Keep Focused On Your Grind & It Shall Eventually Pay Off – Motivational

So you're putting all this energy towards your hustle?

Burning the midnight oil trying to make your dreams a reality?

Or maybe sacrificing time away from your friends & fam in order to concentrate on your business?

I totally resonate with all of this!

Starting a business can be very hard and lonely – especially in the early stages, when everything is still brand new.

And if you're not careful, you might give up too soon – coz there's a dry period where you wont be seeing any pleasing results.

And that's the easiest period to quit – because it's very discouraging to work on something that's not bringing any immediate results.

To make matters worse, your close friends & fam might try to persuade you to just get a normal job – or maybe just work on something else.

You'll be presented with a bazillion reasons why you need to quit your grind ASAP.

And if you're not strong enough, you might be easily diverted from your goals i.e. through the power of influence.

But you know what?

Success doesn't come by following the easy route.

If you do what everyone else is doing, you'll live a mediocre lifestyle just like most people i.e. get a job, get a pay check, pay bills, work till 65, then retire with nothing much in your name.

This sounds ok for most people – since that's what regarded as ‘normal’ by society.

But if you want to achieve more in life, you gotta divert from the traditional route and do your own thing.

I know that starting a business is very difficult i.e. from personal experience.

Though the path is tough and rocky, it comes with a lot of rewards in the long run.

You must be willing to push through the hardships in the short run – so that you enjoy the long term benefits.

It's just a temporary sacrifice but for a lifetime happiness.

However, most people aren't willing to make these sacrifices in the short term i.e. they seek things that brings instant gratification.

That's why they have to work their entire lives for a company which doesn't care about their well being.

The message here is;

Chase your dreams now – otherwise, you might regret 10 years from now for the chances that you didn't take today.

Even if it takes 5 years, it's still better than working for 40 years for a corporate company – which can fire you at any time i.e. without any notice.