How To Avoid Looking Like A Sell-Out As An Influencer

How To Avoid Looking Like A Sell-Out As An Influencer

Being an influencer is one of the best ways to make money, since you can easily monetize your audience through various means.

But however, if you promote too many brands & companies, you might end up looking like a sell-out😈 – and your audience might start losing interest in you.

So the question then is;

‘How can you make money from your audience – without looking like a sell-out?

Wow, in my opinion, l think the best way is through avoiding too much sponsorships in your content.

I see a lot of beginner influencers make the same mistake over & over again i.e. endorsing a brand deal or sponsorship in almost every piece of content that they put out there.

I get it! I know, you wanna pay the bills.

But the thing is, if the majority of your content is sponsored, your audience will most likely stop following you – and over time, your engagement might decline.

For this reason, it's important to space your brand deals & sponsorships over a reasonable period of time.

That is, you should do a sponsorship post maybe 2 or 3 times per month i.e. assuming that you publish content on almost a daily basis.

Or if it's YouTube, you can do a sponsorship or brand deal once in let's say 10 videos.

That way, your audience wont view you as someone who's trying to make money from them – thus, they’ll remain loyal to you.

Another important thing to mention is that, you should avoid being ‘pushy' whenever you do a sponsorship post.

I see a lot of influencers make the mistake of trying to force people to buy – which is totally a bad practice.

The thing is, people can easily recognise that you're pushing them to buy the products – and for this reason, they might just decide to tense😬 their wallets.

So instead of pushing people to buy, you should just do a genuine talk about the products/services – then let the people make the final decision on their own.

Last but not least, you should be very picky when it comes to choosing companies & brands to work with.

Often times, you’ll be approached by some scammy companies which sells crappy products, and they just wanna take people's money & disappear.

And these companies might offer you an irresistible offer so that they can tap into your audience.

But resist the temptation of accepting brand deals & sponsorships just for the sake of money – because you might end up ruining your reputation that you've worked so hard to build.

So instead of just promoting random companies on your platform, try to work with companies that you genuinely believe in.

Or if possible, you must first use the products for a reasonable period of time to see if they’re legit – before promoting them to your audience.


So these my friends, are some of the best ways that you can use to avoid looking like a sell-out as an influencer.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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