The 5 Rights Of Delegation In Business!

The 5 Rights Of Delegation In Business!

In this post, l will quickly go through the 5 rights of delegation which every business owner must know before delegating any task.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these in great detail.

1. Right Task

Before delegating any task to someone, it's important to ask yourself;

‘Is this task delegable?’

The reason being that, there are some tasks that can only be done by no one else other than you – thus, those tasks might be difficult to delegate to someone else.

For example, if you own a personal brand YouTube channel, you have no choice other than recording the videos yourself – because if you assign someone to go in front of the camera, then your audience might freak out.

Thus, it'll be difficult to delegate that kind of task.

On the contrary, you can delegate some backend tasks like video editing – because these tasks are not the main face of your business – or YouTube channel in this case.

Thus, before delegating any task, it's important to analyse if the task is delegable or not.

2. Right Circumstance

Although some tasks are delegable, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should just delegate them every time.

You should delegate the tasks under the right circumstance(s) i.e. when there is need to do so.

Going back to our previous example, you shouldn't necessarily delegate video editing to someone simply because it's possible.

Rather, you should delegate when there is a need to do so.

For example, if you're just a small creator – and you have so much free time on your schedule, it'll be much economic to edit the videos by yourself.

However, when your channel grows – and you now have more obligations, that's where you might need to delegate the task – because your schedule might become tighter as your business grows.

3. Right Person

Another important thing is to delegate the task to the right person.

Before delegating a task to someone, you should ask yourself ‘if the person is the right candidate for the task at hand’.

Using our previous example, you should ask yourself if the chosen person is good at video editing – so that you can surely assign the task to someone who's capable.

Failure to do so might lead to disappointment i.e. if you choose an incompetent person.

4. Right Communication

Once you find the right person, it's important to communicate effectively with that person.

This helps to clarify what you really want out of the task – as well as the target deadline.

This sets the foundation on how both of you are going to work with each other i.e. through agreeing on expectations.

Using our example, you can give some rules/standards on how you want your video to be edited – as well as the expected deadline for completion.

Communication is key in business – since it helps to set a common ground between both parties i.e. the superior and the assigned candidate.

5. Right Supervision

Last but not least, it's important to provide the right supervision when you delegate a task.

This is crucial as it helps to monitor the progress of the work.

If you don't monitor your employees, they might end up getting off-track – because as humans, we tend to forget about some instructions that we're given.

Thus, it's important to always supervise your employees, so that they wont get lost along the process.

(Also, regular feedback is key)

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 rights of delegation which every business owner must know.

The key is to delegate the right task, under the right circumstance, to the right person – whilst communicating and supervising the assigned parties.


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