A Complete Beginner's Guide To CPA Marketing

A Complete Beginner's Guide To CPA Marketing

One of the best ways to monetize your blog is through CPA marketing.

This allows you to earn some income from your blog i.e. when your visitors performs a specific action required by the vendor e.g. email signup, filling out a form, downloading an app, etc.

Thus, you don't have to stress about making sales – since you'll get paid for providing leads (essentially).

With that being said, this article will mainly focus on the basis of CPA marketing – with particular attention on the following topics:

Without wasting time, let me dive straight into the meat of this post.

What Is CPA Marketing?

In general, CPA marketing is a form of marketing where you get paid when your visitors performs any of the following actions:

β€’ Email signup

β€’ Filling out a form

β€’ Completes a survey

β€’ Download an app

β€’ Provide their credit card details

*Or any other action required by the vendor.

The beauty part of this form of marketing is that, you don't have to make sales in order to get paid.

Instead, you'll get paid for providing leads – and there's less resistance from people when it comes to just providing their emails/filling a form/completing a survey – as opposed to actually buying something.

Thus, you have the potential to make some significant income using this business model – since CPA offers are highly converting in nature as opposed to pay per sale offers.

Most CPA offers pays an average of $2/lead – though some pays far more than that, whilst others pays far less.

But it's important to keep in mind that, the high paying ones require a lot of information from the leads – thus, they're less converting as people will hesitate to complete the long required process.

On the contrary, the less paying ones are high converting – since they've less buyer resistance e.g. email signup.

With all that being said, let's quickly discuss how CPA marketing works – so that you can have a better understanding of this business model.

How Does CPA Marketing Work?

Basically, all you need to do is to find an offer related to your niche.

Once you find it, simply grab your links – and then start driving some traffic to your links.

If your referrals completes the required action, you get paid a certain amount i.e. depending on the vendor's rates.

As simple as that!

But let me mention this real quick;

Some CPA offers are only limited to specific nations or regions.

This means that, you'll only get paid when people from those target regions completes an action – otherwise, you wont get paid for referrals that comes from outside regions.

On the same note, some offers pays different rates for different traffic types i.e. some pays a high commission rate for tier 1 traffic – then low rates for tier 2 & 3 traffic.

The reason is simple;

Tier 1 traffic tends to convert better than tier 2 & 3 traffic – because people from tier 1 nations have more income to spend on goods & services – which is not the case when it comes to tier 2 & 3 nations.

Thus, you must keep that in mind when sending traffic to your CPA links.

Also, traffic that comes through desktop devices tends to yield a higher commission than traffic which comes via mobile devices – for obvious reasons:

When someone is just scrolling through his/her mobile device, he/she is less likely to buy staff – since most people uses their phones just for flex.

On the contrary, someone who's using a desktop/laptop is more likely to convert – because most people uses these devices for business related activities.

How To Get Started With CPA Marketing

So now we've covered the basics of CPA marketing, it's now high time to discuss how you can get started with this business model – so that you can get a rough idea.

To get started with this business model, simply signup for a CPA network like Maxbounty, CPA Grip, CPA Build, etc.

Although these networks sounds great, my favourite one is called Offervault.

Offervault is not necessarily a network per say, but it's a search engine that lists all the major CPA offers for publishers.

Not only that, but it also shows you where to find those specific offers (networks), as well as the commission rates of that offer i.e. per each network.

This allows you to weigh the different rewards available for your target offers – since different networks tends to pay different rates for the same offer.

If you're not so sure about the exact offer that you want to promote, simply type-in the keywords related to your niche – and Offervault will show you all the offers related to that keyword.

For example, if you're in the β€˜make money online' niche, you can simply type-in that keyword inside Offervault – and this tool will show you all the offers related to that niche.

Once you've found a great offer, simply apply to the relevant network – and once you get approved, you should start driving some traffic to your links.

There are various ways which can be used to drive traffic to your CPA links.

But my favourite one is SEO – since it's 100% free and organic in nature – and it's highly targeted too!

Thus, you don't have to worry about spending money on ads – which allows you to yield maximum profits for your efforts.

However, assuming that you're not able to rank on Google, you have no choice other than paying for ads.

This allows your website to show up on the search results of Google – thus, allowing you to get some traffic ASAP.

Paid traffic is much faster than SEO – thus, you'll be able to get some traffic almost instantly – unlike SEO which takes months (if not years).

But keep in mind that, your profits will be lower if you're paying for clicks – which is ok i.e. as long as you're taking something home.

Just to give you an idea;

You need to insert some CPA links in your already existing content/blog posts i.e. where it makes sense.

For example, let's say that l have a blog post on β€˜how to fix your credit', l can easily recommend a CPA offer related to credit repair service – thus, allowing me to earn some money whilst recommending the best credit repair service to my readers.

But if you don't have some blog posts right now – then don't worry because you can get started with this method today (it's never too late).

All you need to do is to do some keyword research – so as to find what people are searching for i.e. related to your niche.

Once you find the information, simply write some killer content that addresses those queries – then you recommend some great CPA offers inside your content.

But assuming that you've some few extra bucks to spend on ads, then you can simply buy traffic from Google, YouTube, Facebook, Solo Ads, etc.

But you should do it in a ethical manner – otherwise, your ads will get banned if you do some black hat staff.

Also, try to build a landing page – instead of just sending traffic directly to your links.

The reason is obvious;

Google & Facebook doesn't like direct linking to affiliate offers – since this is against their terms of service.

And if you ignore this, your ad account might get shut down.

Advantages Of CPA Marketing

β€’ β€˜Easy’ to earn commissions due to less buyer resistance i.e. you don't necessarily have to make sales in order to get paid.

β€’ Allows publishers to get some extra income i.e. through placing CPA banners to their already existing content

β€’ Most CPA networks are free and easy to join

β€’ There's an infinite number of CPA offers to choose from

Drawbacks Of CPA Marketing

β€’ Low commission rates (low ticket)

β€’ Some of the offers are just crap i.e. they're unethical


So that's pretty much the basics of CPA marketing in a nutshell.

CPA marketing is one of the best ways for publishers to monetize their traffic i.e. through recommending some few CPA offers which people already need anyways.

And the beauty part is that, you don't necessarily have to make sales in order to get paid – thus, it's easy to stack up the commissions.

But you have to drive more traffic in order to make significant amounts – since most CPA offers are low ticket in nature.


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