You MUST Read This Review Of 1Password Chrome Extension!

Are you looking for a secure password manager for your important credentials?

And you're on the fence of choosing 1Password?

If so, then you're on the right place.

In this quick post, l will share with you everything you need to know about 1Password – so that you can have a better understanding about this software before committing to it.

After reading this post, you'll be in a better position to decide whether 1Password is the right fit for you or not – since l will try to be as transparent as possible.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about 1Password.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is 1Password?

1Password Review

In simple terms, it is a password management app – which helps to protect all your important passwords.

The software can be accessed on either mobile or desktop – thus, making it easy to manage your passwords on any device.

We all know that passwords are prone to hacking – since hackers are always on the verge to access your private confidential information.

However, if you use an app like 1Password, you can easily secure all your passwords i.e. through hiding all your passwords behind a master lock.

This app is not only limited to passwords, but it also helps to protect items like secure notes, document vault, credit card info, auto-fill forms, amongst other related items.

Thus, 1Password is a one-stop solution for protecting all your confidential items.

With that being said, let's quickly look at ‘how much’ this software cost – since softwares of this nature comes at a premium price.

1Password Pricing

1Password has 3 main plans i.e. Personal, Family, & Business.

But for the sake of this article, l will only focus on the 2 popular ones i.e. Personal & Family.

The Personal plan costs $2.99/month – and is only limited to one user.

This is great if you're looking to use this app alone – since you wont be obligated to share your package with other people.

However, if you wish to share your ‘vaults', then the Family plan will be a good option.

This comes at $4.99/month – and allows up to 5 users.

Using this plan, you can easily share your information with your family members, friends, or even co-workers – with just a click of a button.

This makes it more convenient if you're working on a group project which requires everyone's participation.

1Password Features

1Password is packed with a lot of great features.

But for the purpose of this article, l will just discuss the major ones.

1. Separate Vaults

This is probably my favourite feature when it comes to this tool.

This allows you to separate your files into folders – thus, making your items look more organised.

Thus, instead of putting all your files in one place, you can easily group them into folders.

2. Share Vaults

As mentioned earlier, 1Password allows you to share your files with other people i.e. when using the Family plan.

This is great if you're working on group projects which requires the participation of more people.

Thus, this ‘1-click' tool is a great deal when it comes to sharing folders.

3. Two-Secret Key Security Model

Another cool thing about 1Password is that, it allows you to set a two-secret key security feature for your account.

Instead of relying on one master password, you can set a 2 step verification – which allows you to perform double opt-in when logging into your account.

Even if someone manages to hack your master password, they'll still need to enter a One-Time login code – which is sent to your phone.

Thus, this helps to further ‘cement’ the security of your account – since hackers will find it hard to penetrate into your account.

4. Watchtower

Another cool feature of 1Password is its ‘Watchtower' feature.

This helps to analyse whether your password are still safe or not – since this tool is able to detect any login attempts made from a different device.

It also helps to analyse all the websites that requires auto-complete forms – in order to determine whether they're safe or not – since some websites might ‘steal' your information and sell it to third parties.

Thus, this tool does a great job of always scouting for any possible external attacks.

5. Travel Mode

Another great feature that comes with 1Password is the ‘Travel Mode' feature.

This allows you to ‘hide' some folders when you feel like you're going into an unsafe place.

For example, when travelling at scary nights, you might need to hide some important folders – since you might meet some robbers along the way.

But if you manage to hide your important files, they wont show on your 1Password dashboard – thus, the robbers will not be able to see them.

And the beauty part is that, you can always ‘activate' those hidden files – once you arrive at a safe/secure place.

Other Considerations


1Password comes with 256 bit – end to end encryption, which is very difficult to penetrate.

Also, the software partners with Bugcrowd, which is well known for providing excellent security services.

Thus, 1Password is very reliable when it comes to security.

Another thing to mention is that, 1Password allows you to set a two-step security process for your account – thus, maximising the security of your account.

Ease Of Use

1Password comes with a less complex interface – which is easy to use and navigate.

You can access most features from the main dashboard – hence, you don't need to stress about looking for hidden features.

Also, 1Password has a ton of free tutorials – which makes it even more easier to learn the software.

Customer Support

You can access support via an online knowledge base – which includes some helpful answers related to some of the most popular questions.

This makes it easy to get some self help – since all the answers are on your finger tips.

However, 1Password does not offer chat support – which might be a huge disappointment for people who needs some personalised assistance.

But l hope that they'll activate their chat support in the near future – so as to make their support more reliable.

1Password Pros

• Easy to use

• Highly secure

• Affordable

1Password Cons

• No free plan

Final Verdict

To sum-up this post, l think that 1Password is a great software for people who're looking to secure their confidential information.

The app is packed with a ton of great features – which are all designed to help maximise the security of your files.

With the help of the ‘Watch Tower' feature, you can easily identify any forms of external attacks – who might be trying to access your account.

Thus, this helps to make some more informed decisions – in order to keep your files safe and secure.

I highly recommend you to try this software – if you want to protect your confidential information like passwords, secure notes, credit card details, auto-fill forms, etc.

You can get some massive discounts if you use the link below.

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