My Story: How I Got Here!

So I thought it was necessary to share a lil bit of my story on this page – because I’m not just a random weird kid who just woke up one day with the confidence of starting a business – NO!🙅‍♂️

It wasn't long ago when I was stuck in a small little town whilst attending a four year college – because I was told by society that, in order to be successful, you need to follow the traditional model of go to school📚, get good grades📄, find a good job💼, climb the cooperate ladder👨‍💼 – and hopefully, grab that magnetic ring towards retirement.🙄

(Our lives sucks – yours should suck too!)

So l had good grades in high school – not necessarily because l was good at school, but because l was told by society that ‘education is key to success’.😆

So I did my best to get good grades – so that l can get accepted at one of the best Varsities🏢 in the nation i.e. I wanted to chase my dream of becoming a town planner👨‍🚒.

As you've guessed, l got accepted at one of the top Varsities in the nation (2017) – and l was on top of the world🌍 i.e. ‘I’m on the road🛣 to success'.

I was doing my best to get good grades at college – because I was eager to get a good job at one of the best companies in the city – since grades plays a major role on the weight of your resume/CV📑.

Then came 2019 – my attachment/internship year.

I was hired at one of the top companies🏙 & l was on top of the world.

I was bragging about working at this ‘fancy company’ – since I was told by society that you need to get a good job at a ‘big company' in order to become successful.

During the first few weeks, l was highly motivated to go to work – since I was still excited to work for this firm.

But over time, l started to feel exhausted😓 – and l started to ask myself;

‘Is this the real meaning of success that's always preached by society?’🙆‍♂️

‘Can l spend my whole working life in this type of environment – when I’m already miserable with just these few months?’🤔

But just like most people, l kept brushing away these questions i.e. comforting myself with staff like;

‘There's a lot of people out there who're unemployed – so, I just need to chill & be grateful for this ‘opportunity’....'

‘You need a job to pay your bills – otherwise, you'll struggle to make ends meet’.

For these reasons, l started to feel a bit comfortable with the vicious cycle of:

Waking up to an annoying alarm⏰

Prepare for work🛁

Chase public transport🚍

Get stuck in traffic🚦🚎🚗🚐🚕🚛

Clock in (always late lol)🕰

Get told what to do for 8+ hours🤐

Deal with corporate drama🤬

And at times, work overtime😴

After leaving work, I will be so tired & exhausted that l wont have any more energy for other non-work tasks.

When l get home, I would try to have some work-life balance, then maybe go on social media🤳 just to ease the corporate stress🤯 – then sleep later🛏 – only to wake up again the next day🌝 & repeat the process everyday.

Deep down, I knew that something was wrong – but I didn't want to face it just like most of you who're reading this post.

Truth be told;

Most people who have ‘great jobs' are dying from inside – but when society looks at those people, they just think that their lives are in good shape.

And because of that, it's kinda easy to keep working at a 9 to 5 job that you hate i.e. just for people's validation.

I continued this cycle for few months – hoping to leave the place soon after completing my internship.

Then around September 2019, something happened!😳

I was just scrolling through YouTube one afternoon during my lunch break🍛 – then out of no where, the algorithm recommended a video from Deshae Frost.

Deshae Frost

I couldn't believe what l saw👀 – because the young kid was already bawling in a nice Gwagon, renting a nice apartment, taking care of his mom & his siblings👩‍👧‍👦, etc.

And the funny part is that, the kid was only 18 at the time – but he already had his sh*t figured out together – whilst I was a 22 year old dude who was still in school – with nothing much in my name.

At first, l thought the kid had inherited the assets – but after doing some research, l realised that he started from scratch, came from humble beginnings🛐 – till he figured out a way to provide a better life for him and his family.

And you know what happens with the YouTube algorithm when you watch a certain video?

It'll recommend other videos which are similar to the one that you’ve just watched.

For this reason, another video popped up on my feed – but this time around, it was yet another young dude who’s almost same age as me – but he was already ‘living the life’.

The boy was DDG – and if you watch YouTube videos more often, you probably know him.


The kid dropped out of college & pursued his dream of becoming a YouTuber.

And few years later, he was now well-off i.e. he was already owning a Gwagon, BMW i8, Rolls Royce & a mansion at the time (at age 21).

(He recently purchased a Lambo BTW In Oct 2020)

After that, l got exposed to more young hustlers like P2.

This dude is also same age as me – but he was already living a stable life before the age of 21 i.e. mansion, Tesla, BMW i8 – not to mention his expensive trips.

So from September 2019, l was just watching some vlogs from various young YouTubers who already had their sh*t figured out.

I was being exposed to different kinds of lifestyles – and seeing other people's lifestyles made me more curious & I began to believe that there's more out there👉!

The reason being that, l was trapped in a certain bubble (my surroundings) – thus, it was difficult to see what's outside the bubble due to lack of exposure.

But seeing these YouTube videos opened up my mind – or in other terms, it primed me for success.

If you see other people of your age living a better life whilst depending on themselves, you'll be inspired to start your own grind as well.

