TubeBuddy Review: How To Get More Views On YouTube Using This Chrome Extension

Are you considering using TubeBuddy for your YouTube channel?

But you're still on the fence of deciding whether this tool is good or not?

Don’t worry because l will reveal everything that you need to know about this tool.

By the end of this article, you will be in a position of deciding whether to install TubeBuddy or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about TubeBuddy.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is TubeBuddy?

TubeBuddy Review

TubeBuddy is a chrome extension tool which helps to optimise your videos for better rankings.

TubeBuddy has been around for quite some years now and has helped many YouTube creators to yield the best results from their YouTube careers.

If you spend some time on YouTube, you will notice that most YouTubers have a TubeBuddy icon on the top-corner of their browsers and its no surprise that your favourite YouTubers might be using this tool as well.

After receiving a lot of positive reviews from big creators, most people were motivated to install TubeBuddy in order to take their channels to the next level as well.

Even though there is a close competitor like VidIQ, TubeBuddy is still able to dominate a larger market share since this tool is very awesome for most creators.

TubeBuddy Tools & Features

TubeBuddy comes with a ton of great features such as keyword explorer, seo studio, click magnet, etc.

To keep this article short, l will briefly explain just a few major features, so as to give you an insight of what to expect when you install TubeBuddy.

Bear in mind that these metrics may differ based on various factors like the size of your channel, level of engagement, watch time, etc, thus its advisable to install TubeBuddy on your channel and see how each of these features performs on your channel.

1. Keyword Explorer

As we all know, keyword research is very crucial when creating content since you need to create videos that people are looking for.

Not only that, but you also need to create videos that you can be able to rank so as to increase your chances of getting more views.

By using a tool like TubeBuddy, you can utilise their keyword planner tool in order discover the best keywords that are performing well so that you wont waste your time creating videos that no one is searching for.

TubeBuddy also tells you the level of competition for that particular keyword and this is determined by the number of creators that have published that same content in the past.

The most interesting part is that TubeBuddy weighs the level of searches for that keyword vs the level of competition, so as to give you a total score of how your video will perform when you create content around that particular keyword.

The scores are straight forward since they range from 0 to 100 – with zero being the minimum, whilst 100 being the maximum.

Always try to create content for keywords that have a higher score (green zone) since this indicates that you have higher chances of ranking for that keyword.

Another interesting part about the keyword planner tool is that it gives you some related terms of what people are looking for.

For example, if you type in a keyword like iPhone 12, you will see other related search terms like iPhone 12 review, iPhone 12 demo, iPhone 12 unboxing, etc.

This gives you some alternative ideas that you can use to create content on since these related searches are real terms that people are also searching for.

There's more to talk about on keyword explorer but for the sake of time, let me move to the next feature which is; seo studio

2. SEO Studio

Things gets juicy when we talk about the SEO studio.

This is so because the YouTube algorithm has some criteria for ranking videos on the search queries and if you master the techniques, your videos will perform better on the search results.

TubeBuddy gives you some actionable tips on how to optimise your title, tags and descriptions in order to have the algorithm work in your favour.

When ranking videos on search results, the YouTube algorithms scans for keywords in the title, tags, as well as descriptions of each video to see which one has more keywords related to the search query.

A video that has fully optimised meta data has higher chances of ranking. That’s why smaller channels out rank bigger channels in some instances.

TubeBuddy tells you how many times you should use your keyword in your title and description so that you can optimise your video meta data.

Please bear in mind that your titles must be compelling whilst utilising keywords at the same time.

For example, if lm doing a review video for iPhone 12, my title can be:

iPhone 12 Review: Discover The Secrets That Apple Won't Tell You!

By using a title like this, viewers will be motivated to click on the title since they will be curious to know about the secrets of this new iPhone.

At the same time, my title still contains my target keyword (iPhone 12 Review) since this is the main keyword that people are searching for.

Another important thing to consider is to use my keyword in the description of my video.

For example, if TubeBuddy tells me that l should include the keyword three times in the description of my video, l should use that keyword in a natural way in my description without being spammy.

(If you abuse the keyword, the YouTube algorithm can find that and its against the YouTube policies).

Most creators makes the biggest mistake of writing descriptions like"

‘Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe to my channel'

This is not good for SEO since this reduces your chances of ranking.

Tags are also another important aspects of the SEO component since they help to boost your rankings as well.

TubeBuddy gives you a set of tags that you can use as well as the overall score of each tag.

Always try to go for tags with higher scores since this shows that you can have better chances of ranking for those specific tags as well.

3. Click Magnet

Click magnet is a new feature that was recently added to TubeBuddy so as to provide creators with more advanced analytic data.

By utilising this tool, you can group your videos based on various metrics like views, watch time, CTR, power rank, amongst other variables that you can think of.

This allows you to see your best preforming videos so that you can create more content related to that video as well.

This information also gives you signals on how each individual video performs, which is great as this gives you more actionable advice on what you should do in order to improve each of the above mentioned metrics.

One thing that l like about TubeBuddy is that it allows you to download this data in CSV format hence you can download the data to your computer and analyse it at the comfort of your home.

4. A/B Testing Tool

As we all know, thumbnails are one of the most determinant of how your videos performs on YouTube.

