15 Great Podcasting Topics/Ideas That You Can Look Into!

Podcasting Ideas

In this post, l will quickly share with you some 15 great podcasting ideas that you can look into.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Health & Fitness

Most people these days are now concerned about their well-being – so that they can stay healthy all the time i.e. in order to live longer.

For this reason, they're always searching for information on how to improve their overall well-being – so that they don't get exposed to various health issues.

Thus, you can start a podcast based around this niche i.e. educating people on how they can take better care of themselves.

And if you provide great value to your audience, your podcast will grow exponentially.

2. Pets (Dogs, Cats, etc.)

Another niche that has been evergreen for quite a long time is the pet industry i.e. dogs and cats.

Most people in Europe & America loves to domesticate dogs & cats – and they always try to find ways to take better care of their pets.

Thus, you can start a podcast based around this niche i.e. educating people on how to take better care of their pets.

And the beauty part is that, you can recommend various pet related products (feeds, accessories, etc.) as an affiliate – thus, allowing you to earn some commissions.

3. Cooking

Another great trend right now is cooking.

Due to this whole pandemic thing that's currently going on, most people are now chilling at home – and they're now looking for ways to cook better food at home – because they now have more free time for cooking.

For this reason, they're now following cooking channels, podcasts, social accounts, etc. – so that they can learn how to prepare better meals.

Thus, if you have some knowledge in this field, then you can tap into that niche.

4. Ecommerce

With the rise of ‘work from home culture', most people are now tapping into ecommerce i.e. Amazon FBA & Shopify dropshipping.

And most of them are looking for ways to grow their ecommerce businesses – so that they can get more revenues and profits.

And if you start a podcast that teaches people about ecommerce, you can get some decent traction in just a short space of time.

5. Affiliate Marketing

Next on our list is affiliate marketing.

Most people prefers this business model over most businesses – because affiliate marketing involves less overheads i.e. compared to most businesses which requires start-up capital for inventory.

And most people are looking for information on how to start & scale their affiliate businesses – thus, you can take advantage of those people – and provide some value to them.

But instead of just teaching affiliate marketing, you should also be an affiliate marketer yourself – so that you can teach people what's relevant on the actual ground.

6. Digital Marketing

You can also tap into the digital marketing space.

Remember, most of the marketing staff is now done online – since most customers are now spending most of their time online.

Most businesses are now looking for ways to get more customers through various digital marketing strategies like paid ads, social media marketing, SEO, etc.

Thus, you can start a podcast along those lines – and teach people some digital marketing strategies that helps to grow their businesses.

7. Book Reviews

Book reviews also does well when it comes to podcasting.

The reason being that, most people hates to read the whole book without knowing exactly what to expect from that book.

Thus, they like to look for reviews first – so that they can get a glimpse about the book – before they decide to put their hands on it.

Thus, you can also start a podcast based around book reviews i.e. if you’re someone who likes reading.

8. Sports News

You can also start a podcast based around sports news.

Remember, most people are always looking for the latest news of what's happening in their favourite sporting world.

Thus, if you start a podcast based around a specific sport, you can also get some traction ASAP!

9. Baby Care

If you're a mom who has some experience in baby care, you can start a podcast based around ‘how to take better care of babies'.

This niche also works pretty well – because there's a lot of new moms out there who're so eager to learn how to take better care of their babies.

Thus, you can start a podcast based around that niche – and you focus on providing real value to new moms.

10. Relationship/Dating Advice

Another great niche to look into is relationship/dating.

This niche pulls a lot of traction – because there's a lot of young men out there who're so eager to learn about how to talk to women, how to be a better partner, etc.

And this type of content gets a lot of views on YouTube – because people are always searching for that kind of information – and it's evergreen too!

Thus, if you have some experience in the dating/relationship space, then you can tap into that niche.

11. Celebrity Interviews

You can also start a podcast mainly focused on interviewing celebrities.

This type of content gets a lot of traction – because most people likes to know celebrities' stories – as well as what's currently happening in their lives.

Thus, if you start interviewing these various celebrities, you'll get some traction over time.

Now, l know it might be difficult to invite a ‘big celebrity' to your podcast – especially if you're still brand new & nobody knows who you are.

But you should focus on taking baby steps i.e. start with the small celebrities – and you'll build some reputation over time.

12. Guest Interviews

This should not be confused with celebrity interviews.

With guest interviews, you wont be necessarily interviewing some ‘famous’ celebrities or influencers.

But instead, you'll be focusing on interviewing anybody who has some knowledge in a certain field – regardless of how famous they are.

For example, if your podcast is based around blogging, you can invite some ordinary bloggers to share their stories on how they grew their blogs from zero to whatever traffic volumes they're now getting.

And most people likes to hear those kinds of stories – thus, your podcast will gain traction over time.

13. Self Help

For decades (if not centuries), self help has been one of the major priorities for most people.

Most people are looking for ways to become better versions of themselves – thus, they're always looking for some self help content.

Thus, you can start a podcast based around that niche i.e. focus on providing value to people.

14. Tech News

Tech news also does pretty well when it comes to YouTube, podcasting, blogging, or any other content distribution platform.

The reason being that, most people always look for what's trending in the tech space – so that they can know which products are worth buying right now i.e. before they commit their hard earned monies.

Thus, you can help people make the right purchasing decisions through your podcast – and you can promote those various tech products as an affiliate.

15. Current Affairs

Last but now least, you can start a podcast based around current affairs i.e. what's happening in your local area – or even internationally.

People are always looking for that kind of information – thus, they're always following media accounts that keep them updated.

Thus, you can also start a podcast based around those lines i.e. if you have some reliable sources that keeps you updated.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 15 great podcasting ideas/topics that you can tap into right now.

Obviously, there's other bazillion topics that you can look into – since there's some endless untapped opportunities in the podcasting space.

The key is to find the one which you like the most – and you direct all your time and energy towards that one niche.


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