My Top 7 Podcasting Tips For Beginners

Podcasting Tips

In this post, l will quickly share with you my 7 podcasting tips for beginner podcasters.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them in more detail.

1. Invest In The Right Equipment

First and foremost, it's important to invest in the right equipment – so that your episodes sounds amazing.

This is so important because, most people hates to listen to low quality audios – thus, they'll quickly get turned off if your audio isn't that great – regardless of how valuable your content is.

Thus, you should try by all means to invest in the right equipment – so that your audios sounds epic.

I know that most people who're just getting started might not have a lot of capital to invest in equipment – I totally get it!

However, you can find some really great mics on Amazon for under 100 bucks – thus, you don't have to worry about your limited budget at all.

Also, there's a lot of great editing softwares which are 100% free – thus, you can polish-up your audios soon after recording them – so that they can become better.

Thus, there's no excuse for not having great quality audios these days – because things have become more accessible than ever before.

NB: Start with minimum cost equipment which is enough to get the job done – then you upgrade to more advanced equipment i.e. when you’re now getting some returns from your podcast.

2. Create A Template/Structure

Another important thing is to create a template that you can follow in all your episodes.

This is so important because, it helps to come-up with a well structured podcast – which helps to keep your listeners more engaged.

Few days ago, l was turned off by ‘this other podcast’ – because it wasn't organised at all i.e. they were just jumping from one random topic to the other – which was confusing for us the listeners.


Because it wasn't well structured i.e. they didn't have any template which guides them on how they're going to conduct the podcast.

Thus, it's important to prepare an outline for your podcast – so that your episode(s) becomes more organised.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a minute by minute outline.

Rather, it should just be a rough guide that keeps you on track on what needs to be covered in that episode.

3. Be Consistent

Another important thing is consistency.

Just like any other craft or business venture, consistency is the name of the game.

The reason being that, it takes a lot of time and effort before your podcast gains some traction.

Don't expect to start a podcast today – then get a decent audience overnight.

That doesn't happen – unless if you have an already existing following on another platform like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

But if you're just starting from scratch, you need to be consistent with your grind – so that you can see some positive results in the long run.

I know it might be quite demotivating to stick to the grind when you're not getting any positive feedback.

But if you push through this hard phase, you'll see your hard work and sweat come to fruition.

4. Optimise Your Podcast For SEO

Another important tip is to optimise your podcast episodes for SEO.

This is so important because, this allows your podcast to show-up on the search results i.e. when people search for specific keywords on Spotify or Apple Podcast.

Remember, these platforms are also search engines i.e. they use keywords to better understand what your podcast is all about – then they show your podcast on the search results i.e. if it matches the searcher's query.

And if your podcast isn't optimised for SEO, you'll find a hard time getting some free SEO traffic.

Still on this issue, you shouldn't do keyword stuffing – because this might do more harm than good.

Rather, write your titles & descriptions in a manner that's more natural – but at the same time, you should include your target keywords where they fit-in.

5. Invite Various Guests

It's also important to invite various guests to your podcast – rather than just running a solo show.

I've realised that, most people tends to get bored when they hear the same person ranting over and over again i.e. law of diminishing returns.

But if you invite different guests to your show, people will be enticed to listen to every episode – because they'll be able to hear different perspectives from different people.

Thus, you should try by all means to find some guests for your podcast.

You shouldn't necessarily stress about finding a ‘big expert’ or influencer – because most of them have tight schedules & they rarely respond to their DMs.

Instead, you can find some average people in your niche i.e. via Facebook groups & forums – and you should try to build some relations with them.

And over time, you'll be in a comfortable position to invite them to your podcast.

6. Plan Your Episodes In Advance (Content Calendar)

Another important practice is to have a content calendar i.e. plan your episodes in advance.

This is so important because, it helps to provide a smooth flow of your episodes – rather than trying to figure out a topic each and every day.

The main reason why most beginner podcasters aren't consistent is because, they don't have a content calendar to guide them i.e. they don't know exactly what to focus on during some days.

But if you have a clear content calendar, you'll get out of bed knowing exactly what you're focusing on during that specific day.

7. Repurpose Your Content

Last but not least, you should try to repurpose your content.

This is so important because, it helps to expand your reach – whilst using the same amount of effort.

For example, if you record your podcast whilst setting a camera in front of you, you can take that video & upload it to YouTube – thus, allowing you to reach some additional people on that platform.

You can also transcribe your audios into blog posts – thus, allowing you to reach other people who prefers written content.

And if you utilise this strategy properly, you'll be able to reach a broader audience much faster than if you're just sorely relying on podcast platforms.

Wrapping Up

So these are my 7 podcasting tips for beginners who're just getting started with this grind.

If you utilise some of these tips, you'll see some positive results in your podcasting journey.


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