I finished my internship in December 2019 – and by that time, l already knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur rather than slaving away at a 9 to 5 job my whole life.🙅‍♂️

The reason being that, when l looked at older people👴👵 who had been in the corporate world for decades, they weren't living the kind of lifestyle that was being lived by most youngsters whom l was seeing on YouTube.

Not only in terms of finances💵, but also in terms of freedom i.e. time & location freedom.

So I already knew that, in order to live a better life, l needed to start my own thing.

But the problem was that, l didn't knew exactly what to do!

I was just writing a bunch of random ‘business plans’ in my diary📖 & on Word documents⌨🖥🖱 – but none of them really made sense to me.

And at the time, l still had the mind-set of starting a traditional brick & mortar business🏠 like a restaurant or a grocery store – because that's what most ghetto entrepreneurs do.

In 2020, l returned to college just to complete my studies (final year) – though deep down l knew that l wanted to start my own business.

Then boom – Covid hit! (March 2020)

We were now chilling at home full time due to lockdown restrictions🚷 – and at that time, l was juggling between being a college student & a ‘wannabe entrepreneur’ who was still looking for a business idea to work on.

Then one day (around May 2020), I got introduced to the world of make money online 💰 – and that was just mind blowing!

I didn't knew that it's possible to make money online – or let me just say, l didn't believe that such thing exist.

But the only problem was that, l was just seeing a bunch of scammy staff – or at times, some random survey staff which only pays pennies for your efforts.

Then mid May, I discovered about affiliate marketing through a YouTube video from a random YouTuber – and that was a game changer for me.

As soon as l heard about this business model, l knew that I wanted to do this grind full time – because l fell in love with the idea of partnering🤝 with some of the biggest brands in the world & get paid in return.

I immediately signed up for Amazon Associates – then as soon as l got accepted, l created my first website which was just a simple Wix site.

Wix Site

(Looks kinda ugly – but probably, not that bad for a beginner lol)

To be honest, I didn't knew exactly what l was doing – because l was just a complete newbie who was still trying to figure-out this staff.

I was just taking pictures from the internet, write short product descriptions – then slap my Amazon affiliate link.

And at the time, l was still focusing on tech products like laptops💻 & mobile devices📱.

I even started some social media accounts for the business i.e. on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

But guess what?

The business flopped!

I was just getting nothing but crickets – thus, l decided to call it quits & try something new.

But just like most beginners, l always immersed myself in affiliate marketing content (mainly YouTube videos) in order to expand my knowledge.

The only problem was that, l wasn't taking equal action in order to put that knowledge into use – since l always felt like I didn't have enough skills & knowledge. (self doubt)

But the greatest blessing which l got was that, I was able to find videos from some of the best people in the industry e.g. Odi, Franklin Hatchett, Pat Flynn, etc. – thus, l was learning straight from the ‘Gaffers'.

After spending some few months of trying a bunch of different staff, l stumbled upon a technique called launch jacking from one of Franklin Hatchett's video. (around September 2020)

I immediately signed up for JV Zoo & Warrior Plus – as well as Muncheye.

I was basically looking for products which are about to launch & I would apply to the vendors.

Once l got approved, I would get a review access & write a quick review of the product on my Medium account.


(Here's a snapshot of my Medium posts)

Though l got some small wins here & there, l quickly realised that this method wasn't sustainable in the long run.

Most of the products only get significant traction during the launch period – so as the traffic to your content.

But within few days, the sales starts to decline – since there's always some new products that are being launched on JV Zoo & Warrior Plus on almost a daily basis – thus, the old ones fades away ASAP.

In other words, launch jacking isn't passive in nature i.e. you have to keep timing new products each and every week in order to keep getting sales – coz once you stop, your sales will decline as well.

Besides, Medium began to tighten its rules – thus, many accounts were getting banned each and every minute.

That's when l told myself that, I need to start creating some evergreen♻️ content i.e. content which stands the taste of time.

Or if it's promoting products, l need to promote companies that are here to stay – rather than working with ‘fly-by-night companies'.

That's what finally led to the creation of this👇 blog in December 2020.

Since then, I've been working on this blog almost every single day – trying to provide some valuable content for you guys.

But l have to mention that, the process of creating content isn't that easy – since it involves a lot of headaches🤯.

It looks simple when you see an established blog with hundreds of articles on it – but you don't see the difficult process which the content creator has to go through in order to create that content i.e. burning the midnight oil🕯 whilst trying to brainstorm some ideas – whilst everyone else is sleeping😴 or having fun🥂.

But I have welcomed all that stress – because to me, it's more fun & fulfilling to produce valuable content that is helpful to people.

That what wakes me up from bed every single morning – because that's my purpose & passion.✅

So what happened after graduating from college?

Ashley Chitsatse

As I mentioned earlier, I was working on my business whilst being a college student.

And as soon as l finished my studies, l went all-in on entrepreneurship.

Though l wasn't making any significant money at that time, l had confidence in myself & my grind.

And that confidence allowed me to turn down👎 some great job offers soon after college like;

‘F*ck you job! l don't need you! I can take care of myself!'🤪


I hope that this story will inspire some of you who're considering taking the leap of faith in online business.✌

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