Flywheel Review: Is Flywheel Hosting Worth It?

Are you on the fence of choosing Flywheel as your host for your website?

But you're not so sure if this hosting provider is good for you or not?

Don't worry – because this article will reveal everything that you need to know about Flywheel.

After reading this article, you’ll be in a better position to decide whether this hosting provider is the right fit for you or not!

So read till the end if you want to learn more about Flywheel.

What You'll Learn

Without further ado, let me jump🏃‍♂️ straight into more detail.

What Is Flywheel?

Flywheel Review

In simple terms, Flywheel is a managed WordPress hosting, that makes it easier and more convenient for companies & individuals to host their websites on the internet.

Ever since its launch in 2012, Flywheel has been gaining a lot of momentum – as it is witnessed by the increased📈 number of websites that are hosted under this company.

Flywheel is well known for its unique attributes – since the owners of this company are constantly working🛃 on improving the features of this software i.e. in order to become more competitive in the market.

Due to existence of other managed hosting providers like WP Engine, Kinsta, etc., most customers are confused when it comes to choosing a more reliable provider.

But in order to help you with decision making, let's quickly take a look👀 at some few important metrics – such as cost💲.

Flywheel & Hosting Pricing

Flywheel Pricing

Flywheel offers three main plans – namely;

Tiny - $13/month

Starter - $25/month

Freelance - $96/month

Agency - $242/month

The lowest plan (Tiny) is ideal for beginners who’re just looking to dip their toes in the water💦 – as it gives you access to some of the most basic features that you need to set up🛂 & run🏃‍♂️ your site.

This plan gives you 5GB disc space – and it allows you to accommodate up to 5 000 monthly📆 visitors to your website.

This is great for beginners who’re just starting out i.e. with limited traffic volumes.

However, you might need to upgrade to higher plans i.e. when your monthly visitors increases📈 to 5 001+ – so as to accommodate for that extra traffic.

The Starter Plan is the most famous one – as it is used by the majority of Flywheel customers.

This is ideal for websites which receives 25 000 (or less) monthly visits – and it offers 10GB of disc💿 space.

In my opinion, this plan is the best option for intermediate businesses which receives a decent amount of traffic to their websites.

If you're someone who creates sites for clients, then you might need to consider the Freelance Plan – which costs $96/month.

This is a great deal if you're looking to start a Freelance business – because you can easily design websites for your clients from your Flywheel dashboard i.e. without too much hassle.

Things gets juicy🥤 when we reach the Agency Plan – since this is a perfect opportunity for business minded people👨‍💼.

For as little as $242/month, you can explore all the benefits & privileges offered by Flywheel.

However, it’s important to note that, Flywheel also charges ‘overage prices’.

For example, let's say that you're on the Tiny Plan – and your website exceeds 5 000 monthly visits, you’ll be charged an extra fee for that extra traffic – and the price is usually $1 per every 1 000 extra visits.

Thus, you should always check your analytics📊 – so that you stay updated on your traffic metrics.

Flywheel Features

As an expensive hosting provider, Flywheel comes with a ton of great features – which are all designed to maximise the customer experience.

But to keep this article short, I'II just summarise just a few of them.

1. Uptime

Uptime is very crucial when it comes to online business – as it has a huge impact on the progress of your business.

You should always choose a hosting provider with a high uptime rate – so as to maximise the amount of time⏱ that your website is available on the web.

Flywheel sites has an average uptime of 100.00% – meaning, it’s very rare to experience downtime when you're using this hosting provider.

The main reason behind this high uptime rate is that, Flywheel has CDN servers, which stores a copy of your site on cloud☁️ based servers – hence, making your site available on the web 24/7.

Thus, even if you experience some challenges, your website will still be available to your audience👥 whilst you work on solving the challenges from the backend.

2. Speed⚡

As we all know, Google loves💙 fast websites.

Speed is amongst Google's ranking📈 factors – thus, it's very important to host your website with a fast host.

Flywheel sites comes with a Flycache plugin, which helps to optimise your website for higher speeds i.e. through optimising your media files💾 like images.

Also, Flywheel has various data centres around the US & Europe – thus, you can choose to host your website on data servers which are closer to your target audience.

With the help of CDN features, your website is guaranteed fast load times – since a copy of your website will be available in cloud based servers.

3. Security Features🛡

One of the most crucial factors to consider when choosing a hosting provider – is to analyse the security features of each hosting provider.

Website hacking is now a serious issue that’s being experienced on a daily basis – as websites are being hacked day by day.🤦‍♂️

To guarantee site security, Flywheel comes with some SSL certificates & PHP features – which are all aimed at enhancing the security of your website.

These features helps to protect your customer’s data – especially if you're using any form of payment💳 systems on your website.

These security features also helps to protect your website from malware👾 – or any form of external attacks – hence, protecting your website against any form of viruses.

With the addition of the two step verification feature, you can further maximise your site’s security – thereby preventing any form of suspicious logins that may be made by unknown devices.

4. Backend

Flywheel provides a very beginner friendly interface – since everything is arranged in a simple & straight forward manner.

