How To Write Effective Blog Posts That Ranks On Google! (Pro-Blogger Shares His Best Tips)

Write Effective Blog Posts That Ranks On Google

In this quick tutorial, the man himself – is going to walk you through how to write effective blog posts that actually rank on Google.

After receiving a lot of requests through DMs & emails, l decided to sit down and craft this simple tutorial – so that you can get an idea of what it takes to write a blog post.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

Keyword Research

Before writing anything, you must do your keyword research – so as to find some topics which people are searching for.

If you're not familiar with keyword research, don't worry – because l have a full tutorial which goes deeper into this topic.

👉You can read this article if you want to learn more about this topic.

But basically, keyword research helps to find the exact keywords which people are typing in the search bar.

This helps you to write topics which people are searching for – rather than wasting time on topics that have little to no search volumes.

Also, keyword research helps to evaluate the probability of ranking for a certain keyword – so that you direct your efforts on less competitive keywords i.e. which are easier to rank for.

Pro Tip

I always do keyword research in advance – because it allows me to have content ideas for my future blog posts.

Instead of doing keyword research every time l want to write a blog post, l can easily pull some existing keywords from my library – thus, saving me time and energy.

Thus, you should try by all means to do keyword research way ahead of time – so as to have a smooth flow of content production.


Assuming you have found some great topics, it's now high time to do some bit of brainstorming.

This allows you to craft some rough ideas on what can be included inside your article i.e. based on a particular topic.

You can also do some bit of research on YouTube & Google – so as to learn more about the topic – before writing anything.

Now, lm not saying that you should know everything about that particular topic – NO!

But all lm saying is that, you should at least generate some ideas on what needs to be included in your article – so as to show your readers that you know something about that topic.


Assuming that you've done some research and brainstorming, it's now time to prepare your post outline i.e. structure of the blog post.

You should not write the title of the blog post – and throw some bunch of information i.e. without putting some sub-headings.

Instead, you should break your topic into mini-headings – so as to make it easier to skim for your readers.

Also, outlining helps to avoid ‘writers block' – since you'll know exactly what to write under each sub-heading.

For example, let's say you're writing a blog post on; ‘How to create a website’, you can break that topic into sub headings as follows.

Step 1: Choose A Website Name

Step 2: Signup For Web Hosting

Step 3: Install WordPress

Step 4: Start Designing Your Site

Step 5: Publish Your Website

By doing so, your article has high chances of ranking on Google – since this kind of outline helps Google to understand what your article is all about. (and you can rank for featured snippets too!)

Not only that, but it also make your articles easier to skim for your readers – unlike in cases where you just throw a bunch of information under a single title/heading.

Pro Tip

When uploading your articles on your site, it is important to use the correct Header Tags i.e. H1 for titles, H2 for headings, H3 for sub-headings, etc.

This helps to clearly differentiate your key headers from the rest of the text – rather than using the same font-size throughout the blog post.

And it also helps with SEO too!


Assuming that you've completed your post outline, it's now high time to sit down and start writing your article.

This is were you pour out the information to your readers – based on your research or maybe experiences.

But once you've done your outlining, it will be much easier to fill-in the information under those sub-headings – hence, saving you time.

When writing, you should try by all means to apply the following tips.

Tips To Consider When Writing

(i) Write Short Paragraphs

I can't stress enough how paragraph length impacts your bounce rates.

But when writing a blog post, you should forget everything that you learned at school – and write short paragraphs.

Academically, a normal paragraph is expected have 10 to 14 lines (on average).

However, this does not apply to the blogging world – because most readers hates reading huge blocks of paragraphs.

Remember, most internet users are now browsing using mobile devices – thus, a 10 line paragraph might fill the whole screen on mobile – which makes it difficult to skim – hence, leading to higher bounce rates.

For this reason, you should try by all means to write short paragraphs i.e. 5 to 6 lines max!

In my case, l find 1 sentence paragraphs to work better – since they're easier to read and digest.

In some cases, l even write 1 word paragraphs like:


It is also important to include some high-fen breaks (–) and commas (,) – so as make your sentences easier to digest.

(ii) Write The Way You Speak

When writing a blog post, you should not write it like an academic paper or thesis.

Instead, write the way you speak – so that your articles sounds more human – hence, leading to a smooth flow of ideas.

Using this technic, l was able to shift from being an ‘academic blogger' to a ‘trapper blogger' – since most readers resonates with the latter than the former.

Still on the same note, you should use words like ‘You & I' – since they help to keep your readers engaged.

(iii) Add Visual Breaks (Images)

Would you enjoy reading a 3000 word article with just a bunch of text?

Obviously no!

It is important to add some visual images, so as to allow your readers to take a break – and digest what they've consumed.

Also, images helps to explain complex concepts – since images mean a thousand words.

Thus, it is key to include some images i.e. either at the top, or somewhere within your blog post.

Pro Tip

Before uploading your images, it is important to rename them i.e. based on your target keywords.

This helps Google to easily understand what your image is all about i.e. based on its file name & alt text.

And by the way, you must compress your images with Short Pixels (or any alternative) – so as to make them less heavy for your page – since this affects the speed of your page as well (ranking factor).

(iv) Include Your Target Keywords Where Possible

Another important practice is to include your target keywords were possible.

This works best in headings – and this helps to rank higher on Google as well.

You must keep your keyword density anywhere between 1% to 3% – since this is ideal for SEO.

However, you should not do ‘keyword staffing’ since it does more harm than good to your site.

Instead, try to write natural articles that sounds more human – rather than trying to throw-in a bunch of keywords where they don't fit.

(v) Ask questions

Another pro tip is that, you should include some questions inside your blog post.

Instead of throwing a bunch of information to your readers, you should ask them some questions – so as to make your article more conversation oriented.

This helps to keep your readers more engaged – thus, increasing the average user time.

(vi) Interlinking

Lastly, you should interlink to other related articles on your website.

For example, let's say that, lm explaining about ranking on Google, l include a hyperlink like;

l have an article which explains how to rank higher on Google in great depth.

Or something like;

Related: How To Rank Higher On Google

By doing so, it allows me to transfer my readers to other pages on my site – which explains a particular topic in more depth.

Also, it helps a lot with SEO – since it shows Google that your site is not a 1 pager site – but rather, it is a multi-page site.

Thus, you should try by all means to interlink your articles where possible – since it helps a lot with SEO, as well as user experience.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since l tried by all means to break down some of the major components involved when writing a blog post.

Using these techniques, you can easily create awesome blog articles that are more interesting for your readers.

Now, keep in mind that your first few articles might suck – but it's pretty normal.

However, you'll get better with time i.e. repetition is the mother of skill.

Thus, go out there, start writing something – and you'll get better as time goes on.


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