The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Nike Affiliate Program

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Nike Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

One of the biggest companies in the world is Nike.

This company is well known for its great quality shoes – since Nike is amongst the leading shoe producers in the world.

Not only that, but it also specialises in other sporting and clothing products like hoodies, tracksuits, socks, caps, footballs, etc. – thus, it's an all rounder company when it comes to clothing & fashion.

Years ago, Nike decided to launch an affiliate/referral program – so as to allow people who're interested in their products to promote them as brand ambassadors/affiliates.

Thus, if you're a blogger, social media influencer, YouTuber, etc. – you can earn some income by promoting Nike products as an affiliate i.e. if your audience is interested in those type of products.

Now, let's quickly discuss about the commission structure of its affiliate program – so that you can get an idea of how much you'll earn i.e. if you decide to promote its products.

Commission Structure

The commissions varies from one product to the other – since each set of products has its own pay-out rates.

But ideally, the commissions ranges anywhere from 1 to 10% for most products.

Now you might be wondering;

‘Why does this big company pay such a low commission rate?’

The reason why Nike pays low commission rates is that, most of its products are physical in nature – and physical products tend to have high overhead costs.

They involve a lot of shipping costs, inventory costs, manufacturing costs, etc. – thus, the company can't afford to pay high pay-outs – since they have to cover for these high overhead costs.

Thus, if you want to earn higher commissions, you have to promote high value items like expensive sneakers.

That way, you'll be able to make significant commissions.

Alternatively, you might need to consider promoting software & digital products – since most of them pays higher commissions i.e. as high as 50%.

The reason being that, these products have low overhead costs – since they don't involve any shipping, inventory, manufacturing, etc. – thus, they can afford to pay higher commissions.

How To Become A Nike Affiliate

Nike affiliate program is run through third party networks like Vig Link or DCM Network.

Thus, if you want to become an affiliate for this company, you need to visit any of these platforms – and follow the instructions given.

But ideally, you'll be required to submit your details i.e. name & surname, nationality, promotional platform, method of promotion, etc.

You just need to provide as much details as possible – so as to prove that you're a trustworthy person who's capable of promoting their products.

And once you've completed the application form, it'll be processed – and you’ll be given some feedback after some few days (via email).

Now, let me admit this;

Most people who applies for this affiliate program gets rejected.

And one of the main reasons why most people gets rejected is that, they don't have a genuine promotional platform like a website, YouTube channel, social media account, or any platform that proves that they're capable of promoting their products.

The truth is, big companies like Nike are very strict when it comes to approving affiliates – because they don't want to work with ‘scammy' affiliates who might end up hurting their brand image.

Thus, before you apply for their affiliate program, you need to create a platform like a blog or YouTube channel – and you publish some few pieces of content – so as to prove that you're a legit and trustworthy person.

How To Promote Nike Products As An Affiliate

Assuming that you've been accepted into this affiliate program, the next question that comes to mind is; ‘how to promote their products?’.

There’s a couple of methods that can be used to promote Nike products as an affiliate.

The most obvious one is through creating a blog – and you start publishing articles related to those products i.e. reviews & comparisons.

This works pretty well because people are always searching for this kind of staff on Google – and they end up landing on affiliate sites – thus, earning the site owner some commissions i.e. when those people buys through his/her affiliate links.

You just need to do some bit of SEO work so that your content ranks higher on Google – since first page articles are the ones which gets the most traffic.

Thus, a blog works pretty well i.e. if you're someone who likes writing – or maybe you can hire content writers who're really good at doing the job better.

Another technic that works pretty well is starting a YouTube channel – and you start uploading unboxing videos – so as to show potential customers what the product actually looks like.

Video content works pretty well since it gives customers a more detailed sense of what the product actually looks like.

And the beauty part is that, you can make videos without showing your face – since you can easily point the camera on the products – and you add a voice over.

Thus, you don't have to be a ‘camera genius’ in order to create YouTube videos.

The key is to put some affiliate links in your video descriptions – and you then encourage your viewers to buy through those links.

That way, you can easily stack up the commissions.

Paid advertising also works pretty well i.e. through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, etc.

Paid advertising allows you to reach more people in less time – thus, allowing you to get more traffic in a short space of time – compared to someone who sorely relies on organic methods.

You just need to do it in a ethical manner – so that you wont violate the terms and policies of these big brands.

Last but not least, you can use influencer marketing.

This is whereby you find some great influencers who’ve an audience that’s interested in sneakers or sporting products.

Once you find them, you must negotiate with them in order to access their audience.

You'll need to pay a certain fee for accessing their audience – but you must ensure that the charges still leaves room for you to make some profits.

This technique also works pretty well – because it allows you to tap into someone's else existing audience – rather than trying to build your own audience from scratch.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much everything about the Nike affiliate program.

This affiliate program can be great if you've an audience that's interested in sneakers or sporting products – since it allows you to monetize your audience whilst recommending great products to them.


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