The Best Web Hosting Provider Reviewed: Bluehost (Updated For 2022)

Are you considering hosting your website with Bluehost?

But you're not so sure if this hosting provider is the right fit for you or not?

Don’t worry because this article will discuss all the hidden secrets of this hosting provider.

After reading this article, you will be in a better position to decide whether Bluehost is the right fit for you or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about Bluehost.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes of this article.

What Is Bluehost?

Bluehost Web Hosting

Bluehost is the leading web hosting provider in the industry which powers more than 2 million websites on the internet.

Bluehost was formed in 2003 by a company called EIG, and it has been gaining a lot of traction since then.

For those of you who are not familiar with EIG, it is the same company which owns and controls HostGator, Constant Contact, iPage, amongst other popular softwares.

Of all their softwares, Bluehost is the most popular one since it was heavily marketed than other softwares owned by this company.

Also, Bluehost became even more popular when it was recommended by WordPress as the number 1 hosting provider for WordPress websites.

Thus, most people always thinks of Bluehost whenever they think of starting a WordPress website.

With that being said, the biggest question is;

‘What Makes Bluehost unique from other hosting providers out there?’

To answer this question, let’s take a look at its features.

Bluehost Features

Bluehost is known as a feature-rich software since this company tries by all means to provide more value for less money to their customers.

But for the sake of time, l will just summarise some of its key features so as to keep the article within the expected length.

1. Uptime

Bluehost websites have an average uptime rate of 99.98%, which is quite higher than the expected 99.95%.

For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of uptime, it is basically the amount of time that your website is available on the internet (it is expressed as a percentage of the total year).

High uptime means that your website is available on the web for a larger period of the year as opposed to low uptime whereby your website is only available on the web for a limited period of the year.

If your website has a low uptime, it means that your web visitors might see an ‘Error' or ‘Server Down' type of message and this is bad for your business since your audience might easily lose trust in you

Thus, you definitely need to host your website with a reliable hosting provider like Bluehost which has a guaranteed high uptime.

2. Speed

One of the major ranking factors used by google to rank websites is speed.

The faster your website, the higher the chances of ranking higher on the search engines and vice-versa.

Google now favour faster websites over slower ones because most internet users hates poor load times thus Google is now trying by all means to rank faster websites on the top so as to maximise the user experience.

With that being said, Bluehost websites are characterised by a load time of around 2.5s, which is not bad since the average expected load time is 3s.

Thus, if you host your website with Bluehost, you will get a guaranteed great load speed for your site.

3. Cpanel

Bluehost has one of the most beginner friendly control panel in the industry since its cpanel is simple and easy to understand.

Its features and icons are arranged in a more organised manner that eliminates any complex issues.

You can easily control every aspect of your website from this cpanel without too much hassle since the cpanel is not that complex.

Thus, you can easily learn how to use this cpanel in just a matter of days even if you're a compete beginner.

4. Security Features

As we all know, websites are very prone to external attacks by malwares and hackers as well.

If you're not careful, you can lose your website in just a matter of seconds since hackers are trying by all means to hack other people's sites.

For this reason, you should choose a hosting provider that offers advanced security features so as to protect your website from hacking.

In order to protect its users, Bluehost provides some security oriented features such as SSL certificates, CDN, and PHP related features in order to protect your website from any external attacks.

It also provider some encrypt locks which are green locks that are placed next to your domain in order to protect your visitor's information like passwords, credit card details, amongst other confidential information.

With the help of the two step verification process, you can be able to further enhance the security of your website.

5. Site Migration

Bluehost offers some site migration tools that can help you in migrating your already existing site to Bluehost.

In just a few clicks, you can easily migrate your website to Bluehost without too much hassle since the process is easy and straight forward.

In the past, site migration used to be very complicated since it was only done by an expert developer.

However, things have changed in recent years since most hosting providers are now providing some helpful tools that facilitates site migration.

Thus, anyone is now able to migrate his/her website even without any tech experience.

6. Email Related Features

Bluehost also comes with some email oriented features which allows you to create some professional business emails addresses for your business.

These comes in the form of or

This allows you to look more professional since these types of addresses are trusted by most customers than the ordinary gmails.

