Digital Marketing For Beginners: Everything You Need To Know

Digital Marketing For Beginners: Everything You Need To Know

In this post, l will quickly share with you the basics of digital marketing – so that you can have a basic understanding of it.

I will mainly touch on the following:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat & potatoes.

What Is Digital Marketing?

In simple terms, it is the art of selling products & services through social media, content marketing, SEO (blogs/websites), video marketing (YouTube), paid advertising, etc.

In other terms, it can be defined as the art of marketing your products through the internet.

As we all know, we're now living in the age of the internet where most people are spending most of their time browsing the web – thus, it's important to target those people through various digital marketing means.

With that being said, let's quickly discuss why digital marketing is important – so that you can have a clear picture of why you should indulge in it.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

As l mentioned earlier, the majority of people are now spending most of their time on the internet i.e. surfing the web.

Thus, it's important to market your products & services through the internet – so as to get in front of all those people.

Also, digital marketing allows you to get in front of more customers much easier compared to traditional methods of marketing.

Back in the day, you needed to flood the whole city or country with billboards – so as to get more traction.

But as we all know, this option is very expensive in nature – thus, it's not the most profitable one.

But if you tap into digital marketing, you can cut your advertising expenses by a significant margin i.e. you only create an ad once, and it will reach more people ASAP.

For these reasons, businesses should thrive to get into digital marketing ASAP.

How To Get Started With Digital Marketing

Now that we've covered what digital marketing is & why it's important, let's quickly discuss how you can get started as a beginner.

1. Do Some Market Research

As always, it's important to do some market research – so that you can better understand your target customers.

It's important to find out who your ideal customers is, what they like, where they hang out, etc.

This information helps you to know your customers much better – thus, allowing you to better position yourself.

2. Come Up With A Digital Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve done some market research, the next step is to come up with a digital marketing strategy.

Once you know where your ideal customers hangs out – as well as their tastes and preferences, you can be able to get in front of them ‘much easier'.

Here are some of the best digital marketing strategies that you can use to target your customers:

If your target customers spends more time searching for staff on Google, then you might easily target them through blogging.

As we all know, millions of searches are made on Google each and every minute – and your ideal customers might be amongst those people.

The key is to find out what your target customers are searching for (keyword research), then you produce some great-valuable content which answers their queries.

(ii) YouTube (Video Marketing)

You can also leverage video marketing i.e. through YouTube.

As we all know, video content gets more traction & engagement than any other form of content – since it's easier to consume & digest.

Thus, you can also leverage YouTube to get in front of your customers – thus, allowing you to get some free organic traffic.

NB: Tutorials works best on YouTube – since people are always looking for tutorials on how to do certain staff.

The podcasting industry is booming right now – and most great marketers are leveraging it to get in front of customers.

And the beauty part is that, it's less competitive than blogging – thus, it's a bit easier to get traction with a podcast than with a blog.

Thus, you can also tap into this industry in order to get some traction.

NB: It's important to invite some guests & do some interviews – since these gets a lot of traction compared to solo episodes where you're just talking by yourself.

(iv) Social Media Marketing

‘The average American opens Instagram at least 150 times per day'

What does this indicate?

It indicates that, most people spends more time on socials these days – since social media is now the new hub of ‘entertainment'.

And guess what?

Your ideal customers are probably hanging around social media – thus, you just have to figure out a way of reaching them.

For decades, email marketing has been one of the best forms of marketing.

Email marketing allows you to connect with customers on a more direct level – thus, helping to build strong relations with them.

Not only that, but it also allows you to promote more products in the future – thus, allowing you to make more money from that same list.

I know that it takes time to build an email list – but it's important to start building yours ASAP.

Because an email list is something that you own & control – which isn't the case with most platforms.

(vi) Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is also powerful – as it helps to get more customers whilst leveraging other people's audiences.

As we all know, it takes time to build an audience of people who likes your brand – thus, it might be important to leverage other people's existing audiences.

The key is to find some great influencers in your niche, build relations with them, then you eventually do business with them.

(vii) Paid Advertising

Last but not least, you can also do paid advertising.

This comes in the form of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, etc.

Paid ads allows you to get in front of more people ASAP – whilst paying for clicks.

3. Start Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Assuming that you've chosen a digital marketing strategy, it's now high time to start your campaign.

I’m not going to rant too much about this issue, since it's simple & straight forward.

If you’ve chosen the YouTube route, you'll now be filming & uploading videos to your channel.

If you've chosen the blogging route, this is whereby you'll now be writing & publishing articles to your website.

If you've chosen social media, this is whereby you'll be creating & publishing content to your socials.

The key is to stay consistent – because most of these strategies are not overnight i.e. they take time.

Wrapping Up

So that’s pretty much all the basics of digital marketing that you need to know as a beginner.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.


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