GreenGeeks Review: Is It The Best Web Hosting Provider?

On the fence of choosing GreenGeek?

But not so sure if it's the best for you or not?

If so, the this review is for you!

In this article, I'II reveal everything that you need to know about GreenGeeks – so that you can decide if it's the right hosting for your site or not.

Thus, stick till the very end if you want to learn more about GreenGeeks.

Topics Covered:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat🍗 & potatoes🍟.

Overview Of GreenGeeks?

GreenGeeks Review

Was founded back in 08 – with the aim🎯 of utilising energy in a more efficient manner.♻️

The company claims that, ‘for every single amperage that's used in providing hosting services, the company will return more than 3x of that energy’ – i.e. in the form of renewables.

In other words, it's an eco-friendly🌳 hosting provider that aims at providing hosting services in a more sustainable manner.

As of 2021, GreenGeeks powers more than 500k websites on the web – which is quite a significant figure.

This proves that this company isn't ‘one of those sleazy ones'.... it's a big player🤾‍♂️ in the hosting industry.

But the biggest question is;

Is it the best solution for your website?💁‍♂️

Let's find out as the article unfolds.

GreenGeeks Plans

GreenGeeks Plans

GreenGeeks is one of the cheapest shared hosting providers in the industry – since its shared hosting plans starts from as little as $2.95/month i.e. the Lite Plan.

This allows you to have your own piece of real estate🏯 on the internet i.e. for a fee that’s less than the price of coffee☕.

The $2.95/month plan allows you to host a single website – and this is ideal for beginners who’re just eager😬 to put a website on the web.

It also gives you other privileges – like free SSL certificates, CDN features, unlimited bandwidth, amongst others.

Thus, if you're just looking to dip your toes in the water💦, then this plan is for you!

But if you're someone who want to host multiple sites, then you might need to consider the Pro Plan – which starts at $5.95/month.

The Pro Plan allows you to host as many sites as you wish – and it's ideal for bigger businesses – with multiple sites for their brand.

Thus, you might need to go🚶‍♂️ for this plan i.e. if you wish to host multiple websites.

Keep in mind that, GreenGeeks also offers advanced hosting services – such as VPS & Dedicated hosting.

But l wont go into much detail about these plans – since most people who're reading this article are more interested in shared hosting.

GreenGeeks Features

GreenGeeks comes with a ton of great features – but I'II just summarise the main ones – i.e.

1. Uptime

GreenGeeks' sites have an average uptime rate of 99.98% – which is quite great – as the average standard is 99.95%.

This means that, your website will be live & running🏃‍♂️ 99.98% of the year📅 – only down just .02% of the year.

Thus, GreenGeeks is impressive when it comes to uptime.

2. Speed⚡

As we all know, speed is also a crucial ranking📈 factor – and sites are expected to load⏳ in 3 seconds (or less).

Thankfully, GreenGeeks takes care of that – through providing some tools🛠 that allows its sites to load in around 2.5 seconds.

Thus, this company is able to beat the expected 3 second threshold – which is pretty impressive😉.

3. Security Features🛡

Do you know that, more than 50k websites are being hacked👽 on almost a monthly📆 basis?🤔

That's sickening🤒 to think about!

Thankfully, GreenGeeks tries to protect its clients' sites – through providing some free SSL certificates, free CDN, PHP, amongst other security oriented features.

It also provides some encrypt security locks🔒 – which allows you to place a green lock next to your domain – thus, further protecting your website.

4. Backend

Its interface is easy to use & navigate – since the cpanel was designed with beginners in mind.

The dashboard is very nice & clean – since there’s very few icons on it.

This allows you to easily manage your site without too much hassle i.e. without the need of too much tech skills.

Even if you’re not a tech savvy, you can also navigate this cpanel.

5. Site Migration

It also offers some site migration tools🛠 – which allows you to migrate your website from one host to the other.

Thus, if you have an existing website that you want to transfer over to GreenGeeks, then you can simply do so by utilising these tools.

And you can also watch some tutorials🎬 on how to do this process – thus, reducing your learning curve.

6. Email📧 Features

Just like most providers, GreenGeeks allows you to create a business email like

It's a great feature for businesses that want to do email marketing – since this type of email makes you look more professional👨‍💼.

Also, business emails have higher deliverability rates i.e. compared to normal Gmails – especially if you're sending mass emails.

Thus, it's a great feature to explore i.e. if you communicate with clients via email.

GreenGeeks Customer Support

GreenGeeks provides support via email📧 & chat💬

Thus, if you have any queries, you can simply reach out to the support i.e. via these platforms.

However, I've heard some few customers complaining about the long response time⏱ – since the support team takes longer to respond.

But I hope that they're working on this issue – so as to improve customer satisfaction.

GreenGeeks Best Deals🏷

GreenGeeks provides massive discounts to people who subscribes to the long term plans – which is pretty common in the hosting space.

Thus, you might need to choose the 3 year plan i.e. if you want to save some few extra bucks💸.

Pros Of Using GreenGeeks

• High uptime rates

• High speeds⚡

• Eco-friendly🌳 type of hosting

• Affordable shared hosting plans

• Extra security🛡 features

• Less complex cpanel

• Provides great tools🛠 for site migration

• Has more servers than most providers i.e. US, Canada, Netherlands

Cons Of Using GreenGeeks

• Its customer support isn't the best i.e. compared to other providers.

• Higher renewal prices

Final Verdict

So there we go🚶‍♂️ – we’ve come to the end of this review.

And if you've read till this far, then l commend you!

I'm sure you're now in a position to decide whether GreenGeeks is the right fit for you or not i.e. based on the facts shared in this post.

But personally, l recommend this company – since I'm a big advocate of sustainable energy.

Thus, if you want to be part of this movement, then you need to signup for GreenGeeks.

👉You can also find other great hosting providers in this post

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Does GreenGeeks Have A Money Back Guarantee?

GreenGeeks offers a 30 DAY money back guarantee to its customers.

This allows you to ask for a refund i.e. if you feel like their services aren't great for you – as long as you're still within the refund period.

Is It Possible To Migrate My Site With GreenGeeks?

GreenGeeks provides all the necessary tools🛠 needed for site migration.

Thus, if you have an existing site that you wish to transfer over to GreenGeeks, you can simply do so using the provided tools.

Is GreenGeeks Any Good For WordPress?

Due to its great uptime & speed, GreenGeeks is a good host for WordPress sites.

With GreenGeeks, your WordPress site can load in under 2.5 seconds – which is great for SEO.

It also has incredible uptime rates of around 99.98% – which is great for business.

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