How To Set Your Day Up For Success (10 Best Practices)

How To Set Your Day Up For Success (10 Best Practices)

In this quick post, I'm going to share with you some of the best practices that I've implemented in my own day to day life – and these have helped me a lot to accomplish most things on my radar.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these in great detail.

1. Wake Up Naturally😌 (Avoid Setting The Alarm)

Have you noticed that, if you don't get enough sleep at evening😴, you’ll feel tired the next day – and that might mess up with your productivity.

So how best can you avoid such instances?

The best way that I've found to work best for me is through waking up naturally – without the sound of any alarm.

Because this allows my body to fully rest – then wake up when it has fully recovered.

The thing is, an alarm cuts your sleep by a certain % – since your body will be forced to wake up when it hasn't fully recovered.

So, if you're an entrepreneur who doesn't have to clock-in at a 9 to 5, you should avoid setting the alarm by all means.

NB: Sometimes, you might be forced to set an alarm due to circumstances e.g. you wanna catch an early flight✈, you're going for an appointment🤝, you're going for an interview👨‍💼, etc.

But other than that, try to avoid alarms & let your body wake up naturally.

2. Avoid Checking Your Messages/Notifications In The Morning📵

Now that you've woke up, what's next?

Most people quickly grabs their phones🤳 to check for messages/notifications – which is really a bad practice to do.

Because one bad message/notification might f*ck up your mood, and this might ruin your entire day.

So instead of starting your day in reaction mode (i.e. reacting to messages & comments), try to start your day in proactive mode.

And the best way to do so is through putting your phone away – or maybe, put it on flight mode🛩 – so that you wont receive any messages/notifications until you've done what's more important for you i.e. your work or your purpose.

3. Drink A Giant Glass Of Water💧

As soon as you get out of bed, the next best practice is to drink a giant glass of water.

The thing is, when we're asleep, our bodies tends to dehydrate a lot – that's why you wake up feeling less energy most of the times.

But if you drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, your body will be rehydrated again – thus, helping to reboost your energy levels.

So, try by all means to take a glass of water as soon as you get out of bed.

4. Do Some Exercise🤸‍♂️

The next best practice is to do some form of physical movement i.e. simple exercises.

It doesn't have to be weight lifting🏋️‍♂️ or anything crazy🤪!

But instead, it can be something as simple as push-ups, pull-ups, body stretches, yoga, etc.

This helps to activate your body – and also, to activate your muscles which would've been relaxed for 6 to 8 hours (i.e. depending on your sleeping hours).

5. Listen To Some Motivational Content👻

Another important practice that I've adopted over the years is to listen to some motivational content i.e. podcasts🎙, audiobooks🎧, motivational videos🎬, etc.

This helps to boost your energy levels – since you'll be motivated to keep chasing whatever you're pursuing.

It also gives you some hope when you're about to fall-off – because you'll be inspired by listening to other people's stories.

And you can do this whilst you're doing your exercises – thus, allowing you to yield the best out of your limited time.

6. Meditate🧘‍♂️

Once you've finished exercising & listening to motivational content, the next best practice is to meditate.

This is so important as it helps to clear negative thoughts from your mind – thus, helping to reduce stress & anxiety levels🤯.

Not only that, but meditation also helps you to be mindful of your body – as well as to stay in the present moment – which is quite important.

Thus, if you haven't done any form of meditation before, I highly urge you to try it, and you'll see the benefits over time.

7. Gratitude Journaling📝

Once you've done meditating, the next best practice is to do some gratitude journaling i.e. writing done things that you're grateful for.

This helps you to appreciate what you have now – which is important for boosting your mental health.

Thus, instead of just focusing on what's missing in your life, it's also important to appreciate what you currently have right now – since there’s other people out there who're in worse situations than you – and they'd be willing to trade places with you at any cost.

NB: Gratitude can be something as simple as appreciating the gift of life, good health, shelter, food, clothing, amazing friends & fam, etc.

Thus, you'll always have something to be grateful for each and every day.

8. Create A To-Do List📋

Once you've done some gratitude journaling, the next important practice is to create a to-do list.

It's very important to plan out your day in terms of what exactly needs to be done & by what time.

This helps you to stay focused on what's important – rather than wasting time on things that are less potent.

NB: Some people likes to plan their days ahead i.e. through preparing for the next day – the night before.

So that when they wake up the next day, they'll know exactly what needs to be done on that particular day.

Either way, you still need to figure out a way to come up with a viable to-do list.

9. Take A Shower🚿

Assuming you've finished creating your to-do list, you should quickly take a quick shower.

This helps to fully activate your body – and also, it puts you in a state of preparedness.

Personally, l like taking cold showers as they help to fully awake my body – and also, to give my body an early energy boost.

But you should try out both cold & hot showers to see what works best for you.

10. Clean Your Work Environment🛄

Last but not least, you should clean your work environment before you start working.

This is also important because, the state of your environment also affects your work mood – thus, it's very important to ensure that your environment is clean & tidy before you start your day.

And the best way is to clean your desk, chair💺, laptop/desktop💻, etc. – and also, to remove some papers🗃 & sticky notes📇 which are no longer useful.

Additional Points:

Intermittent Fasting

It's also important to practice intermittent fasting i.e. avoid taking meals🍝 till noon🌞.

The reason being that, if you eat a heavy meal in the morning, your digestive system will start processing that food – and this takes so much energy to the extent that you might feel lazy😒 i.e. not feeling like doing anything productive & just chill.

So for this reason, l try to do creative work first in the morning – then I'II eat later i.e. after I've finished doing my most important tasks – and that's usually around 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

And that has allowed me to accomplish so much in the last couple years – which is quite great👍

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best practices that I've implemented into my day to day life to ensure that I have productive days.

And you can try some of these strategies too! – as they might help to level up your days as well.

The key🔑 is to adopt them bit by bit on a more consistent basis – until you develop the habit of doing these things naturally on autopilot♻️

Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.


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