Why Goal Setting Is Important In Life (7 Benefits)

Benefits Of Goal Setting

In this post, l will quickly share with you why goal setting is important in life – so that you can get inspired to start setting goals in every aspect of your life.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Importance Of Goal Setting

Without wasting much time, let me jump into more detail.

1. Goals Provides Clarity In Life

First and foremost, goals helps to provide clarity in life.

Once you write something down, it'll give you clarity on what you want to accomplish, how you want to accomplish it, and when to accomplish it.

This will force you to take action – which is tailored to move towards those goals.

The reason why most people fail to accomplish much in life is that, they don't have any clarity on what they want to accomplish in the first place.

For this reason, they spend most of their time toiling around – since they'll be lacking clarity.

But if you set & visualise your goals, you’ll have some clarity in life.

2. Goals Provide A Roadmap To Success

Once you set goals, you're forced to come up with some action plans (blueprints) on how you're going to work towards your goals.

For example, if you want to write a 250 page novel in a year, you'll be forced to break down your milestones e.g. 70 pages by month 3, 150 pages by month 6, etc.

And once you have a plan of action, you'll be guided in every step of the way – thus, keeping you on track.

3. Goals Facilitate Laser Focus

Another reason why goal setting is important is that, it forces you to stay laser focused.

When l started this blog, l set a goal of writing at least 250 posts within the first 12 months – and l did it!


Because l was laser focused whilst working towards that goal.

Whenever l felt lazy, l always reminded myself that l have some work to do – since l had set a goal for myself.

But if l had not set that goal, l would’ve easily lost focus – because there wouldn't be something to guide me throughout the entire process.

4. Goals Combat Procrastination

Goals also helps to overcome procrastination.

If you set a goal that is more specific, you'll be forced to work towards achieving it – even if you're not in the mood.

For example, if you want to loose a certain amount of weight by a certain date, you'll be forced to showup at the gym – because you'll be trying to reach your target.

However, if you don't have any written goal, you might waste time procrastinating i.e. ‘l will start going to the gym next month’ or ‘l will start eating healthy next year'.

And if you're not careful, you might keep postponing the task – but time will keep passing by.

5. Goals Keeps You Accountable

Another important thing about setting goals is that, they keep you accountable.

When you set goals, you'll be held accountable for your actions – since you'll be the one responsible for chasing those goals.

For example, if you plan to loose certain lbs by a certain date, you'll be held accountable to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal – and the results will all be on you.

6. Goals Keeps You Motivated

Goals also helps to keep you motivated.

For example, if your goal is making $10/month from your business, you'll be motivated to showup every single day – since you'll be exited to work towards attaining it.

Your goals will get you out of bed every morning even if you don't feel like working – because your mind will tell you that there's a great reward for you in the future.

Thus, if you want to stay motivated, then you should start setting specific goals.

7. Goals Forces You To Grow (Personal Development)

Last but not least, goals are key to personal development – since they forces you to grow.

The reason being that, your goals will comprise of things outside your comfort zone – thus, you'll be forced to acquire new skills and knowledge in order to accomplish them.

When l got into blogging, l didn't have any prior experience – since l didn't study anything related to this field.

But l set a goal for myself that, l want to create ‘one of the best blogs' on the internet – although l didn't have a clue on how l was gonna achieve it.

But when l came up with that goal, l was forced to learn how to create websites – so that l can be able to create this blog that you're currently reading.

I was forced to learn about digital marketing – so that l can create all the content that you're seeing on this blog.

I was forced to learn about affiliate marketing – so that l can monetize my content through affiliate partnerships.

But if l hadn't set this goal, l wouldn't know about all these things i.e. l would've just stayed in my comfort zone – with the same level of knowledge.

Thus, it's important to set goals for yourself – since they forces you to become a better person who's capable of achieving those goals.

Wrapping Up

So these are the main reasons why goal setting is important in life.

I highly urge you to start setting goals for yourself – since this allows you to achieve more out of life – compared to someone who’s just allowing life to take him/her in any direction.


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