Why The Shiny Object Syndrome Is Slowing Your Progress

So you’re watching YouTube videos – then you come across an ad of a ‘guru' who claims to have the ‘secret formula to wealth’.

Tai Lopez

Due to curiosity, you then click on the ad to find out what the guy has to offer.

Then boom! You get carried away by the sales webinar that's on the landing page – and you immediately sign up for the course.

Due to dopamine, you get excited watching the trainings – but then, the level of excitement fades away when you realise that this requires a ton sh*t of work.

You try to setup your own agency, create a nice looking website – but then, when it comes to getting clients, it's nothing but crickets!

You then say;

F*ck this opportunity! Let me move on with my life.

Few days later, you decide to go on TikTok to see what's popping around the world🌍.

As you're browsing through the platform, you come across a 19 year old drop out who makes millions from drop shipping.

The teenager promises to show you how you can replicate his success i.e. through his ‘special strategy’ that he's selling for only $997.

You battle with yourself on whether to buy the course or not!

But after reading some positive testimonials on the sales page, you finally decide to give the course a shot...

Inspired & motivated, you go through the course, setup your own store, find some few products – but then, you get demotivated when Facebook decides to shutdown your ad account i.e. for violating their policies.

Frustrated & disappointed, you then decide to shut down your store & focus on something else.

Then one day, as you're just scrolling through Instagram, you come across a young dude of your age who's making six figures from affiliate marketing.

You then get inspired by the cool pics that he's posting of his new G-wagon, gorgeous mansion, expensive trips, etc.

Then you say;

You know what, maybe affiliate marketing is the real deal out there.

Inspired & motivated, you then decide to create your own website, find some products on ClickBank, write some few articles, etc.

But then, you get frustrated by the fact that, SEO takes time – as your blog wont get much traffic in the early stages.

Due to impatience, you then decide to quit & find another ‘lucrative' field to pursue.

And before you know it, you might waste years jumping from one opportunity to the other – hoping to find that ‘golden opportunity'.

But what's the problem here?

Can we say that, social media marketing agencies are bad businesses to run?

Can we say that, drop shipping & affiliate marketing are bad business models?

The answer is NO!

They aren't!

The fact that there's people out there who're thriving in these industries proves that they’re actually great.

So if they aren't bad business models, what's the problem here?

The problem is YOU!

Because you're jumping from one business model to the other – instead of just sticking to one business for long enough until you see the fruits of your labour.

Remember, when it comes to business, growth is exponential📈.

The growth curve will be stagnant in the initial stages – but then, once you gain momentum, you'll start to see some exponential returns.

Unfortunately, most people wont reach that point of momentum – since they aren't patient enough to wait for that tipping point.

They end up having multiple half-built businesses – instead of just putting all their time & energy towards one business.

But if you want to succeed in any industry, stick to one business for long enough in order to see some great results.

You may decide to move on to the next opportunity once your first business is now stable i.e. if you wish to do so.

Unless if you're someone like Elon Musk, you shouldn't try to dilute your focus by building multiple businesses at once – coz that's just toxic for most people.

Anyways, l can spend the whole day ranting about this issue – but I guess you've got my point!


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