Also, a business email helps you to reduce spam rates since business emails are trusted by email servers than the usual gmail.

Bluehost Plans

Bluehost shared hosting plans

Bluehost is known as one of the cheapest options when it comes to shared hosting.

Its plans starts from as little as $3.95 per month and this is quite less than the cost of buying dinner at your favourite restaurant.

However, this plan is mainly ideal for beginners who are just looking to host few websites since it only allows you to host a limited number of websites.

Thus, you might need to consider the $5.95 plan since it allows you to host unlimited sites for your business.

Bluehost also offers some advanced web hosting services like VPS and Dedicated hosting services but lm not going to discuss these since most people only prefers the cheap shared hosting options.

However, keep in mind that Bluehost offers some great discounts to people who buys long term commitment plans like the 3 year plans so as to incentivise more people to buy long term plans.

For example, you can get the $3.95 plan for only $2.95 when you choose to buy the 3 year plan.

Thus, you can save a $1 per month if you choose to buy these long term commitment plans and this dollar might turn into great savings if we take into account the number of months in a 3 year period.

Customer Support

Bluehost offers great customer support via live chat, email or even phone support.

This is so because the company understands that the customer is the king who needs to be treated with respect otherwise he/she might shift towards other alternatives.

This company tries by all means to respond to their customers' queries in the least possible time so as to keep their brand loyalty on higher levels.

You can also get access to a pool of online educational resources offered by this company when you face any challenges.

On average, l give their customer support a solid 9/10 since they are one of the best in the industry.

Pros Of Using Bluehost

• High uptime

• Great speeds

• Great customer support

• Offers site migration features

• Very affordable shared hosting plans

• Very beginner friendly

• Offers advanced security features

Cons Of Using Bluehost

• Extra add-ons comes as upsells

• Has very limited servers

Final Verdict

After testing various web hosting providers, l think that Bluehost is among the few companies that are reliable.

This is so because Bluehost offers great features to its users at a very affordable price hence making it one of the cheapest options.

The fact that Bluehost is the number 1 hosting provider for WordPress also makes it even further ahead of other hosting providers.

Bluehost is also safe from malware and other external attacks since it offers some advanced security features to its users in order to maximise the security of their websites.

Thus, if you're looking for a more reliable hosting provider that is feature-rich and cost effective, then l would recommend you to choose Bluehost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Bluehost Offer A Money Back Guarantee?

Bluehost offers a 30 Day money back guarantee to its customers.

This allows you to test their services so as to decide whether this hosting provider is the right fit for you or not.

If you feel like their services are not good for you, you can simply request for a refund as long as you're still within the refund period.

But as far as I’m concerned, most customers who uses Bluehost turns into lifetime customers since this company offers great services to its valued customer.

Is It Possible To Migrate My Website From Other Hosting Providers To Bluehost?

Its very possible.

Bluehost offers some site migration tools that are designed to facilitate this process.

Using these tools, you can easily migrate your website in just a few clicks since the process is simple and straight forward.

Thus, if you have an existing website that you wish to migrate to Bluehost, you can simply do so using these tools.

Is Bluehost Good For Beginners?

In my opinion, l think that Bluehost is the best web hosting option for beginners.

This is so because this company provides some of the cheapest shared hosting plans in the industry since its shared hosting plans starts from as little as $2.95 per month.

This is great for beginners who are on a tight budget since this price is affordable to most people

Also, Bluehost offers a very beginner friendly cpanel that is easy to use thus even a complete beginner can use this cpanel.

Another great thing about this company is that it offers a generous refund policy to its customers.

This is great for beginners who might not be so sure on which hosting provider is the best for them.

You can easily ask for a refund when they feel like this hosting provider is not the right fit for you.

Is There Any Better Hosting Provider Than Bluehost?

This question is very tricky since we all have different tastes and preferences.

For this reason, the software that is best for some people might be a nightmare to others since we all judge things differently.

But based on my experience, l think that the best hosting providers are WP Engine and Kinsta.

However, keep in mind that these hosting providers are very expensive for most people since their prices are very high.

Thus, this leaves us with no option but to use Bluehost since its prices are affordable for most people.

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