How To Create A Website From Scratch: Ultimate Beginner's Guide

How To Create A Website From Scratch

Building a website can be quite stressful – especially if you don't have any prior experience.

But in this article, l will share with you 5 simple steps that you can follow in order to come up with an awesome looking website.

You don't need any coding experience to implement these steps thus you don't need to worry about HTLM, CSS, Java or any other coding staff.

I will try by all means to simply the concepts so that you can easily follow through without getting lost.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Decide The Type Of Website You Want To Build

The first step before building a website is to decide the type of website that you want to build.

Is it a business website? A gamming website? Or maybe a shopping website?

Being able to answer this question will help you to come up with a rough picture of what your proposed website will look like.

When starting your first website, it is key to create it based on topics that you're passionate about.

For example, if you're passionate about football, it will be a great idea to create a website based around that sport.

This will help you to stay on track since you'll be doing something that you're passionate about.

Another pro tip is that you should look for other websites which are related to your target niche.

This will give you some inspiration on what your site will actually look like.

But please, don't copy other people's websites as you might get in serious trouble.

Just take some inspiration!

2. Come Up With A Name

Ok, so let's assume that you've decided on the type of website that you wish to create, its now time to come up with a name for your proposed website.

Most people overthink this issue, but it is ‘easier' than what most people thinks

The key is to come up with a unique name that describes what your website is all about.

For example, if you want to create a website around health & fitness, names like Fitness Hub, Fitness Centre, 24/7 Health, etc works better since they gives a hint of what your website is all about.

This helps your audience to easily recognise your website just by reading the name.

However, you can also use your real name as your site name – its totally fine as well.

There are other successful websites which are named after the owner's name.

If you feel like your real name will suit your website, then go for it.

Whichever name you choose, the key is to come up with a great name which is more appealing to your audience.

3. Register Your Domain Name

Ok, so let's assume that you now have a name for your proposed website, what's next?

It’s now time to register your website's name on the internet.

This allows people to easily find your website on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

For example, if you type-in something like, you'll land on Amazon's main website.


Because the company registered their domain name on the internet hence making it visible and findable on Google.

Without registration, your website wont show up on Google.

With that being said, there is a ton of companies out there which helps with this process.

But my favourite one is called GreenGeeks.

This company allows you to register your website’s name on the internet without too much hassle.

For as little as $2.95 per month, you can register your website on the internet hence making it findable on Google and other search engines.

Instead of buying coffee every now and then, you can easily sacrifice $2.95 every month for your own website.

Thus, there's no excuse for not having a website since this price is close to nothing.

4. Install WordPress

Now that you've registered your domain name, what's next?

Its now high time to install WordPress.

WordPress is a website builder which is used to build stunning awesome websites.

The beauty part is that you don’t have to stress about downloading WordPress to your device since it is cloud based.

Also, WordPress is automatically installed when you buy your domain hence saving you time and energy.

5. Start Designing Your Website

Once you install WordPress, its now high time to start designing your website.

WordPress comes with a ton of premade templates which you can use for your own website.

You can choose any template of your choice and the templates are grouped based on different categories/industries.

Once you find your favourite template, simply customise it based on your needs.

You can use tools like Thrive Themes or Elementor to easily design your website.

These tools allows you to turn your website into a drag and drop interface, allowing you to play around some text, images, colours and fonts of your website.

You can also look for some YouTube tutorials in order to learn how to design a WordPress website since videos are easier to understand than written articles.

You can also find some free courses on web development on platforms like Udemy since there's a ton of free courses out there.

Either way, the key is to find useful resources which helps in designing your site so that you wont feel stuck.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this quick post since l tried by all means to simply the concepts.

Building a website is not that difficult – as long as you follow these 5 simple steps.

Gone are the days where we used to hire developers with some coding experience – since web development used to be very complex back then.

However, things have changed in recent years and we're now blessed to have some tools and softwares which helps to simplify this whole process.

Thus, anyone is now capable of building his/her own website without any prior experience.

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