The ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club Award (Are These Plaques Worth It?)

2 Comma Club Awards

You've seen these random plaques all over the internet!

And you're wondering;

‘What do these plaques really represent?’

Or maybe ‘Why they're a big deal amongst internet marketers?’

Don't worry because this article will clarify everything you need to know about the ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club Award.

After reading this post, you will have a better understanding of this whole concept of 2 Comma Club.

Not only that!

But you'll also be in a position to go out there and start your own 2 Comma Club journey since this article will also show you some useful techniques to get started on your own 2 Comma Club journey.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

What You'll Learn:

So without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is 2 Comma Club?

In simple terms, it is an award that is given by ClickFunnels to people who make a million dollars or more using the ClickFunnels software.

Its a plaque that was designed as a symbol to show a certain milestone in your online journey since we’re all motivated by tangible ‘unique' awards.

Ever since its launch, more people and more people have been motivated to work towards winning the award due to the intrinsic value that is placed on these plaques.

For this reason, the number of 2 Comma Club winners has been skyrocketing over the past years since most business owners who uses ClickFunnels are all aiming to make at least a million bucks so as to get the award.

Not only does this make the business owners happy, but the award also acts as social proof that the business is trustworthy and has managed to work with many clients in order to reach that level.

That's why most course creators shows off their plaques so as to attract all the sceptical students into their programs.

With that being said, let's discuss about how you can become part and parcel of the 2 Comma Club community so that you can have an idea of what it takes to reach that level.

How To Become A 2 Comma Club Member?

As mentioned earlier, you must make at least a million bucks (USD) in order to become eligible for this award (using ClickFunnels software of course).

Also, you must have at least 40 transactions or more that were completed through your funnels in order to qualify for the award.

Once you meet these requirements, you can take a screenshot of your account then you apply.

Keep in mind that there's some fees involved in applying for this award and the fees varies depending on the type of award that you're applying for.

Once you apply, the ClickFunnels team will process your application and hopefully, they will contact you via email if there's need for additional information.

Once everything is sort out, they will start to create your plaque and they will ship it to your place of residence in the shortest time possible.

That's it!

2 Comma Club Awards

One of the questions that l always get is;

‘What's the main difference between these plaques?’

Most people are confused when it comes to understanding the real meaning of each plaque since each plaque symbolizes a specific milestone.

But lm going to clear out this confusion so that you can have a better understanding about the real meaning of these plaques.

2CC Award

2CC Award

This is the most common award since this is the entry level to the 2 Comma Club community.

This award symbolizes that a business has made a million dollars using ClickFunnels since this software was designed to help businesses sell more products online.

ClickFunnels designed this award as a symbol of achieving the 1 million mark since this seems hard for most businesses.

But as human beings, we're programmed to work harder when we're promised a certain award/medal.

That's why Russell launched this award i.e. to motivate businesses people to work harder in order to achieve the million dollar milestone.

Once you reach the 1 million milestone, you can apply for this award and it normally costs $250 (application fee).

2CC-X Award

2CC-X Award

Things gets juicy when we reach the 2CC-X since it symbolises a huge milestone than the 2CC Award.

This award is given to businesses who manages to make 10 million dollars using ClickFunnels.

10 million bucks seems like a huge milestone for most business owners since most people limits themselves when it comes to financial capabilities.

But the fact that some people won the 2CC-X award shows that its possible to make 10 million bucks online.

Thus, this award was designed to motivate business people to push towards making 10 million bucks since humans are always motivated by tangible awards/medals.

Once you've reached 10 million bucks using ClickFunnels, you can apply for this award and it normally costs $350 (application fee).

2CCC Award

2CCC Award

This is the highest award which is awarded to businesses that manage to make 25 million, 50 million, 75 million, all the way to 100 million bucks using ClickFunnels.

From my observation, there's only a limited number of these awards since 25 million is a huge milestone for most businesses.

Studies shows that the number of awards decreases as we move from the 2CC to the 2CCC award since the latter seems like a huge mountain.

Also, most people tend to relax when they get the 2CC award since most people only work towards achieving the 1 million dollar mark.

But l tell you that the 2CCC award is achievable through persistence, hard work, dedication, and believing in yourself.

You can apply for this award once you reach the mentioned milestones and it normally costs $450 to apply for this award.

2 Heart Award

2 Heart Award

In my opinion, l think that ClickFunnels deserves an honour for introducing this award.

When we’re blessed in our business endeavours, we tend to forget that there's a lot of people out there who're struggling to make ends meet.

I know that you may have worked very hard to earn your money thus you might be very frugal when it comes to giving some of your hard earned money to other people.

But its good to donate a certain portion of your income to the less privileged who are struggling to put food on the table.

Although you might not have a lot of money to donate, that little amount might help to feed some few souls out there!

That's the main reason why Russell and his team decided to launch this award i.e. to motivate business people to donate some portion of their wealth to charity.

And once you donate a total of 1 million, you can become eligible for this award and it costs around $250 to apply.

Two Comma Club Winners List

Over the years, there has been a lot of people who have managed to win the 2 comma club award since more and more businesses are growing on a daily basis.

But for the sake of this article, l have decided to pick just a few 2 comma club winners (those on my minds).

Some of the winners includes:

• Peng Jong

• Franklin Hatchett

• Kevin David

• Garrett White

• John Lee Dumas

• Julie Stoian

• Stephen Larsen

• Dan Lok

• Anthony Morrison

• Shawn Lynam

• Colin Wayne

• Jason Caine

• Alison Prince

• Stacey Martino

• Jaime Cross

NB Don't be mad if your name is not on this list.

*The list is endless!

Why 2 Comma Club Is A Big Deal?

As humans, we are programmed to value tangible awards and medals since they symbolises a certain level of success in our lives.

That's why most athletes, musicians, actors, (or any other profession) tend to work harder towards achieving a certain award/medal.

The awards motivates us to work more harder towards achieving a certain goal (that’s human nature).

In the field of online business, the 2 comma club award motivates business owners to work more harder so as to achieve a certain milestone in order to get the award.

It symbolises some level of success in our businesses since we're always striving to achieve bigger goals in life.

Also, the award acts as social proof to our future prospects since the award acts as proof that our business is legit and trustworthy.

How To Accelerate Your 2 Comma Club Journey

In my opinion, the best way to accelerate your journey towards winning the 2 Comma Club award is through taking the One Funnel Away Training.

The main reason why l like this training is that it shows you exactly what you need to do in order to launch a successful business online.

Not only that, but it also shows you how other 2 Comma Club winners achieved massive success in their own businesses since there’s a section that was specifically reserved for that.

Thus, you can duplicate their strategies in order to reach some level of success in your own business as well.

Most entrepreneurs achieved massive success in their businesses after taking this training program since it was designed to help business people like you to achieve massive success in your business endeavours.

Thus, l highly recommend you to take the challenge if you haven’t already.

You can read a full review of the One Funnel Away Challenge in this article.

Wrap Up

I hope that you now have a better understanding regarding the concept of the 2 Comma Club award.

In simple terms, these awards are just like gold, silver, or bronze medals when it comes to sport.

Thus, you should just take that same idea and apply it to the 2 Comma Club Awards concept.

These awards are just plaques which symbolises some specific milestone in your business since we're always motivated by tangible rewards.

But what matters the most is the value that we place on these plaques since we tend to value things differently.

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