Beginner's Guide To Wix Affiliate Program

Beginner's Guide To Wix Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

Wix is regarded as the second best company when it comes to website building i.e. behind WordPress.

Wix has positioned themselves as the most beginner friendly platform – since their interface is less complex in nature.

Thus, Wix is a great platform to consider i.e. if you're looking to build some simple 1 pager sites – though it's not ideal for SEO based websites.

But in this article, l will mainly focus on its affiliate program – since it's one of the most lucrative affiliate programs out there.

Thus, read till the very end if you're interested in promoting Wix as an affiliate.

Commission Structure

Ideally, Wix pays at least $100 per every qualified customers that subscribes to Wix through your affiliate link.

This means that, you're guaranteed at least 100 bucks if you refer someone to Wix – which is quite a significant amount.

Note that, other affiliate programs like Amazon Associates pays pennies for your traffic – which is just demotivating.

But if you go with Wix (or any other software/digital products/web hosting company), you'll get more bang for your traffic.

How To Become An Affiliate For Wix

In order to get started, simply visit their affiliate page thel– and follow the instructions.

Simply submit your details i.e. name, payment details, location, promotional platform, etc.

Once you submit your application, the affiliate team will review it – and you'll get some feedback within few working days.

You'll be notified on whether you got approved or not i.e. via email.

If you're not approved, it's more likely that you don't have a genuine promotional platform like a blog or YouTube channel – thus, they might reject your application.

But if you've a genuine platform, they'll more likely approve your request.

How To Promote Wix As An Affiliate

First of all, what's Wix used for?

It's used for building websites right?

So if that's the case, your ideal clients are people who're looking to build their own websites.

But the question is;

‘How can you find these people?’

It's simpler than you think!

Most people who want to build websites mainly go to either Google or YouTube in order to find some website building tutorials.

And guess what?

Most of them ends up signing for web building platforms (or even web hosting) through affiliate links on those sites or YT channels.

That's the same concept that you can replicate.

You can create your own blog or YouTube channel based around website building – and you upload some tutorials on how to build websites using Wix.

And if you provide enough value, some people might end up signing for Wix through your affiliate link – thus, making you some commissions.

The key is to optimise your content for SEO – so that you can rank higher & get some traffic.

Wrapping Up

So that wraps up everything regarding the Wix affiliate program.

It's a great company to promote – since their website builder is already well known in the industry.

Not only that, but they also pay some lucrative commissions – which are high ticket in nature.


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