Why Self Awareness Is Important In Entrepreneurship

Self awareness in entrepreneurship

‘Self awareness; Knowing oneself’

At high school, Billy liked coding🛃 a lot – however, he was very terrible at it.

No matter how much he tried to work on it, he wouldn't make significant progress in that field.

The other school term, Billy decided to slow down on other subjects – then sorely focus on coding alone.

But guess what?🤔

He came with a fail regardless of all that effort – which proves how terrible he was at coding.

After school, Billy then decided to start his own online business – and somehow, the business needed a website.

Billy was very good when it came to crafting new ideas & strategies – however, he wasn't good at putting those ideas into code.

But he didn't want to admit that code wasn't his thing – so he decided to do everything by himself.

He would spend countless hours trying to figure out how to add a simple element, and still get it wrong after all those hours.

He spent months trying to create a simple website for his business, because he didn't want to admit & face the truth.

And guess what?🤔

He ended up creating a really bad website which wasn't converting at all!🤦‍♂️

His ideas & concepts were unique – however, they weren't properly presented on the actual website.

So, no matter how good his ideas were, it was difficult to prove it – since people judge by what they see👀 on the actual website.

But if Billy had admitted that coding wasn't his thing, he would’ve hired a professional developer, who's capable of properly presenting his ideas into code.


Most entrepreneurs are like Billy i.e. they don't fully understand their own strengths and weaknesses – or in some cases, they don't wanna embrace them.

As a result, they waste so much time & resources trying to do things which they aren't good at, instead of just looking for someone who can do the job a lot better & faster.

Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you have to do it all by yourself, but it also means being able to identify talented people who can do the job better.

Because at the end, what matters the most is the final product – not the person who did the task.

Plus, if you're the owner of the company, the credit goes to you anyways – even though you didn't do any of those tasks.

So from today onwards, I highly urge you to take a pen🖋 & paper🗒 – and you list down your strengths & weakness. (Be honest with yourself)

So that you can sorely focus on your strengths, then you delegate tasks which you aren't good at.



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