The 4 Important Laws Of Growth Every Entrepreneur Must Know!

The 4 Important Laws Of Growth Every Entrepreneur Must Know!

Do you want to know the most important laws of growth which most successful entrepreneurs follow?

If so, then you need to read this post.

In this article, l will quickly share with you the 4 important laws of growth which most great people follow – so that you can start applying them in your own life as well.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about them.

The 4 Laws Of Growth:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Speak Less

The first law of growth is speaking less than people around you.

If you do the most talking in most conversations, people wont be able to share their opinions with you – because your voice will be overriding theirs.

Instead, they'll just keep quiet & watch you speak – because most people don't want to clash with ‘talkative people’.

However, this has negative impact on your personal growth – because you wont be able to learn new things from other people.

Thus, it's very important to speak less – so that you can listen to other people's thoughts & opinions – hence, allowing you to gain new info.

Still on the same note, you should avoid telling people your plans e.g. ‘lm planning to buy a new car or house in the next few months’.

Instead, you should just keep silent – then surprise people with your results.

That way, people will respect you more than the person who does more talking – but less action.

Thus, from today onwards, you should learn the power of silence if you want to grow as a person.

2. Listen Attentively

Once you've mastered the art of speaking less, it's important to now start listening attentively.

This is so crucial because this allows you to adopt new concepts from other people – thus, allowing you to grow as well.

There's a lot of brilliant ideas out there – since most people are always learning new things in their lives.

And most of them are free to share them with others i.e. through conversations.

But if you don't listen attentively, the ideas will pass you – thus, you might miss some brilliant ideas.

For example, when l go to the barbershop, lm always listening to what other people are saying – and l have managed to learn a lot of things through this technique.

Since all these people comes from different backgrounds, they're exposed to different things – thus, it's important to listen to what they have to say.

3. React Less

Next on our list is reacting less.

Instead of using your emotions to make decisions, you must try by all means to remain calm – then make rationale decisions using your brain.

Do you know why most people engage in murder – then regrets afterwards?

It's because they fail to control their emotions at the moment of the event – thus, they end up doing what they're emotions are pushing them to do.

And when they go back to their normal senses, they'll start regretting their actions – since they'll now be using their actual brains to evaluate the situation.

Thus, it's important to react less i.e. through controlling your emotions.

Also, you should master the art of remaining calm if you get into verbal argument with someone.

‘If you don't know how to control your emotions, your enemies will use them against you!’

That's very true.

If your react more in most cases, your enemies will identify your weak points – and they'll use them to attack you.

Thus, instead of showing them that you're offended, you should just remain calm – and if possible, walk away from the situation.

4. Observe Closely

Lastly, you must learn to observe closely.

This is so crucial as it helps to analyse things differently – since you'll get a closer perspective on things.

Not only that, but observing helps to identify hidden opportunities when they arise – because you'll be able to see the potential in something which other people are not yet seeing.

For example, Elon Musk observed that the traditional petroleum vehicles were causing a lot of pollution to the environment – since their combustion emits a lot of pollutants.

Once he observed this, he was able to come-up with the idea of electric cars in order to deal with this situation.

And once he implemented this idea, he became wealthy with his Tesla company.

But it all started with observation i.e. observing the loopholes within the market.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post.

Once you start applying these laws to your own life, you'll start to see some changes in your life.

Thus, it's important to go out there – and start implementing these principles.


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