5 Reasons Why You Should Read Books


Why bother reading books?๐Ÿค”

That's one of the most common questions that I hear a lot from most people.

But in this post, I'II quickly mention some of the reasons why it's important to read books.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Books Helps To Increase Your Knowledge

First and foremost, books helps to increase your knowledge, and let me tell you why;

There's a lot of people out there who're far smarter than you, and they share their knowledge through books.

Even some of the most successful people in the world shares their best secrets inside books โ€“ however, most people aren't willing to open these books & read.

But if you want to boost your knowledge, you gotta read books.

This helps you to gain new ideas which might be life changing for you โ€“ hence, allowing you to become wiser & smarter.

But if you don't wanna read, you'll remain stuck with the little knowledge that you have โ€“ which in most cases, isn't going to move your life that much.

2. Books Helps To Learn From Other People's Experiences

Do you know that you can learn from other people's experiences through reading books?

That's right!

Most people shares their stories through books โ€“ which is quite interesting.

You can learn from other people's mistakes โ€“ thus, allowing you to avoid those same pitfalls as well.

This saves you a lot of time that's required to do trial & error โ€“ since you can easily learn from other people's journeys.

3. Books Helps To Boost Your Creativity

You can also boost your creativity through reading โ€“ and let me tell you why;

Through reading, you're able to observe other people's writing styles โ€“ which you can adopt & use some of it in your own writings as well.

Also, your vocabulary can be boosted as well i.e. through learning about new words & phrases โ€“ rather than sticking to your ordinary basic vocabulary.

But more importantly, you can also find some interesting stories to borrow from these books, twerk them a little bit, then use them in your own works as well.

4. Books Helps To Inspire & Motivate You

Do you know that you can get some inspiration from reading other people's stories?

That's right!

You can get inspired & motivated to pursue your dreams if you read about other people's journeys.

For example, there's a point in time when l wasn't motivated to grind on this blog โ€“ coz l thought my conditions weren't favourable enough for this grind.

But after reading The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco, l discovered that his conditions were way worse than mine โ€“ but he still managed to find a way to become successful.

And after reading his story, l was like;

If he managed to do it in tougher conditions than mine, then I have no excuses (or whatsoever) of not succeeding as well.

5. Books Helps To Build Your Mental Muscle

In this age of the internet, our minds are constantly fed with toxic information i.e. through social media, gossip sites, fake news, etc.

And if you're not careful, these can damage your brain.

But if you're someone who constantly read books, you wont be affected by that negative garbage that always circulate all over the internet.

Because books helps to feed & strengthen your mind i.e. with the right kind of information that's good for your mental health.

Your mind is like a muscle that needs to be constantly built i.e. through reading.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why it's important to read books.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any additional points.


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