggers and influencers) who are interested in promoting their products to their audiences.

On CJ, there’s thousands of brands who uses this platform for running and managing their respective affiliate programs.

For this reason, CJ was able to attract a lot of affiliates on their platform since most publishers were lured to join this platform in order to get a chance to partner with these big brands.

How Does Commission Junction Work?

Commission Junction (CJ) works just like any other affiliate network e.g. ShareASale, Impact Radius, Flex Offers, etc.

Product owners (big brands) joins this platform by filling some simple forms.

Once they get accepted, they will be added to the marketplace so that they become visible to potential affiliates i.e. bloggers and influencers.

In order to promote these brands, affiliates are required to sign up to CJ and when they get approved, they will get access to the marketplace where all the brands are listed.

In order to promote these brands, affiliates need to seek approval from the vendors and once they get approved, they can get their affiliate links which they can use to promote these brands.

How Do l Join Commission Junction (CJ)?

Joining Commission Junction (CJ) is very simple and straight forward.

All you need to do is to visit their main website and you sign up as an affiliate.

You must provide all the required details through filling some forms that are offered on this platform.

Once you submit your application, you must wait for some few days since CJ follows a certain procedure in either approving or rejecting new applications.

The main reason why most people gets rejected is the issue of not having a functional website since CJ wants to ensure that they only accommodate trustworthy affiliates who do not spam their links everywhere on the internet.

The idea behind this movement is to protect their reputation since they partner with big brands thus they try by all means to operate professionally.

Thus, before you apply for Commission Junction (CJ), you need to create a website and publish some few articles so that your website looks active and functional.

👉You can read this step by step guide if you want to learn how to create an affiliate website.

Once you get approved for CJ, you will receive an email notification which clarifies about your application status (Approved).

You will now get access to various brands across the globe and you can filter these brands by top selling, alphabetical order, etc.

You need to browse through the platform in order to find some brands related to your niche.

Once you find some brands that meets your criteria, you should seek approval to promote those brands.

Bear in mind that applying for an affiliate program does not guarantee approval since each brand has its own requirements.

Some brands might look at your sales stats on the platform to see if you're capable of promoting their products.

This might be an obstacle if you're brand new on the platform since you might not have any sales records during your initial days.

For this reason, you must try to apply for as many brands as you can in order to increase your chances of getting accepted (throw many objects on the wall, in case some few might stick).

But as you build some trust on the platform, you will discover that you will ‘easily' get accepted by most brands since you will now have some credibility on the platform.

How To Promote CJ Brands?

Now you got approved by some brands, got your affiliate links, what's next?

Its now time to drive traffic to your links in order to get leads and sales.

My favourite method is to use my blog through writing product reviews, comparisons, or even ‘how to' guides.

The idea is to target some people who are searching for those products on google thus you must write some articles that are optimised for SEO rankings in order to get traffic, clicks, and sales.

Google traffic is very targeted and 100% free thus you will get maximum profits since you wont be spending any money on ads.

However, if you have some extra bucks to spend, you can utilise these ads so as to get in front of more eyebrows since paid ads brings ‘fast' results than relying on organic traffic.

Is Commission Junction Legit?

Commission Junction is 100% legit and trustworthy.

I mean, look at the type of brands that uses this platform i.e. Puma, FedEx, Zoro, etc.

These brands would not be using this platform if it was not a legit network since these companies values their reputation.

But the fact that these brands trusts CJ proves that this platform is trustworthy.

Commission Junction Brands

• FedEx

• Puma

• Coverwallet

• Interserver

• Mega Casino

• Zappos

• Zales

• Wayfair

• Tire Rack

• Aweber

• GetResponse

• Fiverr

• 1 password

• Zoro


• RTS Brands

*The list is endless

Wrap Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you now have all the information you need to know about Commission Junction (CJ).

This platform is one of the largest and most lucrative affiliate networks in the industry since it partners with thousands if not millions of big brands around the world.

This can be a great opportunity for affiliates to partner with these ‘top brands’ since most of them do not have their own in-house affiliate programs.

Thus, the only way to connect with these brands is through using a middlemen (network) like Commission Junction.

However, you should always remember that this network is very strict when it comes to approving new affiliates.

The main reason why most applications gets rejected is the issue of not having a functional website.

Thus, before applying for CJ, you must create a website and publish some content on that website in order to make it active.

Ready To Build Your Own Website

👉Check out this step by step guide

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