You can easily access most of the features from the main dashboard – and the icons are easy to navigate too!

After coming across many cpanels, l think that Flywheel’s interface is one of the easiest cpanels that I've used – since most cpanels are very complex to use.

5. Site Migration

If you have an existing website that you wish to transfer to Flywheel, then this feature is for you!

You can easily migrate your existing site for free i.e. using the tools🛠 & plugins offered by this hosting provider.

You can choose to migrate your website by yourself i.e. by simply following the instructions that are given by this company (through video tutorials).

Alternatively, you can ask the Flywheel experts to do the migration process for you i.e. by simply providing your site details – and their team will do the work for you (free of charge).

Thus, if you were worried about how you're going to migrate your existing website, then you should stop🛑 worrying.😊

6. Multi-Site Support

This is a great feature when you're running a site for a large organisation.

By utilising this feature, you can easily add some email📧 addresses of the people or developers whom you wish to work with.

For example, let's say that you want to install some additional plugins on your website – but you're not a tech savvy guy, you can simply look for a developer – then you add his/her email address to the admin settings⚙ of your site.

This allows the person to design the site for you – and once the process is done, you can always remove his/her email address from the admin settings.

7. Demo Sites

If you're a freelancer, then this option is great for you!

You can easily design some demo websites to use as samples – then you can show those demo sites to some future clients who might be interested in working with you.

Hence, these demo sites might help your future clients in choosing their favourite designs i.e. based on your samples.

8. Backup Features

Just like any other hosting provider, Flywheel also provides some backup features – which helps in saving some backup files of your website.

This allows you to track all the changes that have been made to your site – and you can simply revert to the previous designs i.e. if you feel like the previous designs were much better than the current ones.

Alternatively, you can retrieve some copies of your site even after incurring some unexpected errors – since all the changes are always saved in the backup folder.

Customer Support

Flywheel provides a 24/7 customer support via email📧, call📞 & live chat💬 in order to provide assistance to their clients.

After testing their response rates, l think that this company deserves a 🆒️ 9/10 – since their support team is very responsive to their customers.

They try by all means to attend to all customer queries in the least possible time🕧.

Flywheel Best Deals🏷

Flywheel offers some huge discounts to customers who buys the long term plans e.g. the yearly plan📅.

This is a technique which is used by most hosting providers in order to incentivise customers to buy commitment plans. (long term plans)

For example, the Tiny Plan costs 15 bucks i.e. when you pay monthly📆 – but it costs $13 i.e. when you go for the yearly plan.

Thus, you should always choose the long term plans if you want to get some huge discounts.

But you can get a great discount when you sign up for Flywheel using the link below.

Flywheel Pros

• High uptime⏱

• Reliable speed⚡

• Has various data centres around the US and Europe

• Offers advanced security🛡 features like PHP and SSL certificates

• Offers site migration features

• Beginner friendly interface

• Offers reliable backup features

• Allows you to create demo sites which can be used as samples

Flywheel Cons

• Does not offer email📧 oriented features

• Does not offer domain registration services (you might have to outsource this function somewhere)

• Does not offer shared hosting options

• Once you host your first site on 1 server (e.g. US), all the other websites that you build in the future will be hosted on that same server. (by default)😬

Final Verdict

To sum up the discussion, l think that Flywheel is a great option for people who're looking for a managed WordPress hosting.

Due to its features like high uptime rates, great speeds, migration features, etc., l think that Flywheel is really worth your investment.

Another cool thing about Flywheel is that, it comes with different plans – hence, accommodating more people to their services.

For example, if you're someone with a small website – which only receives limited traffic, you can start with the Tiny Plan – so as to reduce unnecessary costs to your business.

You can always upgrade to higher plans i.e. once you start receiving some huge traffic to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Flywheel Hosting Worth It?

In my opinion, l think that Flywheel is worth your investment.

Flywheel offers a ton of great features like CDN, security features, guaranteed uptime, incredible speeds, amongst others – which are all aimed at enhancing the performance of your site.

Also, Flywheel has various data centres around EU and US – hence, you can host your website under the data servers which’re located near your target audience.

Also, bear in mind that Flywheel is amongst the most cost effective options for managed WordPress hosting – since its Plans are fairly priced.

Thus, if you're looking to get a big bang for your buck, l highly recommend this provider.

Is Flywheel Shared Hosting?

Unfortunately, No!🤦‍♂️

Flywheel only specialises in managed hosting options for WordPress – hence, it does not offer any shared hosting facilities.

But if you want to find some of the best shared hosting options for you, you can check out this article.

Is It Possible To Migrate An Existing Website To Flywheel?

It’s 100% possible!

Flywheel comes with some migration tools🛠 that helps in transferring an already existing site to Flywheel.

You can do this process by yourself i.e. by simply following some instructions that are given by the Flywheel team.

Alternatively, you can ask the Flywheel experts to assist you with the process – and these experts will do the work for you.

Bear in mind that, this is all done for FREE – hence, you don't have to pay some extra fees.

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