A thumbnails can boost or kill your click-through-rate since viewers are motivated to click on good looking thumbnails than ugly ones.

But the problem with most creators is that they use thumbnails that they ‘like’ instead of what their audience likes.

But bear in mind that your views comes from you audience – not from you!

If you utilise a tool like TubeBuddy, you can split test different thumbnails to see which ones are working better than the others.

Just by changing your thumbnail, you might see a significant change in your CTR as well as your views since thumbnails triggers viewers to either click or ignore a video.

But how can you do proper split testing?

Its simple!

All you gave to do is upload your video then you use your first preference thumbnail for the first two weeks of uploading the video.

After observing how the thumbnail is performing, you should change it and use the second preference for another two weeks as well (same title, same description, same tags).

Repeat the process for multiple thumbnails and then compare the different results of each thumbnail.

After completing the test, you will be able to know which thumbnail performs the best than the others and you will then use it as the permanent thumbnail for your video.

5. Upload Settings

TubeBuddy gives you a quick checklist that you can use to see if you have fully optimised your video for the best results.

We all know that most creators forgets some important SEO optimisation strategies especially when they are in a hurry of hitting the ‘publish button'.

But if you're using TubeBuddy, the tool gives you a simple checklist which shows you the things that you have done as well as things that are missing from your video.

This allows you to correct any issues as soon as possible before publishing the video to the world.

TubeBuddy Pricing

TubeBuddy Pricing

TubeBuddy comes with a free version, which allows you to test the software for some time in order to decide whether the software is the right fit for you or not.

The free plan is great when you're just starting out since it allows you to get an insight of how TubeBuddy works.

However, bear in mind that the free plan comes with very limited features.

For example, if you use the keyword explorer option, you will only be limited to see the first three related keywords since the rest of the keywords will be blurred/hidden.

However, if you want to unlock the advanced features, then you definitely need to upgrade to the paid plans which starts at $9/month all the way up to $49/month.

Bear in mind that the more advanced features comes at a higher premium price since you get what you pay for.

Thus, if you want to use TubeBuddy to its full potential, you need to consider subscribing to higher plans.

But if you're on a limited budget, l highly recommend that you start with a low tier plan and you upgrade as you get more funds.

TubeBuddy offers a 20% discount if you choose to buy the yearly plan thus, you can go for the yearly plan if you want to take advantage of this discounted price.

Bear in mind that TubeBuddy offers a special discount (50%) for channels that have less than 1000 subscribers since TubeBuddy aims at promoting smaller channels in order to help them grow.

Thus, if you have a smaller channel with less than 1000 subs, you definitely need to take advantage of this offer using the coupon code on their sales page.

Who Is It For

Ideally, TubeBuddy was created as a tool to help creators grow their channels.

This is achieved through using the power of actionable tips and strategies that this tool gives you hence allowing you to yield the best results out of your content.

Bear in mind that using TubeBuddy doesn’t guarantee getting a million views, but the tool only helps you to optimise your videos better than in cases where you use the traditional trial and error methods.

But in short, TubeBuddy is for anyone who is looking to grow his/her YouTube channel through optimising your content for SEO.

Why Should You Choose TubeBuddy

• Firstly, TubeBuddy is tried and tested – this tool has proven to work for many creators out there (most top YouTubers uses this tool as well)

• TubeBuddy is verified by YouTube meaning this tool is reliable and trustworthy.

• It also comes with SEO tools and features which helps to optimise your videos for SEO.

• The new click magnet tool allows you to see which videos are preforming well hence you can create more videos related to that topic in the future.

• Affordable

• Easy to install and setup

Final Verdict

I think by now you have made a final decision on whether TubeBuddy is the right fit for you or not.

I understand that tastes and preferences differ from one person to another hence everyone has a different opinion.

But in my opinion, l think that TubeBuddy is a great tool if you're looking to grow your YouTube channel.

This is so because this tool comes with a ton of great features that are all aimed at maximising your benefits from your YouTube channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

TubeBuddy Review

Is TubeBuddy Safe?

Of course yes!

TubeBuddy is verified by YouTube.

We all know that its very difficult to get verified by Google or YouTube since these companies have higher standards and expectations that they look at before approving a software.

But the fact that TubeBuddy was verified shows that YouTube team took their tests and they saw it necessary to give their verification badge to this tool.

Does TubeBuddy Delete My Videos?

This is one of the most asked questions by most people who owns YouTube channels.

This is so because TubeBuddy seems as if they can delete your videos, engagements, views, etc when you're trying to install the extension.

But the truth is; TubeBuddy will never delete any of your videos.

TubeBuddy is just a tool and just like any other tool, it works based on how you use it since you're the one who control it.

If you use it to delete your content, then the tool will just follow your actions and it does like what you request.

But if you use it properly, then you will get good results from this tool.

Which One Is Better Between TubeBuddy and VidIQ

Another question that pops up when people are looking for YouTube tools and extensions is the comparison between TubeBuddy and VidIQ.

This is so because these two extensions are the major giants in the industry and it is a bit difficult to decide which one is better than the other.

Each of them has its own unique features and characteristics thereby making each of them favourable for different type of audience.

But to clear the argument, l have prepared a detailed comparison which you can read on this article.

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