How To Start A Weight Loss Blog In 2022: Step By Step Guide For Beginners

How To Start A Weight Loss Blog In 2021: Step By Step Guide For Beginners

One of the best niches in affiliate marketing is weight loss.

The reason being that, most people are now concerned about shedding weight – so as to get in better body shape.

Thus, they're now interested in buying weight loss related products – and they buy most of these products through affiliate blogs – hence, making the site owners some commissions.

But the question is;

‘How can someone like you start his/her own weight loss blog – so that you can start making those big checks?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

In this article, l will share with you a 6 step process that you can use to setup and run your own weight loss blog.

Thus, you must read till the very end if you're serious about starting your own weight loss blog.

Steps Involved

Without wasting much time, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Come Up With A Name For Your Blog

The first crucial step is to come up with a name for your blog.

You should try by all means to come up with a simple name that's easy to remember – so that your audience wont struggle finding your blog.

It's also important to come up with a name that briefly explains what your blog is all about – so as to give your audience an idea of what to expect from your blog e.g. HealthHub, HealthCare24, FitnessHub, FitnessCentre, etc.

Just try to come up with something simple and unique – so as to distinguish your blog from other gazillion similar weight loss related blogs out there.

2. Sign Up For Web Hosting

Once you've come up with a name for your blog, it's now high time to sign up for web hosting.

This allows you to register your blog on the internet – so that it becomes findable when someone searches for it on Google.

If you skip this process, your blog wont be able to appear on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

With that being said, my favourite web hosting company of all time is called GreenGeeks.

GreenGeeks allows you to register your blog name (domain) from as little as $2.95/month.

And the cool part is that, they offer some free SSL certificates – which helps to protect your website from external attacks e.g. malware & hackers.

This company also provides great customer support – which is key for someone who's still new to this whole website thing.

Thus, if you get stuck, you can easily reach out to their support at any time – and you'll get personalised assistance.

3. Install WordPress

Once you've signed up for hosting, the next big step is to install WordPress.

The cool thing is that, you don't have to stress about looking for the WordPress app elsewhere.

Instead, WordPress comes with GreenGeeks i.e. you can easily install it from your GreenGeeks dashboard – in just few easy clicks.

If you're not familiar with WordPress, it's an app/software that is used to create websites/blogs.

Thus, if you install it, you'll be able to create your own website/blog without too much hassle.

4. Choose A Theme

Once you've installed WordPress, the next step is to choose a theme for your blog.

WordPress comes with a ton of premade themes that you can use for your site i.e. both free and paid themes.

But if you're just starting out, the free ones might be ideal for you – so that you wont waste unnecessary funds on purchasing themes.

Besides, the free ones also looks great – since they were nicely designed by professional developers.

The key is to browse through the free ones – so as to look for the one that's more appealing to you.

And once you've found one, simply select it & you'll be good to go.

5. Start Designing Your Blog

Assuming that you've selected a theme, it's now high time to start customising it.

The cool part is that, you don't have to design the blog from scratch – because the themes are 75% done for you.

Thus, your main duty is to edit the theme i.e. through changing the text, images, colours, fonts, etc. – and you'll be good to go!

You can use a plugin called Elementor – which is a page builder that helps to turn your WordPress site into a drag and drop interface.

That way, you wont have to deal with complicated coding staff like CSS, Java, or HTLM.

The key is to play around the colours, text, images, fonts, etc. – until you come up with the design of your choice.

You can also go on YouTube & watch some free tutorials about website design i.e. if you need some assistance.

6. Publish Your Blog

Assuming that you've finished designing your website, it's now high time to publish it to the general public.

This allows your blog to become live – so that people can start visiting it & view your content.

Another important thing is to sign up for Google Search Console & Google Analytics – so that your website can get indexed by Google.

Once you've done that, your website will be good to go!

How To Find Content Ideas For Your Weight Loss Blog

There are various ways that can be used to find content ideas for your weight loss blog.

The first one is through keyword research i.e. using some tools that are tailor made for that.

All you need to do is to come up with a list of seed keywords related to weight loss – and you insert them in a keyword research tool.

The tool(s) will give you some phrases/queries which people are searching for on Google – thus, allowing you to create content that's tailor made for those searches.

Another great technique is to spy on your competitors’ blogs i.e. find out which topics are working for them – and you produce your own versions of those articles i.e. in a better way.

Using tools like Ubersuggest, you can easily type-in your competitors' url – and the tool will give you data based on traffic volumes per page.

And if you see pages that drives a ton of traffic, it's a great indication that those topics are doing well on the SERP.

Another technique is to look for top products related to weight loss – and you write reviews of those products.

The truth is, people are constantly looking for products which aids value to their lives – thus, they go on Google to find reviews of those specific products.

You can go on platforms like ClickBank or Amazon – and you can find great products to review as an affiliate.

Wrapping Up

So that's the 6 step process that you can use to create your own weight loss blog.

If you follow these simple steps, you'll be able to come up with your own weight loss blog without the need of a web developer.


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