How To Get More Followers On TikTok (8 Strategies)

How To Get More Followers On TikTok

In this post, lm going to share with you how to grow your TikTok account in a short space of time.

I will discuss my 8 best strategies which helps to get more followers to your account – and these includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Model Your Content From Successful Videos

First and foremost, it's important to find what's already trending out there – and you model after it.

This is so important because if something is trending, TikTok will try by all means to push that type of content to more people.

Thus, if you jump onto those trends, your content has higher chances of reaching more people as well – and some of them might turn into followers.

But obviously, lm not saying that you should copy everything from A to Z.

Instead, you must use the ‘winning videos’ as inspiration – then you create your own version of it with your own personality.

2. Post 3 – 5 Times Per Day

Another important thing is to post consistently on your account i.e. at least 3 to 5 times per day.

This helps your account to grow much faster than someone who's only posting few times per week – because TikTok favours accounts which are more consistent.

Thus, consistency is key when you want to grow your account much faster.

Also, posting more videos increases your odds of going viral – because if you post more times, some of your videos might get lucky and start trending.

Take it this way;

If you're posting 5 times per day, you have 5 chances of going viral.

However, if you're only posting once a day, you only have 1 chance of going viral.

3. Post During Strategic Times

Another important thing to mention is that, you must be very strategic with your uploading schedules.

This helps your target audience to see your content on their feeds – than if you post at random times.

For example, if your target audience are teenagers, you must post your content in the afternoon or maybe sunset i.e. when they're back from school.

This helps your content to appear on their feeds – since they'll be out of school during those times.

However, if you post in the morning, most of them wont see your content – since they'll be at school by that time.

Thus, it's important to be very strategic with your uploading schedules.

And let me mention this real quick;

TikTok is very geo-targeted – meaning, people within your geographic boundaries are the ones who mostly sees your content.

For this reason, you must strategize your schedules based on your local time zone.

4. Mix Generic & Specific Hashtags

Another helpful strategy is to mix between generic & specific hashtags.

Generic hashtags helps to reach a broader audience – since there's more people who follows those tags.

Thus, your content will have more chances of reaching more people if you use them.

Specific hashtags on the other hand are more niche focused i.e. only a few people follow those hashtags.

But the beauty part is that, they're less competitive than generic hashtags – meaning, your content has higher chances of ranking if you use them.

Also, specific hashtags helps to attract a more targeted audience which is interested in a particular topic – thus, they help to grow a more focused audience.

Thus, it's important to mix these 2 for great results.

5. Provide A Brief Description About What You Do

Another important thing is to provide a brief description about what you do i.e. what should people expect from you.

The truth is, people likes to know more about you before they follow your account.

They don't like to follow random people – who specialises in niches which they're not interested in.

Thus, it's important to clearly mention what you specialise on – so as to attract the right audience for your account.

For example, if you're a Fitness Coach, you must mention it in your username or bio section of your account.

Not only does it help to let people know about your profession, but it also helps for SEO purposes i.e. when people search for Fitness Coaches, your account will have the potential to show-up on the search results.

Thus, it's important to write about what you do.

6. Use Subtitles

You must try by all means to use subtitles for your videos.

This helps more people to better understand your content – especially those who're deaf.

Subtitles also helps to translate your videos – especially if you don't use English in your videos.

Thus, it's quite important to use subtitles if you want to attract a bigger audience.

7. Boost Your Engagement Levels

Another great strategy is to boost your engagement levels.

The best way is to leave a question in the comments section – which asks people for their opinions about a particular topic.

If you do this, people will start engaging with your content – which gives signals to the algorithm that people are liking your content – thus, TikTok will push your content to more people.

This helps your content to get in front of more eyebrows – which might turn into followers in the process.

8. Incentivize People To Click The ‘+’ Button

Last but not least, you must incentivise people to click the + button.

This is so powerful because if people tap on that + button, your content will appear on their feeds – thus, gaining more views.

Thus, it's important to provide a clear call to action to your viewers – since this helps a lot to grow your account.

Wrapping Up

I hope that these strategies will help you in growing your TikTok account – since they're all proven to work.

Obviously, you wont be able to see results in the short run – since it takes time to start gaining some traction.

But over time, you'll start to see some positive results i.e. if you stay consistent.


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